Nasal drops for pregnant women: list of approved drugs

Each woman, being in an interesting position, is most vulnerable to the effects of many external factors. Therefore, in this crucial period, you must carefully monitor your body and try not to get sick. However, it is impossible to completely avoid the appearance of the common cold, and often among expectant mothers you can meet most women with a stuffy nose. In this case, drops in the nose for pregnant women help well.

Nasal drops for pregnant women

There is only one caveat: the whole complexity of the situation lies in the fact that if any disease occurs during the gestation of a child, most medications are prohibited. This is due to the fact that all active substances that fight the infection enter the bloodstream, and for the baby they may be undesirable or even fatal. For this reason, any medication is prohibited.

In this regard, many pharmaceutical specialists have a difficult task to create such drugs that during treatment of the disease will not have any effect on the development of the fetus.

There must be a reason

Absolutely everyone faced a runny nose, regardless of gender. In addition, for many of us it is something familiar and unlikely to cause concern. But this approach is wrong, especially for expectant mothers. The body of any pregnant woman almost constantly works in conditions of increased stress. A logical question may arise: which drops in the nose of pregnant women to use, and which - not? Do not rush!

Due to the high load on the body (again, it all depends on individual characteristics), the immune system may fail sooner or later. Then some chronic diseases can be activated, and viruses and even more so are waiting to start their attack. The occurrence of a runny nose is not excluded. Thanks to breathing, both mother and her baby receive the necessary portion of oxygen, which is very important for a favorable metabolic rate. And from this, in turn, the full development of both organisms depends.

Nasal congestion during pregnancy

But what can cause rhinitis (in the people - just a runny nose) in pregnant women? There are reasons for this:

  • Hormonal adjustment. In a woman during this most interesting period, an active change in the hormonal background occurs, and throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In this case, rhinitis can lead to swelling of the nasal mucosa. Any inflammation does not occur, which is already good. In some cases, this condition may appear from the moment of conception and continue until the birth itself.
  • Allergic reaction. As a rule, many women are well aware of what exactly causes their allergies: pollen, some products, animal hair, medications (including drops in the nose for pregnant women). However, during pregnancy, the onset of allergies to what used to be familiar and did not cause such reactions is not excluded.
  • Viral and bacterial attack. Due to the fact that the immunity of the female body is weakened, microorganisms do not miss their opportunity. As a result, there are diseases accompanied by a runny nose. Moreover, a feeling of nasal congestion can occur in different forms.

In addition, it is believed that the cause of the common cold can be polyps, inflammation of the tonsils and a number of other factors. Since a runny nose can be caused by various reasons, as a result, any pregnant woman should refrain from self-medication, and consult a specialist. The doctor will diagnose and, if necessary, prescribe an effective treatment. It is worth remembering that the decision about which drops in the nose can be pregnant and which drops not should be made only by a specialist!

What could be the danger?

When air is inhaled through the mouth, it does not warm up, does not moisturize, and in addition does not undergo proper purification. The body as a whole does not benefit from this, especially during epidemics or at low temperatures. But what kind of threat exists and for whom exactly? For the most part, this applies to the child, because due to the difficulty in breathing the mother, the process of oxygen intake worsens. This not only leads to discomfort, but also affects the development of the fetus. In later pregnancy, the baby begins to move too actively, thereby informing the mother of poor health.

Runny nose

A runny nose can manifest itself in different ways, and depending on this, one or another method of treatment is used. The forms of rhinitis are as follows:

  • Acute.
  • Chronic.
  • Allergic.
  • Vasomotor.

The acute form is caused by rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza pathogens, or cocci. It all starts with the fact that dryness and stuffiness appear in the nose. Subsequently, a phase occurs in which breathing is sharply disturbed, which is accompanied by sneezing, lacrimation and profuse discharge from the nose. After a week, the symptoms begin to subside, the discharge decreases, and then completely disappear. Is it worth recalling that the decision on which nasal drops are suitable for pregnant women and which are not, is made only by the doctor? If the disease is not treated at all, then it inevitably passes into the chronic stage.

The chronic form of rhinitis occurs due to previous diseases of the nasopharynx and due to a decrease in immunity. Its characteristic signs are uniform swelling of the mucous membrane and swelling of the nose, which causes respiratory failure through the nose and mucous discharge. Often reduced sense of smell.

Allergic rhinitis in pregnant women

The allergic form also has another name - hay fever, which occurs after interaction with an allergen. As for time, it can take several minutes or hours. Its signs are sneezing, the appearance of copious secretions of clear liquid mucus, itching, which occurs not only in the nasal passage, but also in the throat, as well as in the eyes. After an hour, a cough occurs, which is quite prolonged, sniffling, nasal congestion and, in addition, the sense of smell is disturbed. After interruption of contact with the allergen, all symptoms disappear after 10 days. What nasal drops can pregnant women with such a disease? Usually, doctors prescribe Nazaval or Cromohexal.

In the case of vasomotor rhinitis, the nasal mucosa inadequately responds to irritants. This phenomenon has another name - "pregnant rhinitis." It manifests itself paroxysmally and mainly in the morning, which is accompanied by itching, sneezing, congestion, the mucous membrane turns blue. In between attacks, headache, tachycardia, fatigue appear.

The treatment in each case is different, and if the viral form of rhinitis is left untreated, the disease begins to progress. In other cases, due to respiratory failure in a child, oxygen starvation occurs, which, as you know, is very harmful for its development.

The psychological state of the mother is also important, since discomfort from a runny nose threatens her with lack of sleep and nervousness. However, the consequences of improper treatment are the greatest threats. So can pregnant women drip drops in their nose or not? The answer is unequivocal - of course, yes, only you need to make the right choice, which is impossible without a doctor.


What do we do when we get a runny nose? We go to the doctor for the sick leave. Many modern people take advantage of the fact that the test of time has passed. That is, they choose drops like "Nazivin" or "Nazola". For most women, this is a sure remedy - just accept it, and you can safely go to work. Nevertheless, with the onset of pregnancy, it is better to abstain from such drugs.

Vasoconstrictor drugs can affect nasal adrenergic receptors, resulting in narrowing of blood vessels. As a result, the discharge stops, swelling disappears. On the one hand, the benefits are significant, but on the other, there is an extremely undesirable side effect, which is getting used to the drug. This is manifested in the following form: the mucosa, after the drug’s time has expired, begins to swell again until the next dose of the drug is received.

Runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy

In addition, with unreasonable intake of these drugs, there may be other consequences:

  • Tachycardia.
  • Hypoxia of the fetus, which, in turn, causes various pathologies in development.
  • The appearance of headaches.
  • Pressure increase.

In this regard, vasoconstrictor drops in the nose for pregnant women are contraindicated. In addition, the active substances that are part of all such drugs act not only locally, but also on the whole organism. This jeopardizes the development of the placenta and, in fact, the child himself. If necessary, use these funds carefully and under vigilant supervision by a doctor.

The first trimester is the most important

The first three months of pregnancy are considered the most important, since during this period the laying and the beginning of the formation of all internal organs and systems of the fetus take place. For this reason, expectant mothers are strongly discouraged from interfering in this process in any way. If a runny nose caught a girl in this very crucial stage on her life path, you can use the allowed means.

Many doctors advise the following drops in the nose for pregnant women in the first trimester:

  • "Aqualor".
  • "Salin."
  • "Allergol."
  • Dolphin.

Due to the fact that they are safe, drugs are recommended for use without the appointment of a doctor. With the help of these funds, mucus in the sinuses is diluted, which allows it to be easily excreted. And due to the mineral composition, the drops have a beneficial effect on the epithelium of the nasal mucosa.

In the presence of a cold, it is allowed to use homeopathic medicines, which are not only highly effective, but also completely safe. The most effective tools are Edas-131 and Euphorbium Compositum. They contain plant components, due to which puffiness is relieved, inflammation is eliminated, and the nasal passages are cleaned.

What drops in the nose can pregnant women drip: a list of effective remedies

But then what can pregnant women use to effectively combat an annoying runny nose? The list of approved drugs includes seawater products. Such a medicine normalizes the function of the nasal mucosa, and its regular use contributes to the easy withdrawal of mucous secretions.

First trimester

The trace elements that are contained in such drops have an antibacterial effect. Due to this, such drugs can be used not only in treatment, but also during prevention. List of medicines with sea water:

  • Humer.
  • "Physiomer."
  • "Sialor Aqua".
  • Marimer
  • Quicks.
  • "Aqua Maris".

The funds listed do not have contraindications for pregnant women, so expectant mothers have nothing to worry about. To treat rhinitis, it is necessary to inject medicine into both nostrils every day at least 8 times a day. The course of treatment is one month.

Plant base

And what drops can pregnant women with nasal congestion? In addition to these drugs, plant-based products are allowed to be used. These include:

  • "Prevalin".
  • Eucacept.
  • Sinuforte.
  • "Pinosol".
  • Pinovit.

They contain useful herbs, such as mint or eucalyptus, and also contain extracts of conifers (pine). Only during the use of the medicine should be careful to avoid allergic reactions. Depending on the specific composition, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, helps to eliminate swelling of the mucosa and liquefy nasal secretions. Among all the preparations, Dolphin can be especially distinguished, which, in addition to plant components, also contains salts. It is recommended to use it regardless of the form of rhinitis.

Is it possible for pregnant women to drip drops in their nose, or the question of taking homeopathic remedies

As for homeopathic remedies, doctors also recommend them for use by women during pregnancy. They include plant and mineral components. These include nasal sprays "Delufen" and "Euphorbium compositum." Moreover, the latter is the best option, according to most experts. This medicine has a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, which allows it to effectively eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis, especially of an allergic nature.

Spray Aqua Maris for pregnant women

The therapeutic effect of Euphorbium takes effect in a few days, and the effect will be preserved for a long time. In addition, it can be combined with other medications.

Ointments for the common cold

Not only drops in the nose for pregnant women with nasal congestion are distinguished by good efficiency. Some ointments, which include menthol, mint and eucalyptus, will also help to successfully fight a runny nose. The well-known tool "Asterisk" copes well with the elimination of nasal congestion. Other analogues have a similar effect: "Doctor Mom", "Evamenol". It is also fashionable to consider Fleming Ointment, which refers to homeopathic medicines, to be a good tool. For treatment, you need to lubricate each of the nostrils 3 times a day. However, if the disease does not go away, then such funds do not help anymore - you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. He must prescribe a different course of treatment.

List of Prohibited Drugs

The therapeutic effect of most drugs is based on the fact that the active substances penetrate the blood of a person during the treatment of many diseases, including a runny nose. Can pregnant women have nose drops of this kind? In no case! These include those drugs, which include the following active substances:

  • ephedrine;
  • oxamethasone;
  • phenylephrine;
  • phenylpropanolamine;
  • pseudoephedrine;
  • xylometazoline.

The ban on the funds listed is due to the fact that the development of certain organs of the fetus is impaired. That is, the risk of abnormalities in the limbs, hearing, digestive tract, heart. If any of the listed components is present in the drops, it is impossible to use it for the treatment of the common cold.

What drops can pregnant

The specific list of prohibited items is as follows:

  • "Vibrocil."
  • "Nazol."
  • "Fazin".
  • "Farial."
  • Forvex Spray.
  • "For".
  • Otrivin.
  • Snoop.
  • "Rinonorm."
  • "Rinotayss".
  • "Tizin Xilo."
  • Xymelin Extra.

Moreover, the ban on the use of these drops in the nose for pregnant women applies to the entire period of gestation, and not only in the first three months. In some drugs, the active substance does not penetrate the blood, but expectant mothers are still not recommended to use them. This is clearly stated in the instructions.


Regardless of which method of treatment is chosen, a woman can slightly alleviate her condition by changing her posture during sleep. For example, from a recumbent to semi-sitting position. It is advisable before going to bed, ventilating the room or taking a short walk in the fresh air. It is also necessary to maintain an optimum level of humidity in the home, for which you may need to purchase the right device. Warm baths, which help many people from a cold, should not be used by pregnant women, especially during the first trimester.

Every mother needs to know that now additional responsibility falls on her shoulders, and whatever decision she makes, this also affects the child whom she carries under her heart. And first of all it concerns the choice of nose drops for pregnant women from a cold.

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