How do cats treat people and what ailments?

Since time immemorial, cats have been living next to humans. Today, it is representatives of this family that are most often brought up as pets. Communication with cats brings not only pleasure, but also health benefits. Scientific studies have proven that fluffy healers can help with many diseases. How do cats treat people? Which breeds have the reputation of the best doctors?

How cats treat people

Communication with a cat is more useful than medicine!

It’s hard to find someone who wouldn’t love cats at all. Not everyone can afford to get a pet and take care of it regularly. But at the same time, the vast majority of people around the world enjoy the grace and beauty of these animals with pleasure. Having arrived as a guest in a house where there is a cat, we strive to pet her. Communication with a tailed pet energizes and relaxes.

The answer to the question of how cats treat humans, scientists have received relatively recently. But, even without scientific justification, many of us tend to take an animal to our bed during illness or to stroke it when we are sad. Almost all cat owners are incorrigible optimists. And what is remarkable, they get sick less often than their neighbors who do not have pets.

Scientific research of the phenomenon of felinotherapy

Treatment with cats has a scientific name - felinotherapy. Until recently, stories about how cats treat humans were often referred to as folk medicine. This phenomenon has hardly been studied. Even if it were possible to accurately determine the beneficial effect of tailed pets on the human body, how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice is not clear. The doctor can’t write out a prescription: “Three times apply to the cat’s sore spot”.

And yet, most recently, the curative abilities of cats have been investigated at the National University of London Therapeutic Methods. It all started with the fact that during one of the experiments in the laboratory was a cat belonging to an employee of the institution. The animal passed a device that detects low-frequency currents. The recorded indicators amazed scientists. It was decided to seriously study the electromagnetic field of pets. Studies have shown that cats treat humans. Moreover, these animals are capable of producing a magnetic field no less strong than modern medical equipment.

Cats treating people

How do cats treat their owners?

Why is communication with cats beneficial for the human body? Every fan of the feline family knows that the body temperature of these animals is higher than that of humans. Usually it is 38-39 degrees. With such a lively “hot-water bottle” it’s very nice to get under the covers with a cold or fever. In this case, unlike a mechanical device, there is no risk of overheating or incorrect settings. The warmth of a cat is completely natural, safe and beneficial for everyone. Upon contact with the animal, for example, when stroking a cat, a special electrostatic field is formed. It has a very beneficial effect on the human body.

One of the secrets of tailed pets is purring. The sounds made by cats fit in the range of 16-44 Hz. Science has proven that regular communication with a purring cat can increase immunity. During purrs, the pet also emits special vibrations. It is believed that it is especially useful to listen to the purring cat when it lies on you. Do not underestimate the psycho-energetic effects of cats on humans. These animals are incredibly beautiful, and their hair is pleasant to the touch. While admiring a pet or stroking it, everyone receives a significant amount of positive emotions.

What diseases will a tailed doctor help?

Cats are able to treat people - this is a fact. But what diseases do tailed doctors manage to fight best of all? Keeping cats and daily communication with them is an excellent prevention and treatment of oncology. It is believed that tailed pets are able to beneficially affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Often, doctors advise a cat to those who have had a heart attack or suffer from hypertension. Owners of cats rarely suffer from chronic diseases of the digestive system. Respiratory diseases, as well as influenza and the common cold, are less common in cat owners.

Any representative of this family is a real psychotherapist. Cats help lonely people feel better. Regular communication with these pets allows you to get rid of a bad mood, get out of depression and overcome sleep disorders. According to some studies, it is true that cats treat people from any disease. Communicating with tailed pets is useful even for people suffering from serious incurable pathologies and having psychiatric diagnoses. However, the insane should be allowed to cats with caution. If the patient is aggressive and inadequate, communication with the animal is contraindicated for him. Such contact can be harmful to the cat’s health.

Cats treat people

Popular feline medical profiles

By nature, every cat has healing abilities. Moreover, representatives of each breed have the most pronounced talents in the treatment of certain diseases. The longer the cat has hair, the more effectively it will help to cope with problems of the nervous system and psychiatric diseases. Persian, Burmese and chinchillas are real anti-stress cats. Indeed, just taking care of the pet’s hair and combing it regularly can permanently distract the owner of the animal from bad thoughts and domestic problems.

Siamese cats are able to beneficially influence the home microclimate. The presence of such an animal in the house is comparable to using a quartz lamp. Siamese cat is able to kill germs in the house. And this means that its owners will be less likely to get colds and other viral diseases. The best friend for a person suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels is a cat with “medium” hair. Abyssinian breed or American bobtail - bright representatives of four-legged cardiologists. Hairless seals or pussies with very short hairs best cope with diseases of the digestive and excretory systems. If you need such treatment, pay attention to the following breeds: Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Sphinx.

Do cats treat humans

Choosing Your Tailed Doctor

Not all cats treating humans have similar characters. When choosing a pet, one should be guided not only by his healing abilities, but also by the temperament of the breed. Persian cats are calm and willful enough. You won’t pick up such a pet until he wants it. Persians usually choose one host. Even if they live in a large family, they remain loyal to him until the end of their days.

Maine Coon is one of the most popular breeds today. The size and weight of these cats is much larger than the standard. At the same time, despite the impressive appearance, the animals are very mobile and inquisitive. Maine Coons love to play and get along easily with children. Balinese cat is a great friend for a young family or a single person. The pet will regularly require communication and will gladly share any activities with the owner. Considering the characteristic features of representatives of various breeds, one should not forget: what kind of cat will be, largely depends on education. In addition, each animal has its own temperament.

Are they able to treat yard cats?

Each cat is beautiful in its own way, regardless of its pedigree and origin. It is difficult to argue with this statement. Can outbred animals heal? Of course, domestic cats treat people's diseases no worse than the winners of world exhibitions. And how much would not be, because in the veins of outbred animals the blood of representatives of various breeds can flow. What is noteworthy, the owners of fur mongrel cats claim that their pets are more affectionate than their thoroughbred relatives.

what cats treat people

Coloring cat-healer

The ability of an animal to heal a person is affected by the color of its coat. What breed of cats treats people better than anyone else? Animals with snow-white hair can fight various sores, as well as normalize metabolism. Black cats of all breeds take away negative energy from people. Cream pets are able to positively affect the overall well-being of a person and his energy. Tricolor, red and gray animals are the most positive pets. It is believed that it is communication with such cats that gives a lot of positive and helps to feel better.

Cats treat human diseases

The intricacies of home feline therapy

It is not difficult to have a caudate doctor in your home. But how to get to a treatment session with a kitty? Relationships with the pet should be built solely on love and mutual respect. Choose the moment when the animal is set to communicate. Take your pet in your arms and pet. If everything is done correctly, very soon you will feel the pleasant energy radiated by the cat.

Unfortunately, there is no exact instruction on how cats treat humans, and how to "apply" them correctly. Many animals themselves come to a sick person and lie on a problem place or rub against it, demanding affection. The most important thing is that from the moment a pet appears in the house, regularly communicate with it and stroke it. In this case, your cat will grow sociable and very soon she will begin to treat you. Curiously, animals capable of procreation are considered the most talented healers. Sterilization or castration - operations after which the pet loses part of its healing power.

Contraindications for the use of cats for medicinal purposes

Is felinotherapy suitable for everyone? Even if you doubt whether cats treat humans, it makes sense to try. Communication can not be harmful, provided that you will gently and carefully handle the animal. And yet, it is contraindicated for some people to stroke furry animals and even be in the same room with them. If you are allergic to cat hair, talking with your pet will only harm your well-being. Nevertheless, this problem has a solution. Sphinxes are bald cats treating people no worse than their furry relatives. Representatives of this breed are safe for those who are allergic to wool.

What breed of cats treats people

Reviews of healthy owners about cat-healers

Many people who decide to have a cat at a conscious age note that the appearance of a pet in the house positively affected all members of the family. With regular communication with a tailed pet, we become calmer. In the apartment where the cat lives, quarrels and scandals occur less frequently. After all, first we try not to scare the kitten, and then calm behavior becomes a habit.

As for treatment, many pets fall on the most sore spots of their owners. After such "sessions" over time, the patient's condition really improves. Which cats treat humans most effectively? It doesn't matter what breed your pet is. The most important thing is the love and affection that you give him. Feeling your sincere attitude, the cat will certainly answer you the same and help improve your health.

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