DIY hat for a cat

“Cats, my charm ...” sang the elderly khanum catwoman in the cartoon about Little Flour. The old woman was extremely harmful, but she expressed an opinion that was far from private: cats are adorable, and so many people admit it. Almost half of the world's population . The second half claims to be adorable dogs.

As the English writer Clark Mackenzie said: "The only thing that is impossible to understand is why a cat once decided to become a pet." What is true is true - you will not force the cat to do what she does not want, or does not recognize as correct. Perhaps for this reason we have the opportunity to see a lot of dogs in ridiculous clothes, which are pulled by caring owners, and almost never - cats. In any case, I have never been.

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hat for cat

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cat with glasses and a hat

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cat in a hat photo

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? , . . «» , . , , , . , - ( , ), , , . - ( ),and from above sew on it the “head” of the toy adjusted to the shape of the lower cap. Fill the middle with a synthetic winterizer, sew the ties, and op-la - the hat for your cat is ready.

Now take a camera or a camera to quickly photograph your miracle, because for a long time your cat will probably not tolerate such an outfit.

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