Deck for Clash Royale Arena 5. Game tips

The fifth arena in Clash Royale is a kind of filter that filters out lazy and inexperienced players. If you are reluctant to think over tactics, follow the opponent’s cards and just try to win, then you most likely will not go further. People playing for fun prefer to stop at this stage.

deck for clash royale arena 5


The first thing you should understand is how the deck for Clash Royale Arena 5 should be assembled. Cards are not important. You can assemble a digestible deck from virtually any troops, the main thing is that they have a high level of pumping. Without fulfilling this condition, you can take your time with a set of cups.

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best decks for clash royale arena 5

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clash royale decks for 5 arena attacking

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deck for clash royale 5 arena with mirror


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  5. Of the spells, it’s nice to use ZAP and Fireball. By the way, they are also copied by the Mirror, which not only helps to repel attacks, but also simultaneously damage two enemy towers.

Obviously, the deck for Clash Royale Arena 5 with the Mirror is quite functional with many other cards. This item fits perfectly into any attacking deck, allowing you to simultaneously strike at both fronts.

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