When can I put a child in a walker and is it necessary to do this?

To the question of when it is possible to put a child on a walker, experts definitely do not answer. Among pediatricians and orthopedists there are both zealous opponents of this device, and defenders who do not see much harm in it. Therefore, young parents should be guided by their own opinion, which must be drawn up based on the recommendations of specialists.

when can I put a child in a walker

When a child turns 6 months old, and sometimes even earlier, he begins to actively move, learning the world around him in all available ways. Some babies are crawling, others are already trying to get up, leaning on the railing of the crib or playpen. At this time, children need constant monitoring, as they are not yet familiar with the dangers that surround them. In a large apartment, it’s quite difficult to always keep the baby in sight, especially if the mother needs to do household chores.

This is where the walkers can come to the rescue. Reviews of more experienced parents recommend the device as quite convenient so that the woman can free her hands, but at the same time be next to the child. In addition, they delight most babies.

at what age can a child be put on a walker

However, let us return to the question of at what age a child can be put on a walker. It is too early to do this, even if the baby has already begun to show interest in them. This is because the skeleton of the child is still in the process of formation, and too much stress can lead to spinal deformity. There are many opinions about the time when you can put a child on a walker, but most people think that this can only be done after the baby begins to stand on his own.

However, there are contraindications to the use of this device, and regardless of age. You should not wait when you can put a child in a walker for mothers whose children have an increased tone of their leg muscles. In this case, the device is strictly contraindicated. In addition, walkers are not recommended for babies who do not fully stand on their feet, but walk on tiptoe. Contraindications are also signs of rickets and disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

walkers reviews

What are the advantages of a walker? Firstly, of course, this is a great independence of the child. Secondly, and most importantly, the strengthening of the leg muscles. Parents are likely to see for themselves when it is possible to put the child on a walker, but do not rush this event too much.

Some believe that the device will help the baby learn to walk earlier. It is a myth. Moreover, experts noticed that children who were too often in walkers take their first steps a little later than their peers. If the home has a small area and narrow doorways, there is a risk that the kids will get stuck or stumble on furniture.

In addition to what you need to know about when you can put a child on a walker, you must also take into account that you can not leave children in them for a long time. The maximum time that experts recommend that children spend in this kind of simulator is 10-20 minutes in a row. If you abuse the walker, it is possible to harm the child. With proper use, the device can become a good helper for young parents, and for the baby - a source of pleasure and joy.

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