How to lose weight for a 11-year-old child: an integrated approach, proper nutrition, physical activity by age, tips and tricks from pediatricians and nutritionists

How to lose weight a child 10-11 years old? This question is asked by many parents in the modern world. This is due to the fact that adolescents now lead a fairly inactive lifestyle due to the widespread use of gadgets. Increasingly, you can meet children on the street who, even at first glance, are overweight. It is very harmful to the future health of the child, so parents should take measures to reduce it in time.

Weight norms by age

Before comparing the numbers, it is important to remember that each child is individual and it is necessary to take into account the growth of the child. But still, there are limits on weight that must be respected.

Children aged 10-11 years old have an average height of 135-145 cm. In this case, the optimal weight is considered to be in the range of 32-39 kg in boys and 30-38 kg in girls. The genetic characteristics of the adolescent should be considered. If the parents are large enough, then a deviation of 2-3 kg is allowed upward.

how to lose weight for children 10 11 years old

Children aged 12-13 years old have an average height of 155-160 cm. With such standards, the weight can vary from 40 to 55 kg.

If the child is above average height, then parents should consider the norms for an older child.

Disadvantages of excess weight in children

Not only adults should monitor their body and forms. Excess weight significantly burdens the lives of adolescents. Firstly, it interferes with the activity of the child. And at this age, it is the main component for future health.

how to lose weight a child 11 years old

In addition, too much weight does not exclude the development of diabetes in the future. This disease is incurable and can potentially lead to death.

And also overweight in a teenager is likely to cause complexes. After all, everyone knows that children can be very cruel in their expressions in relation to peers.

What should parents not do?

How to quickly lose weight to a child at 11 years old? Some adults, faced with the problem of excess weight in a child, take the wrong actions. For example, there are times when parents begin to reproach a teenager and even call him a name. Such actions are prohibited, because the child will have a reverse reaction. He will lock himself up and lower his self-esteem even lower.

And there are also cases when adolescents are placed excessive dietary restrictions and control every movement of the child that he makes towards the kitchen and refrigerator.

In this way, you can only cause another reaction from the side of the teenager - he will begin to hide with food from adults and may even begin to steal it. Adults must support the child at every step on the path to losing weight.

Only calm conversations and explanations can help, from which the child will draw the right conclusions.

Features of a diet for teens

How to lose weight at 11 years old? First of all, you need to understand that a diet for adolescents should not contain too strong restrictions based on fashionable nutrition systems for adults. For children, first of all, a balanced diet should be established with the predominant use of natural products.

menu for losing weight 11 years old child

A very important point is to set the power mode. Teenagers should eat at least 4 times a day during the diet. In percentage terms, it looks something like this:

  • 30% - breakfast;
  • 10% - lunch;
  • 45% - lunch;
  • 15% dinner.

This is the ratio of the total amount of food offered to the child per day.

The diet must necessarily include:

  • white fish;
  • lean meat;
  • dairy products with a low fat content.
  • vegetables and greens.

Beans are very useful. They have many trace elements and vitamins. Also, legumes can saturate the children's body for a longer time.

What products are banned?

Parents should clearly understand that the burden of responsibility also falls on them, even more so than on the child. Adults should develop a sample menu for the week for their child, taking into account all the nuances.

How to lose weight at 11 years old? In the diet of a teenager who wants to lose weight, it is strictly necessary to remove the following products:

  • sausages and sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • bakery products;
  • lollipops;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • fried foods;
  • fast food.
how to lose weight a child 11 years old

It is worthwhile to offer dishes to the child’s food that they cook at home on their own, because in convenience foods, margarine and flavors that increase appetite are most often used.

The daily norm of kcal for a teenager aged 10-12 is 2300-2400, so the diet should contain no more and no less than this amount of energy. In the daily diet should ensure the mandatory availability of fresh fruits and vegetables.

There should be at least 4 meals a day, dinner - no later than 6-7 hours in the evening. The following is an example menu that should be followed during a diet:

  1. Breakfast - milk porridge based on buckwheat or oatmeal and skim milk.
  2. Lunch - steamed vegetable patties. For their preparation, it is recommended to use beets, zucchini, cabbage. As a drink, you can offer stewed apples.
  3. Lunch - borsch with lean meat, vegetable stew, a slice of rye flour bread.
  4. For dinner, it is better to offer a salad of fresh vegetables and fruit jelly.

As a snack, you can use small pieces of fresh carrots or apples; they must be put on a plate, which will be constantly available to the teenager.

The second version of the menu for losing weight 11 years old child

How to lose weight a child 11 years old? There are several possible answers. One of the mandatory points is to follow a specific diet. The following is another daily meal option.

  1. Semolina fritters with apples and raisins, unsweetened tea.
  2. Lunch - two sandwiches with rye bread and home-made liver pate, fruits.
  3. For lunch, it is better to offer oatmeal soup with the addition of prunes.
  4. Dinner can consist of boiled potatoes with steamed meatballs, dried fruit compote.

As a snack, a child can offer dried fruits throughout the day.

The nuances of proper nutrition

How can a 11-year-old child lose weight? To introduce new rules in nutrition, a teenager needs to be very careful and gradually so as not to cause him a protest. After all, after a delicious and fragrant french fries, even an adult, and especially a child, will not be able to switch to broccoli.

how to quickly lose weight a child at 11 years old

First you need to try to introduce a few new rules into the life of a teenager:

  • Strongly do not eat after 19:30.
  • Good breakfast in sufficient quantity.
  • Do not eat at the computer or TV.
  • Do not eat sweets and other sweets as snacks. Instead, use dried fruits, vegetables or dairy products with low fat content.
  • Do not use fried foods.
  • Refuse completely from fast foods.
  • Prohibit any salads using mayonnaise in the diet.

It is also important to ensure that the child is drinking the right amount of fluid. The average norms for a healthy child are 30-40 ml per 1 kg of weight. Of course, you need to drink water or dried fruit compotes, not soda.

Gradually, you need to reduce the amount of sugar that is added to tea. It is not worth completely abandoning it. The child's body should receive enough glucose.

How will sufficient physical activity help?

How to lose weight a child of 11 years without diets? There is no single answer to this question. Without proper nutrition, an optimal result cannot be achieved. But with the help of physical exertion, you can move the "ice" from a dead center.

Getting rid of fat cells in a child’s body is somewhat easier than in an adult. A diet alone can handle this process, but not as fast as we would like. Then you should apply physical activity of medium intensity.

how to lose weight a child of 11 years without diets

Teenagers who do not engage in sports sections can use morning exercises for these purposes. Thus, kcal, which children will receive per day, will be consumed faster.

Morning work-out

How to lose weight for children 10-11 years old? Morning exercises will be the first assistant, if the teenager is absolutely not accustomed to sports. First you need to start with very simple exercises that will allow you to develop discipline for daily activities without aversion to this process.

Before exercise, you need to warm up the muscles. To do this, walk for 10 minutes on the spot or run at a leisurely pace, if possible. In the warm season, you can quickly walk around the house several times.

Cardio loading is very useful in the first weeks for burning fat cells. Such exercises trigger a better metabolism in the body, and the body warms up faster. Then you can start the exercises for the press. Squats and exercises using the lightest dumbbells can follow. Morning exercises are recommended before breakfast.

Sport sections

If a child has a desire to go to any clubs with a sports bias, then this will be the best option for solving problems with physical activity.

How to lose weight to a baby girl at 11 years old? The answer is obvious - give her to the dance team for classes. Thus, you can kill two birds with one stone - to increase physical activity and make the girl more relaxed.

how to lose weight a child 11 years old girl

The main thing is to remember that at first you should not wait for instant results. You must understand that, first of all, the health of a teenager is at stake, and not his achievement. Therefore, you need to rejoice at every new success in sports and encourage the child.

There were cases when a teenager’s desire to play sports gradually increased, and he even achieved high results. Too obese children should not be given to a sport that is initially associated with very heavy loads. Otherwise, the child will noticeably lag behind others and become complex about this. Over time, he completely abandons classes.

Family business

Losing weight for a 11-year-old child is a very complex and sometimes unpleasant process. In order for the teenager to see the first results and become interested in this process further, it is better to support him in this matter with the whole family.

Everyone knows that proper nutrition has not hurt anyone, even if a person is in perfect physical shape. Therefore, following a diet with the whole family is not so difficult.

How to lose weight to a baby boy at 11 years old without paternal support? Almost nothing. Therefore, it would be great to do morning exercises with your dad or attend a gym. Thus, it is also possible to strengthen the trusting relationship that it is very difficult to gain at that age with a teenager.

Only love, understanding and support from adults will help the child cope with the problems of excess weight.

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