How to measure the temperature of the cat at home?

If you notice that your pet is feeling unwell, and he has stopped eating and drinking, then you should pay attention to his temperature. The article will discuss how to measure a cat’s temperature at home and what to do when it rises.

Temperature measurement in cats

Many people ask: how to measure the temperature of a cat under the arm? The most reliable way to measure temperature in cats is rectal. To measure the temperature, it is necessary to lubricate the animal's anus with cream or petroleum jelly, and treat the thermometer with an alcohol solution. You can also wear gloves for the procedure and wrap the animal with a towel.

How to measure the temperature of a cat with an ordinary thermometer:

  1. Wear medical gloves and grease the tip of the thermometer. Apply cream to the cat's anus.
  2. It is necessary to hold the pet tight in order to be able to carry out the procedure. To avoid scratches, wrap it with a cloth or towel.
  3. Raise the tail and carefully, slowly, enter the thermometer. You can scroll it slightly so that there is no pain. The tip of the device should be inserted no more than 2 cm.
  4. You must wait until the thermometer heats up and shows reliable data. Electric hold 2 minutes, mercury - up to 10 minutes.
  5. Take out the thermometer and make it disinfected.

It is also worth knowing what temperature in cats is considered normal. It should be between 37.9 and 39 °. If the readings are increased, then a veterinarian consultation is required.

We answer the question of how to measure the temperature of a cat with an electronic thermometer? Everything is done exactly the same as described above, but much faster, since the mercury thermometer heats up for a long time.

Cat got sick

How to bring down a cat’s temperature?

First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of the temperature increase. It can be increased:

  • If the room is very hot, then a slight increase in temperature in the animal should not cause concern. Thus, the cat's body adapts to the external environment.
  • During pregnancy, the body temperature in cats rises slightly.
  • In the morning and evening, the temperature may vary by 0.5˚.
  • With overeating and active movement, an increase in indicators is also possible.

But if the pet is lethargic and has nausea and vomiting, then you should immediately call a doctor or go to an appointment.

How to bring down heat:

  • Put a cool wet towel on the cat and leave for 30 minutes. Mainly cool the stomach, armpits and groin. The method is quite effective.
  • Provide the pet with plenty of drink and peace.
  • An excellent remedy for microbial infections is a sage broth with echinacea. 450 g of weight accounts for 1 drop.
  • Wipe the pads on the paws with a solution of alcohol.

What can not be done

Never give a cat an antipyretic for adults. This can lead to her death, since such funds are not suitable for animals and can be easily overdosed with a dosage. Temperature measurement skills will come in handy for any breeder.

Favourite cat

Normal heartbeat, breathing and temperature for cats

In cats, the normal heart rate, the state of the respiratory tract and temperature are different from human. Here is what you need to know:

  • The normal heart rate in cats is 140-220 beats per minute.
  • The normal respiratory rate in cats is 15-30 breaths per minute.
  • Normal temperature for cats is from 37.9 to 39 °.

If you evaluate your cat’s condition based on normal human performance, then you can start to panic when it’s not necessary.

Pulse measurement

How to check your cat’s heart, breath and temperature

To evaluate your cat’s heartbeat and respiratory rate, you will need to time it with a second hand or a timer on your phone.

Here are the steps for evaluating a cat’s heart rate:

  • Put your hands on your cat’s chest, right behind her elbows, to feel her heartbeat. Count the beats for 15 seconds, and then multiply your score by 4 to calculate beats per minute.
  • You can feel your cat's pulse by gently placing two fingers on the inside of her groin, where the hind leg will connect to the abdominal cavity.

Note: it can be difficult to determine the cat's heart rate. If you have any problems with your cat’s heart rate, contact your veterinarian.

Here are the steps for evaluating a cat's respiratory activity:

  • Observe the cat's chest to see her rise, or place a hand on her chest to feel the movement of the chest.
  • Count each breast lift for 15 seconds, and then multiply your result by 4 to calculate your breath per minute.

Remember that a normal temperature does not necessarily mean that your cat is not sick or injured. If you have any other reason to suspect an injury or illness, then the best option is to visit a veterinarian.

Pet Care

Signs of the disease

Your cat’s mucous membranes or gums can tell you a lot of information if the animal is unwell. Normal gums are pink and slightly moist. The following symptoms on your cat's mucous membranes indicate a problem:

  • Yellow, pale, blue, white or brick red gums.
  • Gums, which after 2 seconds turn pink when pressed with the tip of a finger.

To determine if your cat’s gum color is abnormal, you need to know how it usually looks. Making a habit of periodically looking at your cat’s gums is a good habit, so you can always find out when there is a problem.

Bacterial infection

What to do if you notice a deterioration in the condition of the pet

If your cat has an increased heart rate or breathing rate, it is important to know how to measure the temperature of the cat. If the temperature or color of the mucous membrane is not normal, contact your veterinarian immediately. If the pet does not move and does not breathe, artificial respiration is necessary.

Using a thermometer is the only accurate way to get your cat's body temperature. If the temperature is significantly elevated, medical attention is needed.

Digital thermometers will take less time to measure temperature. Mercury thermometers are made of glass. They require precaution. If you decide to use this type of thermometer, damage to it should be avoided.

Remember that a normal temperature does not necessarily mean that your cat is not sick or injured. If you have any suspicion, then visiting your veterinarian is your best way out.

Interestingly, the body temperature of hairless cats is not significantly different from the body temperature of furry pets. Although to the touch naked bodies seem hotter. The normal body temperature in cats can vary by 1-1.5 ° during the day. In the morning, the temperature tends to be slightly lower than in the evening. When the cat is resting, the temperature is normal, but after some active games it may increase slightly.

If you imagine a cat’s body as a mechanism, then the kitten’s body is a “test program”. All its internal organs, tissues and brain are actively growing and are getting used to reacting to environmental changes. The temperature control system is not yet perfect. Therefore, the temperature in kittens is higher than in an adult cat - the body actively reacts to the environment, sometimes for no reason - just in case. It is also a kind of protection against hypothermia. The body is still not sure that the environment can be trusted. A constant temperature is established after about two to three months.

How to measure the temperature

High and low temperature

A body temperature of more than 39 ° is a sign of a viral or bacterial infection, an inflammatory process that occurs in the body of the animal. Therefore, each owner should know how to measure the temperature of the cat. In fact, such an indicator is a sign of an amazing process. When the enemy enters the cell of the body, the cell secretes interferons and other substances to combat the disease.

If the cat suffers from a fever, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. It is forbidden to prescribe treatment on your own and give the cat antipyretic or diuretics intended for humans. At extremely high temperatures - above 39 °, you need to wrap the pet in a towel moistened with cool water, and immediately go to the clinic.

Low temperature in cats is also a dangerous phenomenon. So, a decrease in temperature can occur due to hypothermia or loss of blood. A low rate occurs in pets with heart disease, kidney disease, or with diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems. If the cat's body temperature drops to 35 ° and below, you should contact your veterinarian within 24 hours. If the temperature continues to drop, you need to cover the cat with a blanket, put a warm heating pad on its paws and immediately show it to a specialist.

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