If the first-born is born in the family, requirements regarding the gender of the baby are not often presented. But when there is already a boy, and sometimes two boys, the desire for her mother to give birth to a girl is quite natural. How to achieve your goal, based on the calculation of blood type and ovulation? This is what this article will be about.
"Dreams come true and do not come true"
The birth of a boy is the joy of the appearance in this world of a family heir, a successor to the clan. But when a male child is already there, it is important for many spouses to know how to give birth to a girl. She will become a caring hostess and affectionate daughter, and happy parents will be able to buy elegant dresses and slippers, braid luxurious braids. Unless, of course, they are lucky and a girl will be born. Knowing the rules and techniques will help to conceive a girl in strict accordance with the recommendations for planning pregnancy.
The concept of ovulation, its effect on the planning of the sex of the child
How to give birth to a girl by ovulation? We will deal with the characteristics of this concept. Ovulation is the process of formation of the corpus luteum. Every month, a healthy woman who is in her reproductive age observes the phenomenon of menstrual flow. Such processes are generally accepted and normal in terms of physiology, they are the first confirmation of the absence of fertilization.
The ovulation process is the rejection of an egg that has already matured. She leaves the follicle and prepares to be fertilized. If this does not happen, it leaves the body. According to studies, female ovaries contain about 500 thousand pieces of eggs, which are necessary to form the fetus in the uterus.
Each cell has its own follicle, which protects against negative influences. A very small part of the cells will be able to participate in fertilization.
Around the middle of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum matures. During this period, the uterus contracts and pushes the egg inside itself to keep there no more than a day.
This time is considered optimal for conception. Therefore, the main condition for conception is the presence of ovulation.
To calculate a favorable day for mom to give birth to a girl, you can use several methods:
- According to the calendar.
- By ovulation.
- By measuring basal temperature.
Secrets of calculating a child's sex by ovulation
According to doctors, the right choice of a favorable day can affect the choice of sex of the unborn child. To do this, you need to learn how to calculate conception based on the time of ovulation.
To fertilize an egg, sperm are secreted a day while the egg lives. On the way to the uterus, he advances in two and a half hours. If the sperm are carriers of the Y chromosome, there is every chance that the boy will be conceived. In the presence of a female X chromosome, which is less mobile, the process of conception of a girl will occur. Since female chromosomes have a lower speed of movement, they get to the egg longer, but most likely contribute to conception. Male chromosomes are less viable and often die without ever meeting an egg.
Statistics say that more often girls are born. If you want a girl to be born, you must ensure the survival of the X chromosome 7 days before ovulation and stop sexual activity 3 days before ovulation.
Blood calculation
One way to achieve the goal is to take into account the blood condition of the parents. How to give birth to a girl to update blood? For couples, this option may also be interesting. Thanks to the “Youth of Blood” method, a child of the same sex that parents want is successfully born.
The peculiarity of the method is to take into account the update processes that occur in each organism. Only men experience such a transformation once every four years, and women once every three years. When counting blood rejuvenation, you can plan a girl:
- Divide the age of dad by four.
- Divide the age of mom by three.
Which number is less, the one and the blood is younger. A child will be born of the same sex as the parent who holds the updated blood. Women giving birth to girls should have younger blood. If you want a girl, wait a year after the woman’s blood rejuvenation.
Blood type
Determine which blood type the husband has and try to make simple calculations:
- Partners with the same group have a high probability of having a baby.
- If the groups are different, most likely there will be a boy.
- If one of the partners of the first or second blood group has a better chance of having a girl.
You can keep a calendar
A woman at the stage of pregnancy planning, three to five months before conception, it is advisable to have a calendar of menstruation. Mark in it the date when the first day of menstruation came, how long they lasted and when they ended. A slight difference is possible over several months.
To calculate the most favorable period, accurately calculate the duration of your cycle. In the numbers of the shortest period of menstruation, count off 16. Even if you subtract another three days, the indicated time is optimal so that the baby is born.
How to give birth to a girl by this method? On the day indicated by the calculations, you need to make love, and then stop such actions before ovulation ends.
What to eat
The secret of how to give birth to a girl is proper nutrition. If a woman wants to give birth to a daughter, she should eat alkaline food three months before the planned conception. This will help the female X-chromosomes to be intensively produced and, conversely, cause a danger to the male type of chromosomes. The diet of this period should contain:
- Cabbage.
- Watermelon.
- Almond.
- Grapefruit.
- Quince.
- Honey.
Adding spicy seasonings to food will also affect the gender of the child. Please note that it is advisable to completely discard the salt.
Acquaintance with folk methods
Another piece of advice on how to give birth to a baby girl is to use the knowledge of traditional medicine. A favorable environment so that, at conception, a daughter is obtained, according to the adherents of folk remedies, - douching with vinegar and lemon juice. Such products are unloved by male chromosomes. After this mixture enters the vagina, you need to make love.
Inside, it is recommended to take herbs in the form of decoctions:
- peppermint;
- calendula
- Linden blossom;
- a camomile.
How to choose a name
Church names for girls born in a particular month are selected based on which saint was born that day. Moreover, for every day there can be several options for names, so parents have a choice. Names for girls born in March are listed on the church calendar.
This name can be given to the baby during the baptism ceremony. It has long been believed that it significantly affects the fate of a person. Therefore, the choice of the name of the child should be taken seriously, since this is also the choice of the heavenly patron and protector.
To summarize
To give birth to a boy and a girl is a great happiness, since this is the mission of a woman on earth. She continues the human race, brings up a new generation of our planet.
If the family already has a boy, parents often dream of a daughter. The article indicated how to give birth to a girl to update the blood. To determine whose blood is younger, we divided the age of a man by four and women by three. At conception, female blood should not be older than one year.
To determine the date of conception by ovulation, it was recommended to keep a calendar of menstruation five months before conception, in order to determine the day of ovulation in this way. Then it is necessary to conceive a child a week before this date, so that the female chromosomes manage to get to the egg in the uterus.
The study of traditional medicine has helped to establish a number of products that are recommended to be eaten before conception, when you want to give birth to a daughter. You can also drink decoctions of herbs and douche to prevent chromosomes with a male gene from entering the uterus.
All of these methods have been practiced for several years, they are more or less effective. But in the pursuit of sex, it is important to remember the main thing. It is necessary that the child is born healthy, with healthy parents and from the first days of life be surrounded by care and love.
Even if a boy is born again in the family, this is happiness, since he will have older brothers. When the baby grows up, same-sex children will be able to play with already purchased toys, inherit their hobbies and games. Therefore, do not be discouraged, even if none of the methods presented have helped you.
Preparing parents for the conception of a child should consist in choosing a healthy lifestyle, vitaminization, and positive thinking. Then everything will be as you want, and a new representative will appear in the family to the delight of parents.