If the navel hurts during pregnancy in the third trimester, the condition may be physiological and not signaling any significant troubles, but this does not always happen. Consider several different reasons, try to figure out whether soreness is a cause for panic. Just note: if the pain is severe, you need to get an appointment with a qualified doctor as soon as possible in order to prevent undesirable consequences. If the sensations do not bother much, you can first try to figure out what caused them.
Relevance of the issue
At least once, the navel hurts during pregnancy in the third trimester in almost any woman expecting a baby. According to experts, it is often difficult to find out the root cause. Soreness can be caused by physiological changes. Indeed, during gestation, the figure changes quite strongly, the abdomen is constantly growing in size, the mammary glands become larger, the waist volume. Others in different parts of the abdomen itch, the navel protrudes forward, responds with pain. If the sensations are weak, and the reason that provoked them is safe, you just need to ignore the phenomenon - this is just one of the symptoms that accompany the normal course of pregnancy. Sometimes, however, pain indicates the need to urgently seek qualified help.
In some, the navel hurts during pregnancy in the third trimester, because the child grows intensively, very quickly. The skin is stretched, which becomes the cause of pain - it is called a pain of tension. This phenomenon is considered the norm and should not cause concern.
An equally natural reason is the stretching of the muscle tissue of the umbilical cord. It is due to a displacement of internal structures due to an increase in the uterus in volume. Soreness in the navel of a woman expecting a baby often worries if the abdominal muscles are weak.
Options and primary sources
If the navel hurts during pregnancy in the third trimester, in its very last block, we can talk about the approach of childbirth. Soreness becomes stronger in the last few weeks of bearing a child. The muscles forming the navel ring are very distended, the navel bulges out. This is only a temporary deformation - soon after the birth of a child, the female belly will take on a normal appearance. There is no reason to panic.
Sometimes the navel hurts during pregnancy due to more serious reasons. Sensations can signal the presence of a focus of inflammation, infection. Pain may indicate inflammation of the appendix and hernia of the navel. Soreness in these conditions is accompanied by nausea and throbbing in the affected area. Many have broken stools, a densified area forms near the navel. Its shape is an oval or circle. Such phenomena most often allow us to talk about a hernia. Abundant stools, fever, nausea and pain signal intestinal infection. Some develop appendicitis in an acute form during the gestation period. Pain in this condition is usually localized in the right half of the body. The patient is sick and vomits. The condition is accompanied by an increase in temperature. The listed symptoms require urgent treatment at the clinic.
Who will help?
If the navel hurts during pregnancy, it is reasonable to make an appointment with the doctor rather than panic and worry alone. Usually, a future woman in labor is very worried about any discomfort. This is completely normal, quite logical. Every lady, bearing a child, worries about his health, realizing that any pain can signal a child’s abnormal development. If the sensations are sharp, sharp, you need to immediately sign up to the doctor. Self-treatment is not worth practicing. Many drugs are dangerous to the fetus, and a number of diseases can not be cured on their own. Complications of the above pathologies can cause death. If intestinal infection has developed, uterine tone grows, the condition can initiate interruption of bearing. Any poisonous compounds generated by pathological microflora have a toxic effect on the embryo and can provoke a violation of its growth.
If it hurts in the navel during pregnancy due to appendicitis, calling doctors on time is a vital task. On their own, the patient will definitely not be able to help herself. A man only needs to find, take a comfortable position, waiting for the arrival of specialists, and, if possible, keep calm.
Others say: during the period of bearing the child they were worried about pains near the umbilical zone, but practically no attention was paid to this condition, and over time it passed by itself. This is possible, but there are always risks. The stronger the pain, the more important it is faster to get to the clinic. Someone was lucky and there was nothing fatal, but for others, soreness can indicate life risks.
Nothing wrong
If a woman has pain in the navel during pregnancy, but the doctor does not reveal any pathological cause of the phenomenon at the reception, there is no cause for concern. In this case, the sensations are due to the growth of the abdomen and stretching of the tissues. If the doctor confirms that this is true, a special bandage designed for pregnant women can be introduced. It is a textile construction that simplifies abdominal support and minimizes stress on the back.
On average, doctors say, serious causes of pain are much less common, but still you should not be too careless about your health. Pregnancy is by no means a disease, but such a period is accompanied by increased risks of discomfort.
Or is it dangerous?
Can a belly button get sick during pregnancy due to a serious reason? Of course, this also happens. In some, pain indicates cystitis. The syndrome may indicate other diseases that have covered the reproductive or urinary system. Gynecological problems, gastrointestinal diseases are possible. There is a chance of liver damage. Sometimes the phenomenon makes it possible to suspect gastroduodenitis or pancreatic damage. There is a risk of other chronic diseases that become acute. The likelihood of relapse during childbearing is significantly higher than at other times, since internal systems are forced to cope with increased loads, work in uncomfortable conditions.
Finding out why the navel hurts during pregnancy, you should evaluate the features of localization and additional phenomena that bother the woman. If urge to empty the bladder becomes more frequent, and soreness gradually moves below the umbilical zone, the cause is probably a urological disease. Most often, this cystitis, although only the list is not limited to it. If the pain is sharp, there is a feeling of discomfort, followed by aching, pulling soreness in the lower abdomen, back, probably this is an increased uterine tone. This situation indicates a risk of inadvertent interruption. With a similar symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor, since irreversible consequences are possible. A woman suffering from such pain should call for emergency care.
The nuances of soreness
Women, finding out why the navel hurts during pregnancy, are usually forced to admit: this condition is characteristic of most expecting a birth. The larger the fruit, the larger the abdomen, the stronger the stretching of the tissues. The soreness caused by this cause is quite characteristic. The syndrome is unpleasant, many describe it as a pain pulling from the inside. Perhaps a tingling sensation in the navel. Some compare the syndrome with a needle injection. The weaker the muscle press, the more unpleasant and severe the pain will be. The sensations are significantly stronger during the initial bearing, with each subsequent weaken.
If during pregnancy a stomach ache in the umbilical region, the phenomenon is sharp, attracts attention, there is not always a reason for panic - such conditions are recognized by doctors as a variant of the norm. But with the appearance of similar soreness in the first trimester, there are reasons to worry: there should not be sensations, which means that the danger of pathological causes of their occurrence is higher. In the general case, pain due to physiological reasons, which does not require special assistance, appears at the 20th week of gestation and later. In addition to this pain, there are no disturbing phenomena, the pregnant woman feels normal. Perhaps a slight malaise. This condition is not a cause for excitement. But in the case of increasing pain and pain accompanied by other symptoms, you need to use qualified help.
Symptoms and medical attention
It is recommended not to delay with an appeal to the doctor, if a woman hurts around the navel during pregnancy, the sensations become significantly stronger when trying to move. Doctor's help is needed if soreness occurs near the seal, localized on the right, specific unhealthy discharge is observed from the vagina. It is necessary to call a doctor if the pulse is frequent, the woman is in fever, shivering, the temperature rises. Doubtful symptoms include vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea - they indicate the need to see a doctor. An urgent need to call a team of specialists if the lady lost consciousness, she is very sore and dizzy or the condition as a whole is very weak.
Self-treating pain with any painkillers is dangerous. If the navel hurts during pregnancy in the early stages or later, the doctor prescribes the drugs for the correction of the condition, having previously found out what is the root cause. A simple intake of antispasmodics or analgesics will only harm the fetus, since many drugs can pass through the placenta and also lubricate the symptoms of the condition, which means that the diagnosis will be difficult. Only after the doctor studies and prescribes a treatment program for him, can you start using medications. If the pain is acute, you can not warm this area - a sharp deterioration in the condition is possible. A severe hypothermia of the zone can lead to a crisis. If the manifestations of the state change over time, you need to remember all the stages of development, in order to then give the doctor a complete picture of what is happening.
Simple and affordable
If it hurts near the navel during pregnancy, but the doctor has not found any pathological causes of the symptom, a bandage can be introduced. Such a textile product greatly facilitates everyday life. Another important aspect is diet. It is recommended to revise it so that you eat correctly, as healthy as possible foods. Doctors advise sleeping by turning on their left side. For women awaiting the birth of a child, special gymnastics has been developed to strengthen the muscle corset, avoiding overstrain, which can cause an increase in uterine tone. It is shown to spend more time in the fresh air. To reduce the likelihood of stretch marks, you can get in the habit of using oils, creams, designed for this purpose.
To make it less likely to find out for yourself why the navel hurts during pregnancy in the early stages or later, preventive measures should be taken. The period of gestation is accompanied by an increased risk of infection, a hernia. To reduce risks, you need to constantly use a bandage that improves load distribution. To find the right product, you should consult your doctor. If the conception is multiple, it is recommended to use supporting textiles from the fourth month. At the same period, they begin to use it for those whose pregnancy is not the first, as well as people suffering from waist pain, living an active life. The bandage is advised to use persons who in the early stages faced with the risk of unwanted abortion, exfoliation of the placenta.
Shape change
Sometimes, not only does the navel hurt during pregnancy in the second or third trimester of the term, but the appearance of this area of the female body also changes. Both protrusion of the navel and its smoothing are considered normal. Uterine growth is accompanied by stretching of muscle tissue. At the same time, the stomach is rounded, acquires smoothness. Similar processes occur with the umbilical ring. How this will affect the appearance is determined by individual anatomical features, complexion, and number of embryos. For some, the navel expands quite strongly. The uterine bottom may shift to the umbilical level or even higher. In this case, the site protrudes, but sinks, if you press on it. Changes in the appearance are largely determined by how the navel looked originally.
Sometimes the navel during pregnancy in the third trimester hurts, itches at the same time. The sensations are quite weak, due to skin stretching. Because of them, pinkish stripes are formed - stretch marks. They itch. To relieve itching, you can lubricate the skin with baby oil. To minimize the likelihood of the formation of stretch marks, it is necessary to regularly treat the area with a cream intended for this. In some, however, itching is caused by an allergic reaction. It can develop into food, medicine, cosmetics and chemicals, textiles. With allergies, itching is usually accompanied by flushing, rashes.
Causes and consequences
If it hurts above the navel during pregnancy, itches and itches, a woman can constantly touch a disturbing area, thereby violating the integrity of the already delicate integument. This is highly likely to provoke infection with pathological fungi. They also threaten those who do not sufficiently comply with hygiene rules. You can notice the infection by soreness and itching, the formation of reddish spots and hard scales. The navel may get wet. This condition is recorded quite rarely. Having noticed these symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist.
Sometimes the navel hurts during pregnancy (37 weeks or any other period), because cholestasis and hepatosis have developed . These pathological conditions are considered dangerous, bring considerable discomfort. The reason is stagnation of bile, due to which hepatic functioning is impaired. In addition to pain, pathology is indicated by severe itching in the navel. Sensations are especially strong at night. Additional manifestations - nausea, vomiting, pressure instability. Many complain of dizziness.
About a hernia
Pregnancy is accompanied by the growth of the uterus, which is why organs within the female body are displaced. As a result, pain occurs. Some have broken intestinal work, peristalsis slows down, the stomach swells, sensations appear in the navel - aching, stabbing. In others, everything is explained by the weakness of the muscle frame. All of these conditions attract attention from occasionally not too severe pain. If the sensations are strong and stable, the character periodically changes, perhaps the phenomenon is due to a hernia. At first, the pain is weak, aching, gradually changing to a sharp one, a spasm forms.
Theoretically, a hernia can form at an unpredictable point in time - in the first, second, and third trimester. A distinctive feature is a strong umbilical protrusion, and numerous small tubercles form in this area. Women experience constipation, bloating, and heartburn. Many feel sick and vomit. The abdomen hurts for a long time, the soreness is strong, the muscular corset is tense, and palpation causes unpleasant sensations. Usually, a hernia is due to excessive muscle stretching. You can straighten it with a simple pressure. The protrusion of the area can be seen when a woman is standing or lying.
The presence of a hernia is accompanied by the danger of its infringement due to a strong load, a prolonged absence of stool and other malfunctions in the body. Sometimes only a surgeon can help a woman.
What do doctors advise?
As professionals say, sometimes the cause of pain in changes in the hormonal background. When the balance of biochemical components changes, organic tissues can soften. Many women as they approach the birth complain of attacks resembling contractions. The reason for this is precisely the correction of the hormonal background. This is a completely normal phenomenon that should not provoke fear.
More often, discomfort and pain is a standard condition. Problems may indicate a cramp. , . , , , . , .
It is the third trimester for a pregnant woman - especially a difficult period. Weekly weight gain can reach half a kilogram. Over the past three months, you can gain about seven kilograms - this is considered the standard and should not cause concern. A feeling of inconvenience almost always accompanies the uterus moving up. At the same time, shortness of breath worries, not only the navel hurts, but also under the ribs. The eighth month is a period when the abdomen is very large, the uterus approaches the ribs, the expectant mother is worried about a strong feeling of discomfort. It is difficult for her to breathe, her skin itches and hurts, heartburn constantly occurs, digestion becomes worse. Many have constipation during this period. All this is considered a variation in the norm; soon after childbirth, the condition stabilizes.
Doctors advise to build up strength in anticipation of childbirth, if possible, think about the good and not worry without reason. Discomfort is the norm for pregnant women, you should not give it too much importance if the doctor has already examined the woman and said that everything is in order.