Cat lovers. How to trim a cat's claws

Probably everyone knows how to care for a cat, but there is one question about which there are fierce debates even among veterinarians. Is it worth cutting claws to furry friends?

Many believe that this procedure is too painful and it is not worth tormenting the animal. However, most experts believe that it is necessary that the pet and owners live comfortably. Removing them altogether is a mockery, but once every 2-3 weeks, care must be taken. The main thing to know about how to cut the claws of a cat without causing harm.

how to cut claws of a cat

Most pets do not like this procedure, so try to attach the kitten to this as soon as possible. And also do not forget to get a claw point, this will allow you to cut the claws less often.

How to cut the claws of a cat?

Start with a kind of massage: stroke the pet’s legs and, since the claws of the cats are hidden, gently press the pads so that these claws appear. The more often you do such exercises, the faster the cat will get used to and will not have to puzzle over how to cut the cat's claws.

It is ideal to carry out such procedures when the kitten is still sleepy or just calm. No need to try to catch the angry cat and get down to business. You will not achieve anything by force. Although there are capricious cats that do not want to become beautiful in any way. In this case, it is worth resorting to "swaddling". So you will not be scratched, and the animal does not injure.

In most cats, the claws lack pigment, that is, they are light or transparent, which allows you to see the network of blood vessels. This pinkish area is a sensitive area that a person who knows how to cut a cat’s claws will never hurt. If you are inattentive and touch this zone, the claw will bleed, and the cat will struggle to break free. It is best to retreat 2-3 mm from the vessels when cutting.

how to cut a cat's claws

If your pet has dark claws, then look at them in the light - usually the sensitive area is clearly visible. When this does not help, you have to act at your own peril and risk, but eventually you will get used to it.

During hygiene procedures do not forget to praise and stroke fluffy. Talk to him gently and do not shout, even if he is naughty. Prepare some goodies, after trimming it will be very useful.

If nevertheless it was not possible to accurately restore beauty and claw began to bleed, be calm and do not scare the animal even more. Blood usually stops quickly, but it is better to treat the paw with hydrogen peroxide. You can also attach fabric or sprinkle with talcum powder or flour.

When bleeding

how to care for a cat

If it does not stop for a long time, apply a bandage and show the cat to the veterinarian.

You can’t do a haircut if the claw is broken and a piece of it hangs, preventing the animal from leading a familiar lifestyle. In this case, it is better to remove this entire fragment and, if necessary, polish the sharp edges with an emery bar or a regular nail file. By the way, if you do not have a special claw cutter or trimmer, then ordinary sharp nail clippers for a person will go.

And remember, not only his health, but also your nerves depends on how to trim the cat’s claws.

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