Waiting for a baby is the most important time in the life of every woman. She is associated with significant changes in the body of the future mother. It is especially important during this period to observe the daily regimen, monitor the diet and monitor your condition, passing systematic examinations. Expectant mother may face such a problem as poor blood coagulation during pregnancy. What is it and how risky it is for the life of mother and baby, we will consider in this article.
What is poor blood coagulation?
Coagulation is a complex process of interaction of proteins, fibrins and platelets, which protects the individual's body from significant blood loss during damage. Under the influence of enzymes, substances are broken down and fibrin filaments form in the blood. They have the ability to form blood clots, stopping damage to small blood vessels. As a result, bleeding stops. Coagulation of blood in a healthy individual occurs with the formation of a blood clot within 10 minutes. Low coagulability is an abnormal process in which enzymatic deficiency of fibrin properties is observed.
This is a dangerous condition for an individual, and especially it is not good when there is poor blood coagulation during pregnancy. This phenomenon threatens the life of the future mother and fetus. With this pathology, there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage and a large loss of blood during delivery. It is very important to notice the violations in time and assess their danger to the mother and baby. Identify abnormal processes help planned studies. Using the results of the tests, the doctor will give recommendations and prescribe the necessary treatment, which stabilizes blood coagulation.
Symptoms of poor coagulation
Signs of the disease may not manifest themselves for a long time. Over time, abnormal changes occurring in the blood coagulation system increase. The main symptoms of poor blood coagulation during pregnancy are:
- Frequent multiple hematomas with small physical effects.
- Nosebleeds.
- Detection of red blood cells in urine.
- Isolation of blood during brushing.
- The appearance of small wounds and cracks in the dermis without external influences.
Subsequently, anemia occurs, expressed by weakness, dizziness, hair loss, brittle nails, diarrhea and constipation. A characteristic feature is the pallor of the mucosa of the inner lower eyelid.
The essence of pathology
Poor coagulation is a dangerous pathology that threatens the life of the mother and the future baby. The disease has several names:
- thrombocytopenia - insufficient production of platelets;
- fibrinopenia - lack, for blood coagulation, fibrinogen;
- hemophilia - a hereditary factor plays a special role, mainly the disease from the mother is transmitted to boys, women are extremely rare.
In the body of a woman with the onset of pregnancy, all body systems, including the circulatory, are rebuilt. The suppressed immunity of the expectant mother provokes poor blood coagulation during pregnancy. What threatens this condition to a woman and a child? A woman in labor may have early miscarriages, premature births, placental abruption in the late stages. With this pathology, the fetus lacks nutrients for full development. At birth, he may suffer from hemophilia, underdevelopment of certain organs and mental retardation.
Causes of Poor Coagulation
Reduced thrombocytopenia in women is rare. The main causes of this phenomenon are:
- liver diseases - hepatitis, cirrhosis, which complicate the coagulation factor;
- lack of vitamin K and calcium;
- acute and chronic leukemia;
- allergic reactions;
- congenital disorders of enzymatic bonds between coagulation factors;
- hemophilia - it is established that in rare cases it occurs in the female sex;
- taking certain medications.
Long-term bleeding, decreased immunity, and the environmental situation also affect blood coagulation.
What is the danger of poor blood coagulation during pregnancy?
All women during pregnancy have a complex hormonal and immune restructuring in the body. Fibronopenia occurs as a result of a malfunction of the immune system so that the mother’s body does not reject the developing fetus, like a foreign body that has a different genetic structure of the protein. This phenomenon, due to its low viscosity, sometimes prevents the development of hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. But going over a certain limit of lowering platelet counts, poor blood coagulation during pregnancy causes complications. These include:
- Spontaneous abortion in the early stages.
- Detachment of the placenta.
- Premature delivery.
- Heavy bleeding during the birth process.
Prolonged bleeding, which cannot be stopped during obstetric care, leads to damage to the internal organs and joints of the woman in labor, disrupting the vital system. A reduced protective response gives a high percentage of death during childbirth. What threatens poor blood coagulation during pregnancy? Violation of the coagulation process in the mother's body causes an abnormality in the development of hemostasis in the fetus. After delivery, the child may suffer:
- hemophilia;
- various forms of thrombocytopenia;
- abnormally formed organs;
- deviations in mental development.
The condition of thrombocytopenia necessarily requires correction, which is carried out by the attending doctor.
Features of coagulation during pregnancy
In the normal course of pregnancy from the second trimester, there is an increase in the coagulation index and a decrease in the anticoagulation system. In the blood of a woman expecting a baby, there is an increase in the level of fibrinogen in blood plasma, a special protein that forms sticky strings for the formation of a blood clot. And by the third trimester, the reverse process begins. Blood liquefies with a decrease in platelet production and their lifespan.
The changes that occur when there are no other signs are normal and do not require correction of the condition. These changes after the birth of the baby and the rejection of the placenta protect the female body from significant blood loss. What threatens poor blood coagulation during pregnancy? If it is not possible to quickly stop the bleeding, a woman loses a significant amount in a short period of time, which often causes a fatal outcome. Clotting problems often occur in the following female category with:
- multiple pregnancy;
- hereditary predisposition;
- mental problems;
- rhesus conflict;
- associated pathologies of the kidneys, endocrine system, blood vessels and heart.
In addition, problems of low blood coagulation often occur in primiparous people after the age of 40 and up to 18 years.
Deviation diagnosis
To determine that violations have occurred and poor blood clotting has occurred, a planned examination of a woman in labor helps during pregnancy. On a regular basis, once every trimester, a coagulability laboratory test is performed and a coagulogram is issued, in which all indicators about the coagulation process are entered. An analysis is given more often if:
- surgery was performed;
- detected disorders related to the immune system;
- liver pathology;
- vascular diseases are observed.
Particular attention is paid to the hereditary predisposition of the pregnant woman to coagulation disorders. Blood monitoring is enhanced, analysis is more common than usual. This makes it possible to monitor the dynamics of deviations, the state of the mother and fetus, and allows you to take appropriate measures in time. With poor blood coagulation during pregnancy, the consequences for the baby and mother can be very serious.
Decoding of the coagulogram
The level of coagulation is determined by taking blood from a vein. The study is done on an empty stomach, between the delivery of biomaterial and food intake, the period of time should be at least eight hours. The coagulogram contains the following indicators:
- APTT - shows the time during which blood clots form. The norm is twenty seconds. If this indicator is less, then the chances of blood clots are higher, more - bleeding occurs.
- Fibrogen is a special protein involved in the formation of blood clots. At the end of pregnancy it is equal to 6.5 g / l, it should not be more than this value.
- Platelets - are synthesized by bone marrow. The normal value is in the range of 131–402 thousand / µl.
- Lupus coagulant - shows antibodies. They should not be normal at all. The presence of an indicator indicates the likelihood of a miscarriage and thrombosis.
- Prothrombin is a plasma protein, the norm is from 78 to 142%.
All indicators are related to the gestational age and vary depending on the trimester and some other factors. Having received the results of a poor blood coagulation test during pregnancy, one should not worry. The doctor makes his decryption, and only he is able to correctly interpret the results.
Bad coagulation treatment
After a routine examination of a pregnant woman, appropriate therapy is selected based on the results of a blood test and identifying the cause of poor coagulation. Distinguish between non-specific and specific treatment. The first is the treatment of diseases that were acquired by a woman before pregnancy:
- GIT - they treat the digestive system.
- Liver - a supportive treatment is prescribed.
- Pancreas - strict diet is recommended: fatty, spicy and fried foods are excluded.
- Small intestine - it is very important to normalize its work, because the absorption of vitamin B12 and K, which affect blood coagulation, occurs in the small intestine.
Specific treatment occurs when using medications prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman's body. How to treat poor blood clotting during pregnancy? To do this, use:
- Means that enhance the production of fibrinogen - aminocaproic or tranexamic acid, "Contrical."
- Coagulants of indirect action - "Vikasol."
- Plasma transfusion - improves coagulation factors.
- Injection of fibrin derived from donated blood.
The medications prescribed by the doctor contribute to the normal bearing of the baby and reduce the chances of severe bleeding during childbirth.
Product Correction
After receiving a coagulogram on my hands, there was poor blood coagulation during pregnancy, what should I do? With minor deviations from the norm, a woman is recommended to review her diet, and medications may not be required. Listed below are products that will improve coagulation. These include:
- milk-based products (fatty cream and butter);
- liver, tongue, kidneys, heart;
- buckwheat porridge;
- pork meat;
- vegetables: bell pepper, red cabbage, brought, turnip, radish, radish;
- greens: onions, dill, parsley, basil, garlic;
- legumes;
- berries: mulberry, red and black currants, viburnum, blueberries, blackberries.
- fruits: banana, mango.
To improve the condition with poor blood coagulation during pregnancy, the use of juice from white grapes and pomegranate, as well as walnuts, will help. It must be remembered that the liquid helps to thin the blood, so you need to control the drinking regime. Nutrition during pregnancy should be balanced and contain more vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to carry out all changes in the diet only after consulting with your doctor.
Avoiding Bad Coagulability
To prevent the problem of poor coagulation, blood vessels must be strengthened. To do this, use:
- decoctions of nettles and rose hips;
- tincture of lemon along with peel and honey;
- vitamin complexes containing minerals.
At the same time, give up bad habits, eat more fruits and vegetables, observe the drinking regimen and more often take walks in the fresh air.
Pregnancy is an important and crucial moment in the life of every woman. During this period, very serious changes occur in the body. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor nutrition, daily routine and test results. Often there is a problem with poor blood coagulation during pregnancy. The consequences of this phenomenon can adversely affect both the health of the mother and the well-being and development of the baby. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, every woman needs to undergo a medical examination in order to subsequently correct the problems encountered before conception.