Rotala macrandra is an aquarium long-stemmed plant of the moss family. It is one of the most beautiful underwater plants and is very much appreciated by lovers of the aquarium world. About Rotal Macrandra, its varieties and features will be described in this essay.
General concept
As noted above, rotala macrandra is an aquarium plant. This name combines several hybrids, but the most popular are:
- narrow-leaved;
- green (green);
- narrow-leaved green;
- Florida.
Rotala macrandra is a very spectacular and impressive plant. Saturated red color distinguishes it among other plants located in the aquarium. However, it is worth noting that, being one of the most beautiful aquarium inhabitants, it is very whimsical in its content. Therefore, experienced lovers of the aquarium underwater world recommend weighing the pros and cons before starting this plant.
Rotala Makrandra is a representative of the plant world, whose homeland is India. In its homeland, it grows along the shores of water bodies, mainly in silty soils. This plant is long-stemmed, located under water strictly vertically, turns red or bright red as it grows.
Creeping on the surface of the water, acquires a green color. Growing up, Rotala Macrandra reaches a height of 20 to 30 cm. The leaves in the water are thin and elongated, painted red. As already noted, this plant has several varieties that are popular among fans of aquarium decor.
Rotala macrandra mini more than other varieties of the studied species is difficult to care for. Comfortable temperature for its existence ranges from 22 to 29 ° C. It is worth noting that professional aquarists recommend adhering to the upper temperature limit. This is due to the fact that the plant came to us from India, where the climate is very hot.
Rotala macrandra requires a very bright light, it is thanks to him that the plant acquires a bright red hue. The light gap required for favorable growth should be at least 12 hours a day. Direct sunlight is allowed on the plant, but no longer than 4 hours a day. It should be emphasized that with a lack of light, it will look dull and dull.
Water and additives
The water for this representative of the flora is very soft, peat must be present, you can even use a peat filter. Water should be replaced twice a month. It should be noted that water does not need to be completely changed. About a third of the total volume of the aquarium needs to be changed. It is also necessary to monitor its level, it should be higher than the upper ends of the plant. Green rotala macrandra should always be in the water, this nuance should be given special attention.
For the normal development of the plant requires a natural nutritious soil that does not contain any dyes. Pebbles mixed with peat or a small amount of clay will do. Due to the fact that the plant has a weak and small rhizome, it is sufficient to place the soil in the aquarium with a layer of 3 cm.
Mineral additives are used as fertilizers, however, it should be noted that a reduced dosage is necessary, that is, it should be half as much as that of other plants in the aquarium.
It is also important to pay attention to the fact that rotal macrandra green and other species must be planted in a place where there is no strong water circulation.
For this plant, as for all representatives of this species, reproduction by stalk propagation is typical. The length of the handle should reach from 7 to 10 cm, otherwise growth will slow down.
In the case of using a handle taken from the middle part of the rotala, you need to pay attention to at least one lateral shoot to be fully formed. With any manipulations with this plant, extreme caution must be exercised. Rotala macrandra is a very delicate and fragile plant, and it can be easily damaged. In this case, extremely slow growth will be observed, and in some cases the plant may even die. When transplanting plants from one aquarium to another, it is necessary that the rotala be kept in the air as little as possible.
Appearance of some representatives
Rotala Macrandra florida has a very attractive and spectacular appearance. The leaves have an ovoid shape and wavy edges, growing, reach a size of up to 5 centimeters in length and 4 cm in width. They are located along the entire length of the stem, directly opposite each other. The lower part of the sheet turns red over time, and in some places it turns purple. The color of the top of the sheet varies from green to red.
Rotala coarse stalk has long, underdeveloped stems. They grow vertically and reach 25 cm in length. Rhizome is creeping and has a large number of leafy buds.
Rotala Macrandra is a truly magnificent decoration of the aquarium world. The leaves of the plant, located in the water, acquire an unusual glossiness, and it seems that they are covered with varnish.
It is recommended to place the plant in small groups in the front or side of the aquarium. It is important to consider that plant groups should be small and not very dense so that the rotala receives the necessary amount of light. Despite the fact that the plant requires careful care and constant monitoring, it is very popular among aquarists. It is inexpensive: for example, rotala can be purchased for 50-100 rubles. for the escape. An adult plant is much more expensive, but it is also very well sold out.
Fans of the aquarium world must buy rotala. This beautiful plant dilutes the main green background with its bright red color, creating a unique and spectacular atmosphere. Rotala Makrandra is rightfully considered the queen of the underwater world, and all thanks to her bright color. It's hard enough to find a similar plant with such gorgeous data. As it was said, despite some of the whims of this guest from the sultry India, she is very popular among aquarists.