We all know that in most newborns, the color of the eyes immediately after birth is blue. However, already about a month after birth, he gradually begins to change. For many babies, this can happen already on the 10th day, but also for some, the process can take up to 6 months. Depending on the genes laid down by the parents. Immediately after birth, the eyes of the children may be red, but this should not be scared. This effect is due to hemorrhages of bursting vessels in the process of labor. This symptom does not need special treatment and within 2-4 weeks it will pass by itself, you will not pay your attention how. Next, let's talk about what normal discharge from the eyes of newborns is and when their color and texture change.
What discharge is normal?
After his birth, the child encounters a new unknown world in which everything for him is unfamiliar, alien. Due to his age, he is not ready for some difficulties and realities. Any infectious disease that is not dangerous for an adult can cause a serious illness in a child's first days of life. Fortunately, many diseases pass without a trace, as there is an opportunity to successfully cure them. Unfortunately, children in their first years of life cannot say what specifically concerns them. That is why young parents need to pay special attention to the behavior of the child. If the baby begins to rub his eyes often, then this is a reason to beware.
At 1.5-2 months, in exceptional cases at 4, tears begin to stand out in infants.
What are tears for?
Even from school, it is known that a tear washes an eyeball, thus preventing it from drying out and protecting it from various bacteria and harmful viruses. The discharge that we see almost every morning in the corners of the eyes is accumulated tears. If the lacrimal canal works normally, then it has good patency and does not interfere with the fluid path. However, if it is still closed, then we see how the tears accumulate and overflow over the edge of the lower eyelid, they no longer have a bactericidal function, the eyes become inflamed and redden, and after this the process of suppuration begins.
With the appearance of tears in a newborn, stagnation in the lacrimal-nasal canal can begin. In 5% of 100% in children, this channel is closed. However, under the influence of a child’s tear, this “cork” dissolves on its own during the first days of a child’s life and does not prevent tear production.
Pathological discharge
Parents are worried if their newborn baby has an incomprehensible discharge from the eye. The main thing here is to find out their root cause. There may be a small number of reasons for such discharge, however, it is necessary to take this symptom very, very seriously and consult a doctor in time. The very first and most necessary thing that you can do if you find any discharge from the child’s eyes is to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist so that he can directly make the correct diagnosis and you can start the right treatment.
Excretion from the eyes of a newborn is classified according to the types listed below.
Allergic reaction
If the discharge from the newborn’s eyes is white, transparent or whitish and very similar to the baby’s tears, this may be a symptom of an allergic reaction. In addition, redness and swelling, irritation of the mucous membrane and severe intolerable itching may be present. However, if such “tears” are not removed, then they tend to dry out and turn into thin flaky films. Medication for these symptoms is vital! Parents should make an appointment with the doctor immediately. The doctor will identify the root cause, that is, the allergen to which the reaction occurred, and prescribe the treatment you need, the basis of which will be protecting the child from the pathogen of allergies, and it will be necessary to take a course of antihistamines.
If purulent discharge from the eyes of a newborn baby has appeared, then this is most likely conjunctivitis. Unfortunately, little children often get sick. It is bacterial and viral. In order to start treatment, there is a need to undergo analysis and identify the cause of its origin. Often, with conjunctivitis of a bacterial nature, children's ophthalmologists first prescribe a washing for a sick child, however, if this method does not help, then antibiotics are prescribed.
Antiviral drugs are prescribed to combat viral conjunctivitis.
If parents found green or yellow discharge from the eyes of newborns, then perhaps this may be a symptom of the onset of purulent conjunctivitis or even dacryocystitis. The last pathology is inflammation or a complete blockage of the lacrimal tubule and sac.
If dacryocystitis is detected to help a sick child, a lacrimal-tubule tubule is first massaged, which helps to open it. However, if the situation has not changed before the child is six months old, often an operative procedure is required to open the canal, during which, if there is an urgent need, doctors use general anesthesia.
In some cases, yellow discharge from the eyes of newborns does not stop even after surgery. If this still happened, you will also need additional antibiotic drug treatment. This disease may have a protracted acute chronic form. That is why it is necessary that the treatment is supervised by a professional.
If crusts or scales are found in the eyes of a newborn child, adults should immediately turn their attention to this and not ignore this symptom of the disease. Perhaps this is a symptom of blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids). This childhood illness is characterized by a chronic course. Blepharitis is a disease that, under the conditions of home treatment, is practically not treatable in chronic neglected conditions. There is no need to harbor the unreasonable hope that you can do it yourself at home. If you notice blepharitis symptoms in your child, you need to urgently consult a doctor and start drug therapy and in no case do dangerous self-medication.
Any incomprehensible adult discharge from your child’s eyes can be one of the very dangerous symptoms. That is why for all informed parents, the importance of a quick reaction and a timely visit to the doctor is emphasized. After all, this is the health of your child, which you can’t buy for any money. Only your attentiveness as a mom or dad can save the baby from many complications when he grows up.
The cause of the discharge in a child
What can be the reasons that can affect the occurrence of discharge from the eyes in children? Let's figure it out.
- The first and very important reason is the infection of the child in the womb or during passage through the birth canal. The most common infectious eye diseases in children of the first days of life are blepharitis and purulent conjunctivitis.
- Gross non-compliance with hygiene rules in the hospital or after discharge at home. Contact with patients. Physical injuries.
- Symptom of concomitant disease. In young children, any disease can be accompanied by inflammation of the eye and various secretions. A separate point should be noted that this may be a symptom that accompanies any other infectious disease, for example, diphtheria.
- Also, eye discharge may be caused by an allergy of an unknown cause. That is why it is worth emphasizing once again the importance of timely access to a pediatric ophthalmologist.
- The next reason has already been described above - obstruction of the lacrimal canal, hence the presence of dacryocystitis. Sometimes, to get the desired positive effect, a gentle massage and medications prescribed by a doctor are enough. However, this, unfortunately, does not help everyone and has to allow surgical intervention.
- Separately, it is worth noting pathological disorders in the lacrimal canal, physiological abnormalities, the presence of malignant and benign cysts and tumors, malignant pituitary tumors, and pathologies of the nervous system.
- This item can be associated with human negligence or non-observance of the rules of simple hygiene. Sometimes a foreign body (eyelash, speck, lint, midge, etc.) may enter the child’s eye. Thus, an infection is introduced, a gross mechanical damage to the mucosa occurs, and the inflammatory process begins.
If a child has a foreign body in his eye, and if inflammation has already begun, the removal of the item should be entrusted to a qualified doctor.
Memo for parents of a newborn baby:
- In order to monitor the condition of the eyes of the newborn and monitor the proper development of the organs of vision, it is important to visit a pediatric ophthalmologist.
- The very first visit should occur no later than 1 month after birth. At this time, the doctor can determine the ability of the child to see, evaluate the formation of the eyelids, patency of the lacrimal canal, mobility and transparency of the eyes.
- A visit to a doctor at 6 months will help determine the condition of the retina and the possibility of refraction.
- At 1 year, you can determine the presence or absence of strabismus.
- At 3 years old, when a little man is already acquiring speaking skills, it is possible to determine visual acuity.
How to prevent the disease?
To prevent diseases of the organs of vision of the newborn, or if your child is already unwell, it is necessary to ensure a high level of hygiene. As for baby bedding, pillowcases need to be changed daily. Under the head of newborns, it is necessary to put a thin cotton diaper well-ironed with an iron. The eyes themselves must be washed with the frequency that the pediatrician prescribed you. Stick to all doctor's recommendations. In order for the child to not rub his eyes once again, he needs to put on special handles ironed cotton mittens.
Eye wash
How to handle eye discharge in a newborn? Komarovsky advises paying attention to the following. After a night's sleep, the cilia in a small child usually stick together, and he experiences difficulties, cannot open his eyes. It is recommended to prepare a special eye wash liquid before waking the baby up. Existing secretions must be carefully soaked and then carefully removed. Before you perform any manipulations with the eyes of the newborn, you yourself need to thoroughly wash your hands. Items that are used must be sterile.
Walking during an illness is not prohibited, but it is worth restricting contacts with other people. Conjunctivitis is very easy to get infected.
For the health of the baby, it is necessary to regularly air the room without the presence of drafts. In addition, it is important to try to leave the baby breastfed. Mom’s immunity in the first days of a baby’s life is his greatest defense against all diseases.