Shorthair cats: breeds and species

Short hair for wild cats is the most suitable. It is easier to keep clean, it is easier to get rid of parasites and prevent the appearance of warlocks. Long fur appeared on the wild ancestors of our pets only in cold climates, when the animal had to live at very low temperatures. Short fur is a genetically dominant feline trait, so cats with short hair will always exist.

short-haired cats of breed

There are quite a few types of short fur: soft and fine Rex fur, smooth, shiny Siamese hair, dense fur coat of Manx. But in general, no matter what breed of shorthair cats we consider, there are only three main categories: American, British, and Oriental. We are best known for British and European Shorthair.

Shorthair british

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cat breed british shorthair

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cat breed european shorthair

European short-haired cats were bred in the middle of the 20th century. At first glance, it seems that this is a completely ordinary domestic cat. But she has an amazing ability - she is a very good hunter. The qualities of an excellent Pied Piper were obtained as a result of selection. And outwardly she does not represent anything special: a strong muscular body of medium size, a rounded head with round cheeks, medium sized ears and a wide variety of colors: from the most banal black and white, to cream or silver.

The European Shorthair cat breed differs from others in its balanced character. These are stately and beautiful, affectionate and loyal, playful and independent animals. European cats are not prone to vagrancy, very attached to the owners and can live well in a city apartment or in a rural house.

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