Almost every woman who has sex, is interested in what are the first signs of pregnancy. The most obvious sign is a delay in menstruation. Well, of course, it's too early to panic, because a failure in the menstrual cycle occurs for many reasons, for example, stress or depression, sudden weight loss, climate change. Nevertheless, it will not be amiss to recall: did you have unprotected sexual intercourse for a month.
Signs of pregnancy on the first day of the menstrual cycle may include pain in the chest and lower abdomen. Starting from the first weeks after conception, a woman is overcome by an increased appetite, so food supplies disappear pretty quickly. It's no secret that future mothers have special addictions to products: they want salty foods, then they immediately want to have a sweet bite, and all the time. Even in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman often goes to the toilet, so it does not work for a long time to walk in the fresh air.
Many women notice the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation, for example, a change in skin color, or rather the appearance of spots or lines. Immediately after conception, hormonal changes occur in the womanโs body, which appear in the form of pink lines on the chest or abdomen. Also sensible signs include too sensitive nipples. A woman understands that she feels the touch of her beloved man in a different way: she can become both more sensual and irritable, experiencing a feeling of pain.
Signs of pregnancy on the first day of menstruation involve a change in the color of the areola of the breast: the area around the nipple becomes darker. As a rule, this process is accompanied by the appearance of additional pimples on the areoles, as well as the veins of the mammary glands become more pronounced. A common sign is a feeling of nausea after breakfast. The so-called toxicosis is an individual condition, therefore, it occurs in every woman at different stages of pregnancy. At the same time, toxicosis does not affect the ladyโs very good appetite in an interesting position.
You can create your own list, which describes the individual signs of pregnancy. On the first day of the delay, you can begin to measure the basal temperature, for this immediately after sleep in the rectum you should enter a normal thermometer about 2 centimeters. After 5 minutes you should remove the thermometer and check the readings. In pregnant women, basal temperature is always above 37 degrees Celsius. No less striking sign is hypersensitivity to ambient odors. Often for a future mother, all the flavors seem stronger several times.
It should be understood that the occurrence of one or another sign of pregnancy does not at all mean its absolute presence. The appearance of even several signs indicates only a possible conception. A rather subjective sign of pregnancy is sharp changes in the psychological state of a woman, for example, constant changes in her mood or sharp excitability, irritability.
In any case, by the presence of the first signs, it is impossible to unambiguously diagnose pregnancy. Currently, there are many tests that are sold in every pharmacy. Their range is quite wide and in terms of price category meets the requirements of citizens of different social levels. Such tests are able to determine the presence of pregnancy 10 days after conception. But even according to the testimony, one cannot judge the accuracy of the result, because only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, to ensure a more reliable result, you should do the test early in the morning, and it is best to do at least 3 tests at once.
Every woman should understand that a specialist can determine the presence of pregnancy for a period exceeding 3 weeks. It is at this time that an ultrasound and a blood test are performed, on the basis of which the results are confirmed. For up to 3 weeks, the doctor can check whether there are indirect signs of pregnancy on the first day of the delay, for example, a change in the color of the vagina and cervix.