Each of the people living in the world has its own story, it goes back deep into the past. In order to restore the connection between generations, they make up a family tree, draw kinship tables. Hundreds of intricate names can be found there, all of them were invented in order to name one or another relative, who number in more than a dozen, especially in large families. Remembering the entire list is quite difficult, but you need to know how to correctly name at least your closest people by blood. Cousin is also a close relative.
Borrowing from the West
Where did the name "cousin" come from? This word is borrowed from English. In English-speaking countries, the word cousin refers to children from your siblings, siblings, and uterine brothers and sisters. Simply put, translated from English, "cousin" is "cousin." By the way, the French have a similar sounding word - cousine.
For those who were born and raised in the Soviet Union or in the territory of the post-Soviet space, it is rather strange to realize that a cousin is a cousin. This word was not in everyday life of our people, it was inspired by the West. In most families, without bothering with fiction, they call cousins simply - cousins.
How was it in Russia?
Our ancestors also did not know that a cousin is a cousin. Therefore, such a relative was called a stryachka. No less intricate designations were given by our ancestors to such relatives as cousins of the father. They were called stryichichi. If kinship occurred on the maternal side, then the cousin was called uec or uichich. All these names are derived from the old Russian designations of the sisters and brothers of the father themselves (stry, stry), as well as the name of the mother brother - wow. Oddly enough, but the sister of the mother was called simply and plainly - aunt.