One way to treat a sore throat is a spray. But the child at the sight of him begins to protest and refuses to use it. It is necessary to treat the throat, and that means that it is time to understand how to teach a child to gargle on his own.
It is better to start training when the child is completely healthy. A sick child will be capricious and refuse to learn this skill. Training is best done in a playful way.
Why does the child need this?
The most common procedure for the prevention and treatment of colds of the larynx is rinsing. Also, this procedure is a good prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, inflammation of the larynx, helps with complications of respiratory diseases. When rinsing, the nasopharynx mucosa is cleaned of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, pus, and sputum. A dry throat is hydrated.
When to gargle?
In diseases caused by bacteria (for example, tonsillitis), gargling is necessary to prevent complications, this method will not work out to cure this kind of disease. The procedure will have a beneficial local effect, moisturize the throat and rinse off germs and excess secretions, and reduce pain.
If the throat hurts, pharmacy herbal infusions, saline (sea salt can be used) will help, the “grandmother’s recipe” - gargle with soda. The procedure is useful if the voice has sat down, the patient is sick or completely lost his voice.
When coughing, rinsing is ineffective. Drugs will help, the purpose of which depends on the nature of the disease that has arisen.
What can gargle with children?
How to teach a child to gargle with pain with the right solution, if it hurts to swallow and is it associated with an acute respiratory illness? The best solution is saline. It is simple to prepare: add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water.
Often there is a recipe with the addition of iodine. Doing so is not recommended, since prolonged exposure to iodine leads to burns. The laryngeal mucosa is already inflamed. Iodine has the property of being absorbed into the skin, and an overdose of this agent may occur. There are pharmacy products based on iodine. For example, Yoks and Iodinol. Medicines, which include iodine, disinfect the mucosa, have antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Apply these funds to children from 5 years.
With bacterial tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other diseases, they use antiseptic solutions. They are used both as monotherapy, and in combination with rinsing with saline.
Rinse medicines
Often used for children "Miramistin" and "Chlorhexidine." The latter is used in a ratio of one to two. Doctors also recommend Tantum Verde and Hexoral. Moreover, Miramistin and Tantum Verde are used for washing the mucosa of infants. A syringe is used for this. Before use, you need to read the instructions, study at what age you can use the product and in what quantity, to understand how to properly gargle for children, depending on age. Do not forget about contraindications.
Rinsing with Furacelin solution is common. Use 2-3 tablets per glass of warm boiled water. If necessary, the solution should be filtered.
In case of laryngeal disease, do not use alcohol-based solutions. It dries the already dry mucous membranes, which threatens with complications of the disease.
Is it worth using herbs?
Pharmaceutical herbs are recommended for rinsing, if the child does not have an allergic reaction. It is forbidden to use if the throat is sore due to allergic reactions. Sage is often used for these purposes. Brew 2 tsp. sage in a glass of water for 15 minutes. After strain. Gargle a child with this infusion 3 times a day.
For rinsing, infusion of chamomile and thyme is also used. These herbs have an antiseptic effect and disinfect the mucous membrane of the larynx.
There are also honey rinses, they should be used in the absence of a child’s allergy to honey, and preferably after three years. How to gargle with propolis baby? In a glass of water, dilute 2 tsp. shredded propolis. Place it in a water bath and warm, without boiling, stir for 15 minutes. After filtering and gargling with a warm solution after eating.
Learning technique
It is important to start learning when the baby is completely healthy. For exercise, it is better to use plain water. Conduct classes in a playful way, the child will have fun from the sounds that are obtained by rinsing.
It is more effective to start learning when the child already understands the meaning of the words that are spoken to him, since there is a lot to explain. Therefore, the question of how to teach a child to gargle arises at 3 years or older. In preparation for classes, you can use the pear for douching. Take the baby in his arms so that his head is slightly turned to the side. Pour warm boiled water into a pear and sprinkle on the child's throat and tonsils. Thus, he will understand where the water should go and that nothing bad will happen if it gets there. If this procedure causes a gag reflex in a child or he is frightened, it means that it is not yet time and training should begin later.
If the training was successful, you can continue training. Demonstrate how to gargle on yourself, the child will be interested, and he will want to repeat. Do not focus on the fact that the procedure is medical, children do not like to be treated.
The basic rules of how to teach a child to gargle on their own:
1. One rinse cycle should not be more than 30 seconds.
2. At first it is better to pronounce the sound “s-s” when the water is already in the mouth. So the base of the tongue will interfere less.
3. At the beginning of training, do not use medicinal or disinfectant solutions.
4. The intensity and volume during rinsing should increase gradually. Initially, the exercises should be quiet and calm.
How to teach?
It is best to start teaching a child how to gargle at 3 years. But you can try before. First, ask the baby to draw water in his mouth and not swallow it, but spit it out. To do this, it is better to use plain water, juice or tea makes you want to swallow it. You can prepare a weak saline solution or brew chamomile tea, then the drink will get a bitter taste.
Next, show the child how to roll water from one cheek to another. From the first time it may not work, so for now just ask to hold water in your mouth. Thus, you need to engage in several days, so that it turns out well and the baby does not swallow water. You can combine learning with brushing your teeth.
The next stage of training: the child needs to get about a sip of water in his mouth. With your head bowed, try to utter the sound "Aaaa." Show the whole process on yourself, so the baby will join the game and it may seem funny to him. Pull along with the child, and he will happily repeat after you.
If you conduct classes with the child gradually and in a playful way, then he will quickly learn to gargle. This activity is fun and does not require much effort. Organize competitions, who will pronounce more words with water in the mouth. Be sure to show yourself how to rinse, and the child will be happy to repeat. It is possible to harden the throat. To do this, you need water with a temperature of 40 degrees. Slowly lower the temperature by 1 degree per session. Thus, the child's throat will strengthen and become less susceptible to colds.