Determining the sex of the unborn child - myths and reality.

One of the most common activities for those who are soon planning to become a mom or dad is determining the sex of the unborn child. It is rather difficult for the uninitiated to understand the meaning of these actions, it would seem - what difference does it make if a boy is born or a girl, but if you look more closely, then everything is not so simple. First of all, determining the sex of the child may be important even before conception for medical reasons. For example, there are hereditary pathologies (diseases) that are associated with gender, that is, they are transmitted only to the fetus of a particular gender. The most famous of them are hemophilia (blood clotting), transmitted only to the male sex. Usually this disease is spoken of in the singular, but in fact there are several types of A, B, etc.

The methods that allow us to determine the sex of the unborn child are strikingly diverse. Apparently, it affects that humanity has been engaged in this in its own way fascinating process for a very long time, since ancient times. But with the development of modern science, new methods for determining the sex of the child appear. Such as, for example, by updating the blood of parents, by the combination of blood groups, by the date of birth of both parents, by the lunar calculus of the ancient Chinese calendar, by diet, by the heartbeat of the fetus, by the shape of the abdomen, and finally, and many others. But all these methods have one very significant drawback - low reliability and absolutely, of course, is not worth relying on them. One can only adhere to their recommendations in order to possibly indirectly somehow influence the determination of the sex of the unborn child.

In modern medicine, reliable methods are used to determine the sex of the child by which it is possible both before conception and after it, in the process of fetal development. The classic and most common, as well as absolutely safe method is, of course, ultrasound. It can be carried out already starting from the first 12 weeks of fetal development. But one should take into account the fact that, due to the anatomical features of the developing fetus, at the early stages of ultrasound diagnostics, erroneous determination of the sex of the child is possible even among high-class specialists and on modern devices. That is why it is not worth immediately after the first results of an ultrasound scan to run after the “colors” given to the child, but it is better to wait for a later and reliable study. Now there are no problems to buy vests, envelopes, blankets, but with the subsequent replacement of them with a different color, they may well arise.

Before conception, a completely reliable determination of the sex of the unborn child can be given by a single method, called the scientific preimplantation genetic diagnosis (Micro sort). Its essence boils down to the following: due to the fact that the sex of the unborn baby depends only on the father, whose spermatozoa bear the same cherished (X or Y chromosome), all cells carrying an undesired gender are artificially removed from the sperm. With the participation of the rest, the conception of a child of the “desired” sex is performed. This method is new and not yet tested to a sufficient degree and is carried out not by everyone, but strictly for medical reasons (in any case, in the Russian Federation it is legally allowed to use it that way). Moreover, in this case, only fertilization is possible only in an extracorporeal way, which is also not completely physiological.

In any case, before resorting to certain interventions in the natural course of events determined by nature itself, it is worthwhile to think carefully about whether it is really necessary to do this. Perhaps it makes sense to perceive the unborn child, regardless of his gender, and just love him for what he is?

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