Today, speakers (speakers) are an integral part of any modern computer. With their help, users listen to music, watch movies, play games. Agree, headphones alone are not enough for this. Next, we will tell you how to choose the right speakers for your computer.
True, one point should be noted right away. As a rule, speakers are not designed to reproduce high-quality sound. Therefore, music lovers or moviegoers who prefer to watch movies in HD-quality usually choose to purchase a good music centeror a home theater with a powerful speaker system, instead of listening to your favorite tunes or watching movies using a computer. And the goal of our article is to choose speakers suitable for normal daily work on a PC, at the same time that their price is not too high and the quality is at the level. The main properties of computer audio systems are: smaller size, isolated magnetic field, compatibility with a sound card and its connectors.
You should pay attention to what type of columns are. They are of two types: active and passive. In the first case, the speakers have a built-in amplifier, in the second - no. The only significant advantage of a passive audio system is its low cost. However, the sound quality is poor because the built-in amplifierA sound card is usually designed only for the use of headphones and cannot guarantee full playback. Therefore, speakers with a built-in amplifier will be the best option for lovers of loud and high-quality sound.
There are various layout options for computer audio systems. The simplest of them is the 2.0 system, which consists of only two columns. The composition of systems 2.1, 4.1, 5.1 and 7.1, in addition to satellite speakers responsible for mid and high frequencies, also includes a subwoofer, whose task is to reproduce low-frequency sounds.
The 2.1 speakers are optimally suited for playing quality music with good bass. In the case of using a PC as a home theater, we advise you to pay attention to option 5.1. However, it should be noted that before buying you need to make sure that the selected speaker system is supported by the motherboard and sound card of your computer, since in this case the sound is transmitted through six channels. Otherwise, you can only select the speakers, but connect them - no longer.If you decide to purchase a 2-column system after all, you will have to face the problem of choosing between its size and sound quality. Note that the more compact the speakers, the worse the low frequencies are reproduced. When buying a system with a subwoofer, you should know that it and the center speaker should have only one speaker each, and the so-called front and rear speakers are always sold only in pairs.The next important point that you need to pay attention to is the material from which the body is made. We advise you to refrain from buying plastic speakers. Despite their cheapness and, possibly, interesting design solutions, their acoustic parameters are close to zero. The best choice would be a system whose case is made of fiberboard / chipboard, such devices sound many times better. The only thing when buying is to make sure that it is tight: there should be no cracks or extra holes, except for one - a bass reflex. It is located near the speaker on the front panel and is designed to play low-frequency sounds. However, remember that if the volume of the columns is not more than one liter, there is no need for it.Other important parameters are power, sensitivity and frequency. Sensitivity is responsible forsound volume (its optimal value is 85 dB), and power - for the mechanical reliability of the speaker system.Also, the audio system should have an output signal regulator (otherwise - volume), which should be located on the front panel. When buying speakers, we advise you to check at what volume the sound starts to distort, do you have enough to listen to it. A big advantage when choosing will be the availability of high and low frequency controls. Of the additional useful "lotions" may be the following: the presence of an output for headphones, remote control, stand. They do not have to be included, but if they are present, this is undoubtedly a plus.The most important point is the compatibility of the speaker system with your sound card. After all, even the most expensive sound card is not able to give decent sound on cheap and low-quality speakers. Conversely, you will not be able to appreciate the charm of your magnificent speakers if you connect them to a simple built-in sound card.