How to eliminate the smell in shoes? First of all, you should “study your enemy”, so to speak. Or rather, to understand exactly what causes triggered the appearance of stench. There may be several:
- the shoes are made of artificial material of low quality, it prevents the penetration of air into the interior and contributes to the fact that harmful bacteria accumulate on the skin of the legs;
- you don’t dry your shoes properly, as a result, in conditions of high humidity, an ideal environment is formed for the development of the fungus (especially true for spring-autumn shoes);
- Another possible reason is your physiological characteristics (increased sweating).
If in the first case the only way to eliminate the smell in shoes is to start buying models made exclusively from natural materials, then the remaining problems can and should be fought. But what is the best way to do this?
1. The easiest way to get rid of unpleasant odors is to air your shoes. To do this, it is enough to open the problem pair as much as possible, and then take it out for 3-4 hours to the balcony.
2. Sneakers or sneakers can easily be washed in a washing machine (moreover, many modern models of devices even provide for a special mode for these purposes).
3. A fairly effective, but doubtful method on how to remove the smell from shoes is the following: put a cotton pad soaked in vinegar inside at night. It can be considered doubtful only because the smell of vinegar itself is rather pungent and not too pleasant.
4. You can buy a compact ultraviolet dryer for shoes. Such devices are not too expensive, but they not only help get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also destroy the fungus.
5. If we are not talking about winter shoes with fur, you can try the following method, how to eliminate the smell in shoes: we moisten a piece of cotton wool in potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide and wipe the product from the inside. In some situations, up to 3-5 similar procedures will be required.
6. As a last resort, you can use the aggressive method - alcohol treatment. However, it should be borne in mind that for a person the smell of this substance is also quite strong and unpleasant.
7. If you are 100% sure that your shoes will survive such manipulations, you should wash the inside of it with a soap solution and then dry thoroughly.
8. There is another popular way of eliminating the smell in shoes - to pour flour or baby powder inside . In this condition, the shoes should stand for several hours (2-3 will be enough). After that, you need to vacuum the product well. As an alternative, activated carbon, soda, and even sea salt can be used.
9. A simple and effective way that tells how to remove the smell from shoes is to change the insoles. Moreover, you can choose special models with a carbon layer that prevent the occurrence of unpleasant odors and ensure the absorption of excess moisture. Or special flavored insoles.
10. With regard to deodorants, you can use them only for preventive purposes. Otherwise, the effect you get is about the same as if you apply the usual deodorant to a dirty body.