Relatively recently appeared in our life, the computer managed to become the norm for a modern person who can no longer imagine how to do without this “smart” device. Using a PC, we work, have fun and raise children. Firmly entered into our lives and computer games. Virtual reality attracts people through the endless possibilities it provides. That is why every year the computer entertainment industry offers new and very diverse games. It is simply impossible to refuse them. That is why adults, and even more so children, can not imagine their life without a luminous monitor.
Real space is gradually beginning to be superseded by virtual, which is an inevitable moment in the development of modern society. The current generation of children already simply does not know what it is like, life without a “smart” gadget. Are there any benefits from computer games or are they capable of injuring the psyche and human health?
Children and PC
Today many books on the dangers and benefits of computer games have been published. The question of whether they are needed or whether it is worthwhile not to let the child near the monitor is of interest to most parents, teachers and educators. Many believe that the effect of PC on children is too negative. But still it is believed that the sooner the computer is mastered by the child, the better. After all, this technique has become a necessary part of the life of a modern person.
A computer will be useful even for 3-4 year old children. With it, they can not only watch their favorite cartoons, but also master the training programs, gaining the ability to distinguish colors, remember the names of animals, plants, professions and learn the alphabet.
With age, the computer will become even more useful for the child. It will help parents of small why-ages explain to them why the trolleybus is moving and what lightning is. Together with their child, mothers and fathers will easily find articles with a description of the principles of phenomena and the work of various techniques available to children. Of course, young children should not be allowed to roam the Internet alone. Otherwise, they will begin to drive into the search line that which only comes to their mind, trying to find out even the most delicate questions.
When moving from kindergarten to school, the need for information from children increases significantly. Curricula entrust a rather large amount of work to the student. So, students need to read dozens of books by children's authors, as well as write many essays and essays. It is unlikely that the child will find the necessary publications at home, and parents probably will not be able to talk about the habits of a polar bear, information about which would be enough for two notebook pages.
A computer is also needed for those children who study at a music school, attend various clubs, or are recorded in the sports section. PC will be an indisputable help in these hobbies. For example, it will be much easier for children to find on a computer and play a musical composition set by the teacher. In addition, there are many workshops on the Internet that will step by step tell the kid how to glue or blind something to him. And if he doesn’t figure it out, parents will always be able to help.
As you can see, PCs greatly simplify the lives of modern students. However, you also need to use a computer wisely. If he is the only entertainment of the child, and parents are pleased only that their child is quiet, then the deplorable result from the use of a “smart” machine will not take long. In such cases, the computer will become for the child almost the only source of his knowledge about the world, a virtual stimulator of emotions and a substitute for the love of parents. And here it is unlikely that many problems can be avoided.
In order for the computer to not have a negative effect on the child, he should not be allowed to stay in front of the monitor for too long. There are standards developed by scientists that all parents should know. What are they?
- Preschool children should be at the monitor for 7-10 minutes. in a day. Allowed for this time to be continuous.
- Schoolchildren can work with a PC from 45 to 90 minutes. during the day. They can look at the screen continuously for no more than 10-30 minutes.
- Students can stay at the computer for 2-3 hours during the day. The continuous time behind the monitor in this case is from 1 to 2 hours.
Parents also need to know about the benefits or harm brought by computer games. Of course, such products, which are supposed to shoot at everything that moves, should not appear in the house. After all, today manufacturers offer children a large number of computer games, the benefits of which are obvious.
Right choice
The question of the harm and benefits of computer games for children is quite relevant for parents and teachers. At the same time, psychologists point out that there should be a measure in everything. After any adult becomes familiar with computer games, he will undoubtedly come to the conclusion that, with the right selection, such developments will be of great help in learning. After all, far from always parents will be able to give their child as much as this will be possible thanks to special programs for the PC.
In addition, there is another benefit of computer games. With their help, the child masters the PC, which he will need in adulthood, because in most modern professions it is necessary to work with special programs.
The use of computer games lies in the fact that many of them teach children to write, read, and also think spatially and logically. Children who own a computer are more sociable. It is easier for them to get to know their peers and start to communicate with them.
For babies
All games that are developed for children can be divided into two categories. So, some of them are dynamic, and the second are static. The difference between these two groups of games lies in the requirements of constant monitoring of the actions of the main characters, which allows the child to show a reaction and concentrate.
The first games for the baby should be static. He is not yet a confident PC user and is only getting acquainted with the keyboard, screen and mouse. The child can begin to master the most simple games from 2 years. This will allow him to acquire basic PC skills.
There are also games for kids in which a child, clicking on the images of various animals, hears the sounds made by them. Moreover, he is able not only to know the world of animals. Adults can entrust him with the execution of a logical task. For example, sort the figures by size and color.
What are the benefits of computer games for kids? They are intended for general development, which includes the definition of concepts about the quality and shape of the subject.
They have undoubted benefits and computer games, simulations. With their help, kids learn to care for animals, drive cars, cook a variety of dishes. All these actions allow the child to feel like an adult.
Will computer games harm or benefit? Much will depend on their proper selection. For example, starting at age six, children are encouraged to offer adventure games. They imply the development of the scenario in a variety of situations. What is the use of computer games for children in this case? They contribute to the development of the child's concentration, perseverance and patience. However, choosing a scenario, adults need to pay attention to the fact that there are no elements of violence and fear in it. It will be necessary to limit the time spent by the small player at the computer.
For preschoolers and schoolchildren
What is the use of computer games at this age? For these children, developers use their stories, scripts, and degree of difficulty. So, sports-themed games are included in the dynamic category of the market. With their help, any competition or match is imitated, for example, in tennis or hockey. The child in this case becomes one of the players. The main goal for him is to win first place.
Are there any benefits from computer games of similar subjects? Yes, of course. Such games allow you to form a fighting spirit in a child. At the same time, psychologists and teachers do not advise completely changing the real sport to virtual. Children still have to play hockey in the yard, and not on their PCs.
There are also static designs for this age. These include various puzzles. However, some of these products are sometimes classified as dynamic. A classic of this genre is Tetris, which many adults love. Static games are not always liked by children. Many of them consider such a pastime boring and not bright enough in color. Nevertheless, games of this kind are very useful for future philosophers and mathematicians.
With regard to the harm and benefits of dynamic computer designs, which are those where children need to shoot at targets or at the enemy, such a pastime causes negative feedback from psychologists. Such actions contribute to the emergence of aggression and militancy, and also give rise to violence and cruelty. Children are often not able to switch from the virtual world to the real one. That is why they identify the tendency to violence with a normal phenomenon. In addition, due to their age, schoolchildren still do not understand that a person, unlike the heroes on the monitor screen, is truly mortal. That is why such games should be avoided. Of particular danger are those in which there are bloody murder scenes.
Basic knowledge
There are various arguments for computer games. One of them is the child’s development of quick reading, because on the screen practical guides and tips for the game constantly flash. All of them require instant reaction and quick interaction from the student. Moreover, sometimes such instructions and tips are given in English, which contributes to its learning. In this case, the child has nowhere to go. We have to understand and perceive the information provided.
The benefit of computer games for students is the development of their instant reaction. Even in those shooters that are most dangerous for the psyche, it is necessary to actively counteract the current situation and adequately respond to the changing situation. And these qualities in life are very useful.
The use of computer games lies in their ability to develop fine motor skills in children. The child needs to coordinate their actions, for example, quickly type text with the fingers of both hands.
Also, with the help of computer games, hand-eye coordination begins to develop actively. A child captured by the plot simply does not have time to control the monitor and his fingers at the same time. As a result, such movements are brought to their automatism.
Computer games allow you to develop logical thinking. They pose tasks for the PC user, for the solution of which it is necessary to take adequate steps. Taking into account the variability of modern games created like Minecraft, you can reach your goal by using many ways. Such a moment contributes to the development of the ability to think big.
Stress management
A child who is fond of computer games relieves his emotional stress, which has accumulated in him at school and in the walls of the house. There are always many reasons for stress, but there are not enough ways to get rid of them.
This is where a computer game comes to the rescue. In it, you can destroy the villains, save the world, build a fabulous kingdom and perform feats in a distant land.
You can talk a lot about whether computer games bring benefits or harm. Nevertheless, it is obvious that they are more preferable for the child than the pedagogical system used in educational institutions. Why is this happening? The thing is that, unlike teachers, the creators of the games worked hard on the emergence and preservation of internal motivation in the future. The following methods were used:
- Reward. Any game contains a whole system of both minor and substantial rewards. It is concluded in the provision of points and in the transition to other levels. Applied in games and other tricks in a wide variety of forms.
- Curiosity. The game allows the child absolutely everything. In the virtual world, children can make the most risky decisions while remaining completely safe.
- Freedom. Adults rarely allow a child to do what is necessary for him. But the player, located in the virtual world, has countless prospects with which he can create and implement a variety of projects.
- Confession. What are the benefits of computer games for teens? In them, children are not at all youngsters, whose adult ideas of life are often not even taken into account. Teenagers in computer games are full-fledged individuals who take part in ongoing events. Moreover, the player’s abilities are very significant in the virtual world, and others really need them. In this case, the child begins to earn recognition, which is a very important point for him.
Psychologists noted that the playing person always stands out from the crowd, because he is:
- An optimist and a love of life. Players do not even doubt that everything in life will turn out well. In their virtual world, this is exactly what happens.
- Inventor and discoverer. According to playing children, there is nothing impracticable in the world. Having left computer virtuality, many go through life with confidence in the limitless prospects of reality. Indeed, in their opinion, in order to implement the plan, it is only necessary to make a little more effort.
- Analyst. Strategies and quests force the player to make predictions or provide for various ups and downs that occur during the game. A person already knows what his activity will lead to in a hundred and even a thousand virtual years. At the same time, children begin to understand what every person has an impact on the future.
But even with the correct selection of computer games, parents should remember that, being at the monitor for more than the prescribed time, the child will certainly be overexcited. This will damage his nervous system and eyes. That is why adults should normalize the time spent by children at the computer.
Adult games
People are deeply mistaken in thinking that only children and adolescents are interested in the entertaining virtual world of the PC. This is far from the case. It’s just that many people do not advertise this, considering such a pastime at their age as something shameful.
Is there any use of computer games for a person who has managed to form as a person in this life? Let's try to figure it out from different points of view.
Games attract people because they allow them to feel what is not enough in ordinary life. Or the opposite. With their help, a person is removed from what is in excess of life in his life. In addition, in some games you can even for a short time be someone else who you would like to become in reality. At the same time, it becomes possible to feel your attractiveness and strength, risk fearlessly and successfully unravel the most ingenious puzzles.
During games with aggressive overtones, a person awakens strength, power and excitement. At the same time, satisfaction arises from the mass destruction of virtual creatures that constantly appear on the screen. Such games often attract outwardly timid and peaceful people. For them, they are an attempt to manifest aggression suppressed by them. The virtual situation is completely safe. However, it does not allow a person to experience a feeling of guilt and fear, which suppress aggression in him.
Computer games for logic (for example, solitaire) will allow you to pass the time with forced expectations. Observing attractive visual images, beautiful patterns, bright balls, etc., a person for some time loses his sense of anxiety. .
Sometimes computer games seem completely senseless and empty pastime. However, according to experts, a person sitting at a computer uses a special way of mental self-regulation. To some extent, it relieves stress, dissatisfaction with oneself and life, as well as stress from the inability to manifest negative emotions in certain situations.
This way of avoiding difficulties can be compared with alcoholism. After all, games are often resorted to as one of the means to eliminate internal imbalance. That is why people who often spend time playing games can experience computer addiction. At the same time, a person’s desire to quickly sit at a PC becomes obsessive. Anyone who understands that the computer has changed the flow of his daily life should give up games, finding for himself other ways to cope with stress. It should be borne in mind that getting rid of such an addiction is often possible with lowering the level of anxiety, relieving oneself from internal conflicts, accepting oneself, self-esteem and increasing the ability for active self-realization in the real world.