How to hide photos of VKontakte from prying eyes?

Now most of the time we communicate through social networks. With the help of photographs, we talk about the weekdays and holidays of our lives or observe how the years affect our friends and acquaintances.

how to hide vkontakte photos

Very often we encounter an unpleasant problem: a huge number of users of the VKontakte website look at our photos and sometimes leave comments that we do not need. Almost every user is trying to come up with or find out what can be changed in this situation, how to hide VKontakte photos from unauthorized persons.

Solution to the problem

Depending on personal preference, , «». , , , . , . «», . , . , - . «» «», , « , ». , : « », « » « ».

In the privacy settings, the site administration has developed an automatic function that divides your friends into categories.

VKontakte hide photos [

In these rules, there is an option that allows you to open or close access to the entire album of your account for a certain category of friends. In this case, viewing hidden photos on VKontakte will be completely impossible for them, since this section will not be visible on the page. How to do it? In the VKontakte service (in the lists of “categories of friends”) dividing users into friends, relatives, colleagues, you need to select several groups for each of them. The options suggested by the site administration are: “no access”, “low access level”, “medium access level” and “high access level”. This is probably one of the most convenient ways to solve the question: “How can VKontakte hide photos of the whole album?”


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how to hide saved photos VKontakte

You can try to close one saved photo to access other users. But if you have, say, 387 images in an album, then each of them will have to be edited manually. It is long and inconvenient, although if you really need it, then you will not get anywhere. In this case, the album will be displayed on your page, although the photos are hidden in it.

Hidden photos can be viewed

Some very curious users will be able, in principle, to find loopholes to familiarize themselves with your images.

view hidden photos vkontakte

For example, viewing hidden photos on VKontakte can be done in one of the simple ways. To do this, you need to go to the page of the user whose person you are interested in. Then open the album in which the photograph is located, and, for sure, there will be at least one non-hidden image that needs to be opened. Next, you need to enable the function located under this image: “accelerated photo viewing mode” and scroll through the arrows (left or right) to view them. What next? After that, you need to close all the photos - the picture you need will be visible in full access. Although, it is worth remembering that loopholes such as this are quickly detected and closed by the site administration. Any convenient way to view information that is not intended for you will be invalid after a week.

The rules are constantly changing

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