All parents want to see their child smart and over the years developed. Therefore, mothers try to teach children to write even before the time when kindergarten teachers or school teachers begin to do it. What you need to know to help the peanut learn such a difficult science as writing?
If a mother wants to know how to teach a child how to write, she should remember that preliminary preparation is important in this matter. So, the baby should start working with his hands from the age of two. To do this, plasticine, a pencil for drawing, a brush for paint are suitable - all thanks to which the child will learn to hold an object in his hand. So the kid’s pen will not get tired quickly when they begin to teach him to write, and this will not be a novelty for the child.
First lessons
It is worth noting that the very first lessons will be quite difficult, because the child needs to be explained that writing is an interesting, and also very useful skill. First, the mother should, by her own example, show how to hold the pen correctly and how to drive on paper with her hand. If the child does not succeed on his own, you need to hold his hand with his hand and make a couple of strokes of the pen (this is what teachers do in elementary school).
The following is what you need to pay attention to those who are interested in how to teach a child to write: the student must initially correctly hold the writing subject. So, if the baby does it wrong, retraining it will be much more difficult. It is worth remembering that the pen should lie on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, the pen is fixed with the thumb and forefinger, the tip of the pen should be directed to the shoulder. Only in this position the child’s hand will not get tired, and the handwriting as a result will turn out to be calligraphic and neat. Again, mom must first demonstrate how it should look.
Writing begins with very short lessons so that the child’s hand does not get tired. First you need to draw on paper various curls and sticks. Therefore, it is important to start drawing with the child as early as possible, so that while learning to write everything will be easier.
You can show your child a couple of times how certain elements of letters are written, then let him write them in lines. In this case, the child must be monitored and corrected when he makes improper hand movements. When the elements are pretty calligraphic, you can start writing letters. This process will take a lot of time, so parents will have to be patient. When the child normally begins to play letters on the letter, you can try to add them into syllables and words. The first tasks will not be too voluminous, but over time it will be necessary to gradually increase the number of prescriptions.
Right left
Understanding how to teach a child to write, one can come across the following advice: you should not force a child to write with his right hand only, as teachers required in Soviet times. And this is true. The child should be comfortable studying, and if it is convenient for him to hold the writing subject in his left hand, so be it. Mom also should not look for additional tips on how to teach a left-handed child to write. Such kids are normal, they are no different from fans writing with the right hand, so the rules for the kids are exactly the same. However, there is one small nuance: if the right-hander should not interfere with excess objects on the right hand, then the left - on the left. That’s the whole difference.
The following advice on how to teach a child to write: you need to acquire for him those subjects with which he will be happy to learn. So, the kid should like his pen. Let it be beautiful, colorful, with the symbols of a beloved hero. By the same principle, you need to buy a notebook. Then the baby will be happy to sit down to do.
Support and encouragement
All the kids need praise. Even when things are not done as well as we would like. You should also not expect quick results from the baby. Learning to write is much more difficult than reading, for example. Therefore, mother needs to be patient and encourage her child in any situation. Only seeing the support of parents, the baby will not lose the desire to continue to learn.
Interesting lessons
If a mother is looking for tips on how to teach her child how to write quickly, interesting lessons can come to her aid. Only being fully interested, the child will be happy to finish one thing and move on to another. So, you can plan a small dictation and a letter for one lesson, for example, to dad. Having quickly dealt with the dictation, the baby will write more confidently, and he will have an additional incentive to write again and again.