Pregnancy is a difficult stage in a woman’s life. Against the background of hormonal changes, immunity decreases. As a result, many chronic diseases worsen, and resistance to infections worsens. Gingivitis in pregnant women is observed in 50% of cases. In the absence of timely treatment, it can lead to complications. Any infection in the woman’s body carries a potential threat to the fetus inside the womb.
Disease Description
By gingivitis, it is customary to understand the inflammatory process on the oral mucosa. The disease is accompanied by pain, increased bleeding gums, proliferation of gingival papillae and soft tissues. One of its complications is periodontitis, an inflammation of the peridental tissues that threatens tooth loss.
The development of the disease does not depend on the duration of pregnancy and the characteristics of its course. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor. If the pregnancy is short, and external changes are not yet visible, it is worthwhile to warn the doctor about your situation.
Varieties of the inflammatory process
There are several forms of gingivitis, each of which differs in its symptoms:
- Catarrhal. There are no specific signs, so the disease is often ignored.
- Hypertrophic. The most characteristic for pregnant women, as it occurs against a background of changes in hormonal levels. Gum tissue first swells, then grows, forming false pathological pockets covering teeth.
- Ulcerative necrotic. It is characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the gums and erosion, which entails the death of tissues. In this variety, gingivitis in pregnant women is dangerous with a high probability of developing periodontitis and inflammation of the jaw bones.
- Atrophic. The pathological process is manifested by a decrease in gums in size, while the roots of the teeth are exposed. It is rarely diagnosed during pregnancy.
The correct definition of the form of the disease allows you to choose the most effective treatment tactics.
Main reasons
Gingivitis is a common disease among pregnant women. The main reason for its development is the vital activity of bacteria, less often viruses and microscopic fungi. They form a plaque on the teeth, which can go into the shape of a stone.
Both internal and external factors can contribute to the active reproduction of pathogenic flora:
- Hormonal imbalance. Hormones regulate many processes in the female body. During pregnancy, their synthesis is modified.
- Oral hygiene. Bacteria actively multiply when creating favorable conditions for them. One of these is nutrition. If a woman neglects oral hygiene, bacteria get extra food.
- Carious tooth damage. Caries is also a microbial product. In the absence of treatment, the pathological process extends to the gums.
- Diet. Vitamin deficiency among pregnant women is quite common. Vitamins and minerals are involved in regulatory functions. With their lack of inflammation on the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums.
These factors can affect the development of the pathological process both individually and comprehensively. To find out the exact cause of gingivitis can only be a dentist. Before visiting a doctor, it is additionally recommended that you consult a gynecologist who is pregnant.
Clinical picture
There are not many indications of gingivitis in pregnant women. The most common among them is bleeding gums during hygiene procedures. With the progression of the disease, this symptom manifests itself when eating. Gradually, the growth of gum tissue to such an extent that they begin to cover the crown of the tooth to its middle.
When examining the oral cavity, severe swelling of the gums is visually noticeable. Women are constantly accompanied by pain, which intensifies after touching. A characteristic smell from the mouth also appears, and characteristic deposits appear on the teeth themselves.
During the disease, it is customary to distinguish 3 degrees of severity. In mild cases, only bleeding gums is noted. There is no characteristic odor from the mouth, and soft tissues cover no more than a third of the tooth crown. With moderate severity, bleeding is noted when eating, when thorough chewing is required. Inflamed gums cover about half of the crown. Severe ailment is indicated by severe pain. Inflamed tissues cover more than half of the tooth crown.
Diagnostic Methods
If a pregnant woman has gingivitis, it is necessary to seek the help of a periodontist. Diagnosis involves examining the oral cavity, studying the history and clinical picture.
Symptoms of gingivitis can be confused with other pathologies. Therefore, additional tests may be prescribed during the examination. For example, a general blood test allows you to distinguish the inflammatory process from blood diseases, and biochemistry from diabetes.
How to overcome gingivitis during pregnancy? Treatment of the disease involves an integrated approach. Its main goal is to eliminate the factors contributing to the development of the disease and the growth of pathogenic flora. First, the doctor conducts hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity. The next step is the drug effect on the problem to stop inflammation and normalize blood circulation. At the final stage, measures to prevent relapse are proposed. If gingivitis proceeds in a complicated form, surgical removal of hypertrophic tissue is recommended.
Professional oral hygiene
Treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women begins with a professional cleaning of the oral cavity. The procedure is carried out in order to eliminate plaque and stones, due to which the condition of the gums improves markedly. Of course, it is better to resort to her help before pregnancy. However, the methods used today are allowed for women in an interesting position. These are laser and air-abrasive cleaning (Air Flow).
Regarding the issue of ultrasonic cleaning, opinions about it are mixed. On the one hand, the procedure is not recommended by most doctors during pregnancy and lactation, and on the other, a woman undergoes an ultrasound scan at least 3 times in 9 months to assess the condition of the fetus. Therefore, if possible, it is better to choose a laser or air-abrasive cleaning.
Anti-inflammatory therapy
Anti-inflammatory therapy involves rinsing with antiseptic solutions. As a rule, herbal decoctions based on oak bark and sage are used for this purpose, but only if there is no individual intolerance. Rinses are allowed throughout the pregnancy and breastfeeding period. The only thing is, herbs must be periodically alternated, take breaks between courses of treatment.
Pharmacy drugs such as Chlorhexidine and Miramistin are not recommended or strictly prescribed by a doctor in case of urgent need. Studies on the effect of their components on the fetus have not been conducted. It is allowed to use "Cholisal", "Solcoseryl" for stopping puffiness. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer.
Massages and current
Good results are shown by the use of vacuum massage against gingivitis. During the procedure, point suction of the vacuum tube is performed. If necessary, resort to the help of darsonvalization - a physiotherapeutic effect on the mucosa by high-frequency pulse currents.
In especially serious cases, a gingivectomy is performed. This is an operation to remove hypertrophied areas of the gums. It is performed using local anesthesia.
What can be done at home?
Gingivitis during pregnancy is practically not treated with antibiotics, they are resorted to in exceptional cases. The effect of such drugs is toxic to the woman and the fetus. Therefore, in addition to an individually selected course of therapy, doctors sometimes prescribe traditional medicine.
They have many advantages. Natural components do not have a detrimental effect on the development of the child, well stop unpleasant symptoms. However, they can cause allergies. To make sure there is no undesirable reaction, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the agent on the back of the palm of the hand in advance. If after 30 minutes in this area there is no rash or redness, you can safely use it against such an ailment as gingivitis in pregnant women.
Home treatment includes the following remedies:
- Oak bark. Raw materials can be purchased at the pharmacy. A small amount of bark should be poured with a glass of boiling water. The resulting broth at room temperature is recommended to rinse your mouth several times a day.
- Soda. This is a universal anti-inflammatory drug. To prepare a rinse, add a spoonful of soda to a glass of warm water.
Even folk remedies will not have the desired effect if a woman continues to neglect oral hygiene. Doctors recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, and if necessary, use a special floss and rinse aid. Also, for gum health, you will need to adjust your diet in favor of increasing the amount of foods rich in vitamin C and calcium.
The danger of gingivitis during pregnancy
Gingivitis is a fairly common phenomenon, including among pregnant women. It is impossible to ignore its manifestations. In the case of an active inflammatory process, the body weakens, and the work of its immune system switches to the fight against the pathogen. As a result, when other foreign agents are activated (for example, the herpes virus), the protective forces may react untimely or with insufficient force.
What is more dangerous gingivitis during pregnancy yet? In the first weeks, the disease can trigger a miscarriage. In the last stages, it is dangerously high risk of infection of the fetus. Gingivitis sometimes negatively affects the formation of teeth in a child and the process of their mineralization.
Prevention Methods
Prevention of the disease in the first place should be aimed at eliminating the possible causes of its occurrence. In addition, doctors give the following recommendations on how to prevent gingivitis in pregnant women:
- Carry out thorough oral hygiene daily.
- Diverse and proper nutrition. The diet should contain more vitamins, and it is better to refuse flour products.
- Periodically undergo examinations at the dentist. Timely treatment of carious processes and sanitation of the oral cavity help to avoid gingivitis and other gum diseases.
A woman during pregnancy should monitor not only the health, but also the state of the oral cavity. Gingivitis is considered an unpleasant disease. However, it lends itself well to therapy. How to treat gum disease, the doctor should tell the pregnant woman. Launched cases can adversely affect the development of the fetus.