Why can not get pregnant - the reasons. What to do and how to check for infertility?

Many couples dream of replenishment in the family. But not everyone succeeds. Sometimes conception occurs after lengthy attempts. This is influenced by many factors. Consideration of the reasons why it is not possible to get pregnant will allow you to take appropriate measures to eliminate the problem. This issue is considered in more detail in the article.

dream of a child


In some, pregnancy is quick, although women may not plan it. And there are couples who want to give birth to a child for many years, but conception does not occur. The reasons why you cannot get pregnant are presented below:

  1. Reproductive system diseases. Problems with the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes affects the possibility of conception. For example, hormonal ailments cause a lack of ovulation. This means that the egg is not ripe for fertilization. Even from obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions appear that do not allow the appearance of pregnancy. These diseases include endometriosis, pelvic inflammation and other diseases. There are certain symptoms in these conditions. When they are identified, you need to consult a doctor.
  2. Men's health problems. This is a common reason why pregnancy does not occur. Many men go to the andrologist because of a decrease in sperm count or their activity. About 10-20% are not able to have children due to male infertility. But now there are special medicines that solve this problem.
  3. Age. Typically, in women, reproductive function decreases with age, so it is more difficult to get pregnant. After 35 years, there is a change in the hormonal background, a decrease in the frequency of ovulation, and the quality of the eggs.
  4. Intimacy on inappropriate days. This phrase is often found in women's forums. There are several days in a month when conception is maximally possible. This is the period attributable to ovulation. If intimacy occurs at another time, then it is possible that this will cause a lack of conception. The ovulation period can be determined independently.
  5. Overweight or underweight. This leads to impaired ovarian function. Sometimes you just need to lose or, on the contrary, gain weight in order to solve the problem. Kilograms should be monitored using body mass index. It is defined as the ratio of weight per square of height. If a value is obtained above 25 or below 20, then you need to think about losing weight or gaining mass.

Other reasons

Another problem is associated with the following factors:

  1. Lack of physical activity. This applies to moderate loads. Lack of movement, as well as excessive activity, reduces the chances of pregnancy.
  2. Chronic stress If a person experiences negative emotions, pregnancy may not occur for a while. The body does not have the strength to bear the baby, because they are spent on stress. You should learn to calm down, relax - and then fertility will increase markedly.
  3. Bad habits. This is another reason why you can not get pregnant. Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs have a negative effect on the body, including reproductive function. The formation of sex hormones is impaired, the quality of the egg is reduced, which leads to problems with conception.
  4. Psychological factors. On forums you can often find phrases such as: "I want to get pregnant, but I can not." Many women are subconsciously not ready for this. Psychologists attribute the absence of pregnancy to psychological blockage. Sometimes a strong loop interferes with conception.
  5. Genital cell conflict is a serious problem. In this case, it is not possible to become pregnant in absolutely healthy women. At the same time, their partners do not complain about health. Such incompatibility is not uncommon.

These are all reasons why you can’t get pregnant. In this situation, it is important to remain calm. But do not ignore the problem. If there are ailments, they should be treated on time. Tips for getting pregnant if you can't, help solve the problem.

Checking men

why pregnancy does not occur

Diagnosis of male infertility is easier and faster. Therefore, it is usually performed first. How to check for infertility to a man? It will take a medical history, identification of hereditary factors, past illnesses, the impact of negative aspects. Then various analyzes and studies are carried out:

  1. Spermogram. She estimates the quantity and quality of sperm. She is handed over before research. Before this, it is important to refrain from sexual intimacy, smoking, intake, alcohol and medication.
  2. MAR test. It is carried out in parallel with a spermogram. The study reveals an autoimmune pathology. The test is carried out by examining cervical mucus or blood, which is checked for sperm antigens.
  3. Ultrasound scrotum. Help identify the pathology of the genital organs.
  4. A blood test for sexually transmitted infections.

This list of procedures is mandatory if you want to identify the reason for the absence of children. Often the problem is male infertility.

Women check

why can't i get pregnant

How to check a woman for infertility? An examination is performed, starting with a gynecological examination, in which the doctor takes a smear from the cervical mucosa. An ultrasound examination of the genitals is also performed and a blood test is taken.

With ultrasound, the structure of the uterus, the absence of its congenital pathologies, which interfere with the fixation of the zygote and the development of the fetus, are taken into account. Another doctor checks for adhesions in the fallopian tubes. Specific studies are as follows:

  1. Measurement of basal temperature. If it does not increase, then this means that ovulation does not occur.
  2. Blood test for hormones. It is prescribed after analyzing the temperature map, especially if there is no peak in the temperature rise in it.
  3. Hysterosalpingography. This concept means performing an x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes by introducing a contrast medium. With such a study, it will be possible to determine obstruction of the tubes or pathology of the uterus.
  4. Laparoscopy. This procedure can be diagnostic and therapeutic. To do this, perform a small cavity incision through which a laparoscope is inserted. The method is great for identifying various ailments, especially endometriosis.

Research and analysis are performed in medical facilities. Some spend in ordinary clinics. And there are procedures that are performed only in specialized hospitals and centers.

If you want to give birth to your child, you should check the health of both partners. And only on the basis of the analysis does the doctor prescribe further therapy.


poses for conception

If a year fails to get pregnant, what should I do? It is necessary to turn to specialists to exclude pathologies on both sides, chronic ailments that have a depressing effect on reproductive function. It is also required to check for infectious ailments.

The secrets to getting pregnant are:

  1. It is necessary to calculate the days of ovulation, after which you can deal with the issue of childbirth in a favorable period. This calculation is performed by the usual ovulation test, which is in every pharmacy.
  2. You should adjust your diet. This is the answer to the question of how to improve the quality of the egg. The body of a woman should be saturated with vitamins E, C, folic acid. The components are needed for ovarian function and sexual function improvement. This also applies to men. Therefore, the diet should include greens, vegetables, cereals, oils saturated with folic acid, as well as nuts, cottage cheese, fish. But you need to exclude sweets, flour, canned food. Still need to reduce the consumption of coffee and caffeinated drinks.
  3. You need to choose the right posture for conceiving a child. It is advisable that the hips of the woman be slightly raised. It is necessary to relax after intercourse and lie down for at least 10-15 minutes. There is no consensus on the posture for conceiving a child. But it is believed that you should not rush into the shower, and you should not make unnecessary movements so that the seminal fluid is not removed.
  4. How to improve the quality of the egg? To do this, normalize your lifestyle. You should abandon bad habits, you need to be more often in the fresh air and get enough sleep.
  5. It is important to limit your medication. Antibiotics and analgesics do not allow the egg to mature. Do not use lubricants during intercourse, as they lower the quality of sperm.
  6. It is necessary to eliminate psychological problems. This can be done on their own or thanks to a psychologist. Since all psychological problems interfere with achieving the desired.

That is why many women cannot become pregnant (the reasons are described above).

In addition, often couples do not want to visit a doctor. Some are embarrassed to talk about their problem, while others are afraid to learn about a disappointing diagnosis. But to eliminate all doubts will allow a full examination. Even if all these methods do not help, you can turn to the IVF center or to the services of a surrogate mother.


The problems that lead to infertility are solved by traditional medicine. Doctors offer several methods:

  1. Hormonal drugs. Often pregnancy does not occur due to hormonal failure. The specialist will select a set of medicines that will eliminate the problem, which will positively affect the possibility of conception.
  2. Surgical intervention. If there are pathological processes in the reproductive system, then treatment is required as early as possible, affecting the patency of the tubes and the ability of the uterus to bear the baby. If hormonal and medicinal products have not led to positive results, then an operation to excise adhesions and other formations is prescribed.
  3. ECO. In vitro fertilization is perfect for women who have not been helped by previous methods of treatment. It is expensive, but the likelihood of pregnancy is much higher.

Folk methods

There are many remedies that help you get pregnant quickly. But doctors do not advise using them without special need and consultation. Some can be not only ineffective, but also harm a woman. The neutral ways to accelerate conception are as follows:

  1. Positive attitude. When a woman is happy and happy, the probability of pregnancy increases. Since depression and stress negatively affect the body, conception, if any, may not occur.
  2. Phase of the moon. It happens that a positive period for conception is the lunar cycle in which a woman was born.
  3. Herbal decoctions. Useful sage. It will take 1 tsp. dry flower, which is poured with hot water (1 cup). Tea should be taken a couple of weeks. Such a tool also positively affects the immunity of a woman.


It is especially important for women to prepare for motherhood. The main factor is proper nutrition. But the future father should also change the diet, using natural products. Now many products are sold with flavorings, emulsifiers, sweeteners, preservatives and other chemical components. Some substances are harmful to the body, and also lead to infertility. Many of them negatively affect male sperm. But women also should not eat such products.

When planning pregnancy, different vitamins should be included in the diet. This should be done 3-4 months before conception. Vitamins are especially valuable for women who are planning a pregnancy for winter or spring. During preparation for pregnancy, various infections that are sexually transmitted should be cured.

It is necessary to eliminate stress. Under these conditions, corticosteroid hormones are produced. They will not only cause various ailments, but will negatively affect the likelihood of conception.

how to improve egg quality

Moral training

A woman should approach the issue of childbearing consciously. The emotional state is important, including during conception. Before that, you need to reduce stress.

Harmonization of the internal state has a positive effect not only on the possibility of conception, but also on the health of the mother and child. Moral preparation is also needed for the future father. He must take care of the spouse and treat her carefully.

Physical training

Even before pregnancy, normalization of body weight, increased muscle tone and weight balancing are required. You need to eat vegetables, fruits, seafood. Before conception and during pregnancy, you should not drink alcohol and smoke.

Physical preparation consists of classes in the gym, swimming, or attending a dance school. You can also walk for a long time in the park. Fresh air is good. In the morning you need to do gymnastics for 15-20 minutes. Using on-site walking, squats, bending and other simple exercises, you can prepare your body for pregnancy.

Secrets to Getting Pregnant

What are they taking?

Often pregnancy does not occur with a low level of the hormone progesterone. In this case, the doctor may prescribe Duphaston. Compared to progesterone injections, this drug is available in tablet form. Its reception does not lead to complications, which are sometimes observed when taking hormones.

With difficulties with conception, experts prescribe funds that stimulate ovulation. This is Klostilbegit, Puregon, and Rotten. After taking them, ovulation occurs within 24-36 hours. You can use such medications under the supervision of a doctor and only on his recommendation.


To become pregnant, a woman needs to take the following vitamins:

  1. Folic acid is necessary for the proper development of the child’s nervous system. It acts from the first days of pregnancy.
  2. Tocopherol allows a fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterus.
  3. Vitamin B is needed for protein synthesis, muscle and bone tissue growth. Its lack leads to severe toxicosis.
  4. Vitamins A, C, D are necessary for the proper formation of tissues and maintain immunity. But excess is so dangerous that a lack of these vitamins is better than an overabundance of them. It causes many serious complications.

During pregnancy planning, vitamins should not be selected separately. Only a complex of vitamins is effective. There are special funds that are taken before the conception of a child, a doctor will inform you about them.

In addition to vitamins, a woman with food should receive substances such as zinc, selenium, and magnesium. If you can’t eat foods rich in them, you can buy dietary supplements or vitamin complexes at the pharmacy.

tips on how to get pregnant if you can't

What to accept to the man?

For men, there are also suitable means that will allow his woman to become pregnant:

  1. Folic acid should be taken for men. Vitamin B9 is prescribed at 400 mcg. Lack of this component increases the number of poor quality sperm.
  2. Tocopherol is also required. This is Vitamin E, which is necessary for normal testosterone levels and stimulation of sperm synthesis.
  3. Sperm quality also depends on vitamin B6. Pyridoxine is found in meat products, bananas and nuts.
  4. All of these vitamins are taken separately or in combination. There is on sale "Alphabet for men", "Viardo forte", "Duovit for men."
  5. Antibiotics, hormonal steroids, and asthma and allergy medications negatively affect sperm quality.

Thus, there are many reasons for the absence of pregnancy. In any case, do not despair. Now there are many effective methods that solve this problem.

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