How to commit a column in Excel: basic ways

The Excel table processor is considered the most used since 1994. It allows you to fully automate calculations, build graphs and charts, create spreadsheet documents without the use of other application programs, and maintain a database. To simplify the work, you need to know how to fix a column in Excel, set protection on a workbook, change the parameters of columns or rows, etc.

The main purpose of Excel

For simplified work with the application program, you need to study Excel lessons, which describe how:

  • enter and edit information;
  • format cells, rows and columns according to a given pattern;
  • enter formulas and use built-in functions;
  • Build, edit and print charts and graphs
  • preview and print tables;
  • create and maintain a database.

An Excel file is called a worksheet consisting of sheets. The extension varies depending on the version of the software product: 2003 - xls, 2007 and higher - xlsx. It is important to remember not only how to use the worksheet, but also how to fix the column in Excel to avoid misunderstandings and facilitate automated work.

Each sheet is laid out in tables. The intersection of rows and columns is called a cell. Only 1 worksheet is operated at a time. Each of them has a name displayed on the label. Columns are named in Latin capital letters, and rows are in Arabic numerals.

Each cell contains a specific structure consisting of 5 levels:

  1. Visible data is displayed on the screen.
  2. It contains cell formatting (frame, fonts, type of numbers, etc.).
  3. A formula is included that consists of text, links, built-in functions, and numbers.
  4. Contains the name of the cell displayed in other operators with absolute addressing.
  5. Includes a comment, that is, arbitrary text (if it is contained in a cell, it is displayed in the upper right corner of the cell as a red triangle).

Fix column and row in Excel

When working with an application program, it is important to know how to fix rows and columns in Excel so that they do not change their position during scrolling.

To do this, use the “View” tab and open the “Lock areas” drop-down list. The menu presented shows how to fix a column in Excel and a row, the first in a row, as well as arbitrary areas.

how to commit column in excel

For the front row and column, everything is clear. Just click on a specific menu item.

Freeze areas in Excel

How to fix a column in Excel using a menu item is understandable. What to do if you need to freeze 4 rows and 3 columns? To do this, the algorithm is performed:

  • clicks the cell located to the right of 3 columns and below 4 lines;
  • the tab “View” is selected;
  • in the “Fix areas” drop-down menu there is a similar sub-item;
  • he is selected;
  • the program will show which area is fixed by thin black lines.
excel lessons

If you want to fix several rows without columns, the user clicks on the cell below the last row of the range in the first column.

If several columns should be fixed without involving rows, then the cell that is located to the right of the last column in the first row is highlighted.

Matching column width and row height

I way

If two columns are required in Excel or more identical in size, then adhere to the following algorithm:

  • select the necessary area by clicking on the names of the columns;
  • move the cursor to the border of the last column, where it will take the form of a cross;
  • click with the mouse and drag the border to the required size.

After the steps are taken, the columns will have the same width.

two columns in the program

II method

  • Select the necessary columns.
  • Right-click on the column names and click on “Column Width”.
  • Manually specify the required value and click "OK".
two columns in excel

To select the height of the line, you need to use both methods for rows. Only in option II, in the context menu called by the right mouse button, you need to select "Row Height".

Fixing column width and row height

In order to prevent accidental resizing of a column or row, you must perform the following steps:

1) To fix the row height:

  • click on the row number with the right mouse button;
  • select the "Cell format" item;
  • go to the “Alignment” tab;
  • select the item “Wrap according to words” and press “OK”.

This will protect the line from changing its height. However, you need to choose a column width such that the long row, taking into account the work done, is fully displayed in the cell.

how to commit rows and columns in excel

2) If you are interested in how to fix the column width in Excel without formatting:

  • select the tab "Review" - "Protect the book" - "Protect the structure and windows."
  • entering a password is optional.
how to fix column width in excel

The user has the right to experiment with the item "Protect sheet" or other objects.

Cell fixing in formula

You need to learn Excel lessons, including to get knowledge on how to fix a cell in a formula. Conventional operators use relative links, which consist of the name of the column and row - A5. Absolute or mixed links are used to fix the cell address in the written formula and prevent data changes.

Absolute addresses are addresses in which both the column and the row are fixed by means of the $: $ A $ 5 sign. In this case, when copying the formula, the data from $ A $ 5 will not change under any conditions.

Mixed means links in which either a column or a row is fixed using the $ sign: A $ 5 or $ A5. In a particular case, the formula will vary the data from an unsecured column or an unfixed row.

program use lessons

Selecting the width and fixing areas is an integral part of Excel when working with tables, regardless of their size.

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