Turkmen carpet, which is also called Bukhara carpet, belongs to the most popular family of products for flooring handmade. Today it is a national symbol, officially approved. The ornament is placed on the flag of the state, the carpet is a national treasure, the country even approved Carpet Day. However, to associate this product with the modern state is incorrect. The true - historical - carpet makers live not only in Turkmenistan, but also in modern Uzbekistan, Turkey, Tajikistan, and other countries of Central Asia. In a word, in territories previously owned by nomadic tribes.
The value of carpets
The Turkmen carpet represents the world for the local population, while the entire surrounding world is a carpet spread out in front of the astonished traveler.
For the first time this product appeared among the nomads, the settled peoples were not familiar with the manufacturing process - they were engaged in weaving from silk. The most ancient carpets were born in the Trans-Caspian desert - it was here that herders wandered. Women of these tribes created amazing patterns of weaving from the wool of sheep. Skilled carpet-weavers weave patterned carpets, without a sketch, they almost intuitively create the correct geometric patterns.
The Turkmen carpet was originally intended not so much for decoration as for warming housing. Soft, lightweight products are ideal for nomadic life. Family consistency was assessed by the presence of carpets and the quality of their manufacture. It was also important to have a rich horse blanket and harness for camels - these items testified to wealth. Turkmen carpet was an important element of the dowry; its quality spoke of the abilities of the bride.
Carpet birth
Since ancient times, they were made on the simplest machine: stakes were driven into the soil at a distance equal to the required dimensions of the product. Beams were fastened behind the pegs, between which they pulled the base. It is difficult to assume that on an area of two palms (of the order of a square decimeter), the carpet weaver manually knitted about eight thousand knots, cutting the threads, after which there remained a pile up to one and a half centimeters. Working a whole month, one craftswoman is able to weave about 5 meters of carpet.
At all times, the main material from which the Turkmen carpet is made was and remains wool. Many peoples, including Turkmen, believed that lamb skin was able to regain lost health and increase strength. In later times, these amazing properties began to be attributed to carpets made of sheep’s wool. Even today, the cradle of a child is covered with felt or a small rug. A woolen thread is tied to the baby's wrists, which should protect the baby from the evil eye. Patients are wrapped in woolen products.
Scientists believe that the Turkmen patterns on the carpet are the embodiment of the concept of the Turkmen universe. The most significant units of the ornament are the steppes that are well known to the nomad. The small-edged border consists of elements reminiscent of the tracks of various animals - this symbolizes distant lands in which no man has been, only animals can roam there.
Especially interesting for historians are ency - objects hanging doorways. They most clearly illustrate the concepts of nomads about the composition of the world. Ensie are made in the form of an arch, at the bottom of which there is no border - this demonstrates the transition from the natural world to the world of housing. An ornament consisting of three parts means the interconnection of the three worlds.
Life, history, and traditional art were reflected in the works of Turkmen artist R. M. Mazel. Living in Ashgabat until the mid-1920s, he wrote a lot of paintings with oriental motifs, reproductions of which were included in his book-album “Carpet Tales”.
In antiquity, these products were produced by various tribes. Not only the appearance, but also the functionality was different. Woolen products with clear patterns had features inherent in each tribe. The most famous products are: Turkmen carpet with patterns of the Teke tribe, salors, yomuds, saryks. Until the beginning of the 20th century, mainly vegetable dyes were used - they allowed creating carpets of saturated colors. Bukhara carpets are a symbol of prosperity and even power.
Contemporary carpet weaving
Towards the end of the 20th century , carpet making turned into a very important branch of the state economy. The most famous handmade product made in Turkmenistan is a carpet, the area of which is 301 square. It was made in 2001, two years later it was listed in the Book of Records.
Today you can meet not only traditional ornaments, but also find carpets that depict famous personalities. For example, the museum has carpets with portraits of Yuri Gagarin, Lenin and the poet Makhtumkuli.
Turkmen Carpet Day
This holiday was officially recognized in 1992; since then it has been celebrated on the last Sunday of May. Far from national culture, it is difficult for a person to understand why such attention is paid to the work of weavers. However, barely glancing at the flag of the state, it is not difficult to understand that the carpet is indeed an important part of culture - its ornament adorns the symbol of the country. For a long time this woolen product was the most significant thing in everyday life. In addition, the Turkmen carpet in the interior has always meant power and prosperity.
A big concert is organized as part of the holiday. Celebrations, performances, concerts are held in theaters, on stages and even carpet-making enterprises.
The main celebrations are held in the Carpet Museum, located in the capital. The government is making every effort to make the holiday as fun as possible. Sometimes competitions for the best carpets are announced to stimulate creativity.
Turkmen Carpet Museum
To preserve and revive carpet weaving, the government initiated the creation of the Carpet Museum. This institution is the most important cultural center of the country. Over 2 thousand carpets are exhibited here, among which there are products with incredibly rare Turkmen patterns. So, in this museum you can see the smallest rug made to carry keys. By the way, carpets are not only exhibited here, but also restored. This task is very difficult, because about one and a half million knots per square meter of work of art. Various specimens are constantly brought to the museum: employees find old products. Today, the museum area is about 5 thousand square meters. Various conferences and forums are held here.
Carpet Shop
The Bukhara carpet is reminiscent of quality wine - over the years it only gets better. By acquiring it, one can begin the tradition by passing it on to descendants from generation to generation. Grandchildren-great-grandchildren will be very grateful for such a gift, since by that time the carpet will cost several times more.
You can buy Turkmen products in one of the shops in Turkmenistan or on the market. True, taking the carpet out of the country is not so simple, since it is a national treasure. A special permit is required, which is quite expensive. You will also need to pay the weight of the goods when transporting on an airplane.
Carpet shop can be found in our country, a lot of offers exhibited online stores. Upon purchase, it is advisable to require a certificate certifying the authenticity of the product. The cost of these carpets is quite large, depending on the name of the master who created it, the number of repeating ornaments on them, the length of the pile. On average, the cost per square meter of such a work of human hands reaches $ 300. However, there are much more expensive products.