Happy birthday to aunt's nephew: creative and inexpensive

Usually, for an aunt, a nephew is like a child whom she madly loves, jokes with him, has fun, but does not take on his shoulders a heavy burden of education. Children have always been called the "flowers of life" and for good reason, they bring joy, happiness, make you smile even on the most rainy, sad day. Congratulations on his birthday to his aunt's nephew should be worthwhile to thank him at once for all the wonderful moments. It is impossible to say unequivocally how to do this, since everyone has different age, character, lifestyle, temperament, but there are things that unite the boys.

happy birthday to nephew from aunt


Everyone is very happy with the surprises, even those who are used to saying that they do not like them. To receive pleasant gifts that you don’t know about at an unexpected moment is happiness. Especially for children. Therefore, a happy birthday greetings to a nephew from an aunt must necessarily contain something unpredictable.

Make even the most banal surprise in the form of an inscription under the window, an early rise with balloons and a bright greeting poster. Try not to ask the boy: “What should you give?”, Consult with his parents. They probably know what he wants.

happy birthday greetings to nephew from aunt


A very interesting idea for a boy of any age will be a quest that leads to the main gift. It can be pieces of paper with tips guiding to the right place. Such a game can be played in an apartment, but on condition that it is big. In another case, it will turn out uninteresting. Better to do a quest on the street. To do this, get up early and organize everything as it should. Will have to attract parents or other relatives. Attract friends if you know them, but usually they have their own congratulations.

On the leaflets-guides write different tasks:

  • Crossword, having solved which, you can find out where to go.
  • Riddles. Not necessarily the answer should be a specific place, perhaps the boy will have to think about what this means.
  • The word to be solved by the first letters of the objects depicted on paper.
  • Rebus. Print or draw it yourself.

Think about the hobbies of your nephew and make him as interesting as possible. For example, if a child is fond of sports, use the names of athletes, football players, in the pictures depict balls, dumbbells, rackets. Let the final point be a football field or playground.

Here is such a simple happy birthday greeting to my aunt’s nephew from her own hands. Minimum cash costs, only imagination is used, but the boy will be satisfied.

Personalized cake

If you know how to cook, then you have a great advantage. Bake the cake that works best. Perhaps you already know what kind of nephew loves, then without hesitation cook it, but adding a bright design. Usually homemade cakes are decorated with custard and sprinkles. But this time will have to show imagination. Happy birthday to your aunt's nephew should be unusual. Buy pastry bags, cream in a special department and draw something. Bake cookies by decorating it with the first letter of the name.

Cover the festive table. After all, the path to the heart of any man lies through the stomach. So he will begin to love his aunt even more.

All this can be bought in a culinary store or ordered in a restaurant. But cooked with your own hands is always more pleasant.

do-it-yourself birthday greetings to nephew from aunt


Prepare a speech that contains pleasant words, wishes and a story about the best qualities of the boy. Congratulations on your birthday to your aunt's nephew in your own words would be much better. Do not take ready-made text from the Internet. At most, hear “Thank you,” because it says everything will be insincere, not from the heart. Of course, not everyone has eloquence, but even a small text is much nicer than a verse written from a postcard.

Any birthday greetings to your aunt's nephew should be made from the heart, so that it is immediately clear how you love him. And remember, this is not about money, but about attention. Have a great holiday!

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