Some owners of aquariums start small aquarium frogs for a change, both separately and together with the fish. Watching them is no less entertaining than watching a flock of multi-colored chordates.
Specially bred
In the collection of pets, frogs fit in a long time. You will not surprise anyone with these cute amphibians swimming in the aquarium next to the fish. In many pet stores exhibit capacities with frogs.
It is worth noting immediately for those who might think that it is too cruel to keep the frog in a confined space. Aquarium frogs are animals that have been bred specifically for keeping in the tank. The entire diversity of species is the result of breeding work on individuals living in the natural environment. Their ancestors were frogs in Africa, living in bodies of fresh stagnant water.
For aquarists, this is a completely new experience, which requires a special approach. Some species of frogs do not tolerate being in the same fish tank for a long time. There should be islands in the water that amphibians can climb and relax. That is, the ideal option is a water terrarium, the so-called aquarium, partially occupied by soil (filler), partially by water.
The choice of experienced
Those involved in breeding aquarium frogs usually buy Shportsovye (xenopus) and dwarf (Hymenohirus). These are the most common species that live comfortably in a home pond. They are quite satisfied with the content in an artificial environment. There are several selectively bred species of white frogs that are not picky about the displacement of a glass habitat. But nevertheless, the necessary minimum must be provided for keeping aquarium frogs. The smallest volume of the tank where the frogs will not feel any inconvenience is 20 liters.
Xenopuses and hymenochiruses are significantly different from each other. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the description of aquarium frogs. When choosing an instance in a pet store it is better to take a good look. Employees of such stores do not always pay due attention to this aspect of the maintenance of frogs and often lodge them together. Spur can be identified by color. Usually they are either white or light pink with red eyes. Some sources report that Russian scientists brought out white aquarium frogs for laboratory research. But this statement is controversial.
If you buy a grayish or brown frog in the spots when buying, these are real African amphibians. In order not to confuse them with spur ones, you should definitely pay attention to the type of fingers and muzzle. On all limbs must be clearly pronounced membranes. In wild species, the trunk is dense, larger than artificial, with a uniform color. Gimenochiruses have long, thin legs and a muzzle pointed, with a characteristic “smile”. Eyes set close. The dwarf frog bears its name quite rightly. In an adult, the body length reaches only four centimeters. Shportsovye is twice as large, even at a young age. Females of hymenochirus are usually larger and thicker than males. During the period of active reproduction, the sides of the females are inflated, and they look even rounder. At a young age, only a specialist can distinguish the gender of these aquarium frogs.
The difference in the behavior of these two species is also noticeable. If the Shportsovs can safely give out a medal for activity and arrogance, then hymenochiruses, on the contrary, are distinguished by calmness and poise. Shportsovye do not have a saturation threshold, that is, they can constantly pester, or even eat fish. Dwarf, on the contrary, lead a secretive life, try to “shine” less.
Songs until the morning
During the mating season, males organize nightly concerts. The sounds made are like a rattle. You need to consider this point when choosing a pet. If a person has trouble sleeping, then it’s better to think ten times. But many owners note that you get used to these sounds pretty quickly, and it is even impossible to fall asleep without frogs loving trills.
Maintenance and care
Better to start with Spur aquarium frogs, the contents of which are slightly different from caring for dwarf individuals.
These little creatures live completely submerged in water. The aquarium for them should be flooded with water to the top, but 1/3 of the still left without water, for the flow of air. The aquarium for them should be at least 20 liters for one individual. In the same ratio, it is better not to settle more than three frogs in a seventy-liter capacity. They like to be at the bottom of the reservoir, where they stay most of the time. Therefore, it is better to purchase a container that is long and low than short but high. In general, both species are undemanding to care.
The maintenance of an aquarium frog gimenohirus needs to start with the study of their life in the wild. In their natural habitat, they often live in shallow marshes and puddles with not very clean but well-heated water. Therefore, in the aquarium, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature from +20 to +24 ° C. At lower temperatures, the risk of disease increases. But for the purity of the water should not worry much. Conversely, frequent fluid changes are unacceptable. The frogs are also harmed by a strong current, which under aquarium conditions can create a powerful filter. But at the same time, oxygenation is necessary for a glass pond with dwarf frogs. In order to provide them with aeration and protect them from the current, you need a long aquarium so that you can create a “stagnant” place.
The quiet nature allows the dwarf aquarium frog to live in the same aquarium with any fish, provided that they are a little larger than the frog. A general aquarium should be equipped with various kinds of shelters.
But back to the Shportsovs. The content of the described aquarium frogs and care for them is not in everything, but differs from the content of the frog hymenochirus. They don’t need land, they can just live in water. This species is famous for its nervousness, “arrogance”, tactless behavior, and what an appetite! They swallow everything that fits in their mouth. Therefore, it is better not to cover the bottom in the aquarium with soil or small stones, since these streaks can be swallowed by pebbles, and they get stuck in their intestines (sand comes out naturally). The same goes for vegetation. Either they choose hard-leaved algae, or they install artificial substitutes for aquatic flora.
Spur water frogs on land are not able to live. The aquarium should be chosen with the expectation of 15-20 liters per frog. It is also necessary to worry about the presence of a cover over the aquarium, because frogs can easily jump out. The temperature should be between +21 and +25 ° .
No soil may be used in the tank. This is the most affordable and easiest way to keep the aquarium clean for as long as possible. If the house for frogs is without soil, then it is advisable to put it on a dark, brown base - a dark table, for example. This color will meet the conditions of the natural environment. But if, nevertheless, the soil is necessary from decorative preferences, then it is better to cover the bottom of the reservoir with large pebbles, which the frog will not be able to turn over and even more so with its paws.
The big question remains the appropriateness of keeping live plants in an aquarium with Shports in general. Frogs with their claws (for their presence, they got the name) cut greens into crumbs. If a person does not like artificial plants in aquariums, then Anubias can serve as a compromise. All types of these stands are endowed with strong leaves. By the way, in Africa, some species of these plants grow in ponds inhabited by spur frogs. Therefore, having landed them in an aquarium, their natural background is recreated in this way. If the choice of vegetation is not fundamental, then from artificial decorations it is better to purchase silk, which does not harm the membranes of frogs.
Hymenohiruses behave less destructively with respect to plants. Therefore, they can pick up natural algae, but which is suitable muddy water.
Some sources attribute to Spur frogs the ability to tame. Allegedly, they can recognize one owner. But there is no evidence to support this. More often sites of pet stores sin with such information, thus trying to sell goods, speculating on the desire of some potential buyers to amuse their vanity. There are not many examples where frogs were accustomed to receive food only from the owner's hands. But here the trick is only on the reflex: “smell-hands-food”. There can be no talk of any kind of emotional attachment to a person, due to the limited intelligence of aquarium frogs, the photos of which are presented in this article.
Any live food sold for fish is suitable for feeding dwarf frogs. The best and most affordable food is bloodworm as well as pipe maker. Frogs are predators by nature, and the moving target of the hunt can attract them. Dead carcasses of the same bloodworm, which motionlessly drifts in the aquarium, they eat extremely reluctantly. But it happens that some individuals are quite content with frozen or dry food. Nevertheless, this little frog at all stages of growing up is a predator (which can not be said about Shportsovye), and this will have to be reckoned with.
Shportsovye more unpretentious in feeding, even too much, which is both a plus and a minus. They are prone to overeating, so the owner needs to monitor this. Their torso should be flattened. If their figure begins to acquire spherical features - this is an alarming bell, it is time to put them on a diet. If obesity is allowed, a number of related diseases will occur. Xenopus is fed with bloodworms, shredded slices of lean beef, fish, flour and earthworms. As can be seen, from the above, the Spitz owner will not need to worry much about how to feed the aquarium frogs. Adults are fed no more than twice a week. Many owners are touched and amused to watch how they react violently to the appearance of food in the water by smell, pounce, and then stuff the pieces into their mouth with short front paws.
Frog diseases
With good care, frogs live up to 15 years, but, like any animals, they can get sick. A very common disease among waterfowl is the so-called red paw, or sepsis, resulting from the ingress of toxins into the blood: due to an excessively polluted aquarium, pesticides or stress. If the disease is not noticed at an early stage, the animal is guaranteed to die.
Also, poor frog care often leads to cesspools. The reasons are monotonous nutrition. They are treated with a course of vitamins, cleansing and setting up cesspools. The external part of the precipitated organ is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and returned to the place.