Now we will try to figure out how to untie the Ask from VK. This can be done quite easily and simply. True, not everyone understands exactly how. In principle, each user will be able to cope with the task. Just a few clicks of the mouse - and the job is done. How to unbind account from VKontakte? Let's try to figure it out.
Temporary refusal
The first option is suitable for those who no longer want to work with “Ask”. The fact is that sometimes it’s much more logical not to decouple accounts from each other. Instead, simply delete your profile on one of the social pages. In our case, it is
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In general, as you can see, we have three ways to solve the problem. Usually users prefer the last sentence. After all, then you can use social networks to the full. Everyone has the right to choose the method that he considers the most suitable. All the proposed actions are implemented without problems. Now it’s clear how to untie “Ask” from “VK”.