When the most important event in the family - the birth of a child - occurs in late autumn or winter, parents have to make an important choice. It is necessary to pick up and buy a stroller for an infant. Winter models should be not only comfortable, but also warm. How to make the right choice? Indeed, today the range of these products is quite large.
It is believed that the most comfortable stroller for the winter for the newborn is a cradle. In it, the child will be warm and comfortable. It has large inflatable rubber wheels with soft springs and a high chassis. The best examples of such strollers are Inglesina CLASSIC, Inglesina Vittoria. However, parents need to know that with the onset of spring they will have to buy a new stroller - because the baby by this time will be able to sit for a long time, and in the cradle it will not be too convenient.- , , . . , -. , . – Riko Balerina (), Culla-auto ().
- – . . , , - . , . – Inglesina (), Tako Rapid ().
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Please note that the winter stroller for the newborn is equipped with a warm foot cover or envelope. Water resistance and protection from wind, precipitation and other vagaries of nature are the advantages of a winter stroller for a baby. She must have special awnings. As for its design, then in this case it all depends solely on the taste of the parents. Fortunately, today strollers "fall-winter" for newborns are presented in trade in a huge assortment. Choosing the right option is easy.Today, the cost of a stroller for the winter can vary from five to fifty thousand rubles. But one should not assume that a model for twenty-five thousand rubles will certainly be better than an analogue for ten thousand.
A baby stroller for winter for a newborn is not a luxury, but a necessity. Her choice should be approached taking into account all the nuances and subtleties, so that both the baby and his mother would be comfortable on a walk.