February 14 is celebrated Valentine's Day in many countries of the world. Holiday scripts for schoolchildren are developed at this time by many educators. Valentine's Day is a great occasion to talk with children about the relationship of boys and girls, to help bring together different groups within the classroom. Children learn to correctly and beautifully express their feelings for each other, to respect members of the opposite sex.
The origins
Any scenario for Valentine's Day involves introducing children to the history of the holiday. The host can tell her, sometimes students put on mini-performances based on her motives.
Everything happened in the III century in ancient Rome. Emperor Claudius forbade legionaries to marry, as this could weaken their morale during the battles. However, a priest was found who sympathized with the lovers and secretly married them. His name was Valentine. When everything was revealed, the young priest was imprisoned.
It was there that Valentine saw the jailerβs daughter and fell in love with her. The girl was blind, but the priest healed her. On the night before the execution, he did not cry, but wrote her a gentle farewell letter, signing it "from Valentine". From here came the tradition of sending loved ones notes with recognition. They were called "valentines." And the priest himself, people chose the patron saint of all lovers.
Primary school event
Younger students enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Valentine's Day. The script may include a story about the occurrence of the holiday, funny contests with hearts, reading children's poems about the first love. The emphasis is on friendship between boys and girls. Be sure to organize mail so that children can exchange valentines with each other.
To split the children into pairs, a dance game is held. The girls are blindfolded, they are standing in the center of the circle. The boys are dancing to the music. When the song is silent, everyone chooses a mate. The remaining half of the children become members of the jury. For the victory in the competition, they give out players colorful hearts.
Competitions for children 7-10 years old
The script for Valentine's Day involves holding outdoor games, checking the erudition and ingenuity of the kids. The following activities can be offered to younger students:
- "Pierced heart." Children aim with arrows at the foam heart.
- "Who loves whom?" In one minute you need to write on a piece of paper as many couples from fairy tales and cartoons as possible.
- "Broken heart". Collect a paper heart cut into several pieces.
- "Alyonushki and Ivanushki". Everyone is blindfolded, children are looking for their partners.
- "Dance of friendship." Couples dance to cheerful music, holding a balloon between their heads. Those from whom he has never fallen receive a heart.
- "Sweet couple". The blindfolded boys should cut the candy, the girls tell them.
- "Compliments." Boys and girls from each pair write compliments to each other on beautiful pieces of paper. How many of them were invented per minute - so many hearts they will receive.
Script for Valentine's Day for middle school students
First love often falls between the ages of 11-13. These feelings are still unstable, but very bright. Teenagers tend to be shy about the subject of their adoration. An excellent excuse to tell you about your feelings is Valentine's Day. The script of the holiday should include active games, dances, so that the guys can be liberated.
At the entrance, give each person a figuratively cut heart: one half to a girl, the other to a boy. As a first competition, invite the children to connect them by finding their pair. Those who will do it faster than others participate in doubles contests. According to their results, "Valentine and Valentine" is selected.
Competitions for couples
The script for Valentine's Day may include the following games for randomly created couples:
- "Pop the ball." Balloons are attached to the ankle of the participants. They can be in the shape of hearts. During the dance, you need to burst the balls of your opponents and protect yours.
- "The most in love couple." Children sit on chairs and hold a mirror in front of them. Looking into it, couples praise themselves in turn: "How happy we are! How cool we look! What stylish costumes we have!" Who smiled leaves.
- "Confession". Couples must declare their love: a broom, a toothbrush, a chocolate bar, their shoes, a textbook, a ballpoint pen.
- "Date". Boys must use gestures to explain to their partner that they are inviting her: to watch an action movie, to a ballet, to a circus, to a disco, to a zoo, to an ice rink.
- "The most attentive." The couple becomes their backs to each other. The facilitator asks them questions about the appearance of the partner.
- "Cinderella". Girls take off their shoes, pile them up. The boys find them blindfolded and return them to their soul mate.
Games with fans
The script for Valentine's Day at the school should include games with a hall in between pair competitions. No one should feel neglected.
Teenagers will enjoy the following activities:
- "Doves". Children dance in a circle, passing in two directions two paper doves. Suddenly the music is interrupted. The guys in whose hands were the doves compliment each other.
- "Musical brook." To the quick music, the students play the familiar game "Trickle". When the slow composition begins, the couples formed at that moment dance with each other. After 1-2 minutes, the fast song again sounds.
- "Secret friend." Each child at the entrance receives a number. All numbers are written on a piece of paper, put in a bag. Children pull them out with their eyes closed. Whose number you pulled out, you try to do something pleasant during the holiday, but do not give yourself away. At the end of the event, the guys try to guess their secret friend.
- "Sweet word". A balloon in the shape of a heart rushes to children. The one who caught him calls an affectionate word that can be said to a loved one. The ball is thrown on until the imagination of those present ends.
- "Lottery". Since each student has his own number, you can play prizes. To do this, pieces of paper are pulled at random from a bag.
Valentine's Day Script for High School Students
At the age of 14-17, many young men and women regularly go on dates, walk by the arm. The theme of love is very close and interesting to them. The script for Valentine's Day should take this into account. Schoolchildren can prepare a concert program, learn poems and dances, sing songs, put on funny skits. But the teenagers are most interested in the game program and the disco.
The competitive part can be arranged based on the TV show Love at First Sight. In this case, it is assumed that several classes from the same parallel are present at the festival. Each of them nominates one guy and one girl to participate in the games. The fun begins with a presentation of the players, followed by paired contests. Before each of them, the composition of the pairs is changed so that the participants get to know each other better.
The script for Valentine's Day for high school should be interesting, but not vulgar. The following competitions can be organized:
- "Situations". Teenagers pull out a piece of paper, read an assignment and say what they would do in that case. Examples of situations: mom forbids making friends with a boy; the guy is meeting with you and your girlfriend at the same time; the boy you like doesn't pay attention to you; two girls invited you to a "white" dance; you took your girlfriend to the movies and forgot your wallet; your friend is walking with the girl you are in love with.
- "Confession". You need to tell your partner about your love with gestures.
- "Marriage dances." To the lyric melody depict the dance of lovers: swans, horses, monkeys, hares, penguins, bears.
- "Guess the melody". Love songs are heard.
- Compliment Wizard. Children draw out words on a piece of paper that must be inserted into their compliment. For example: brake, silencer, spindle, bobbin.
- "Artists". A couple in 3 minutes makes a drawing on the theme of "First date."
After the games, the participants write on the sheets of the one (or the one) who seemed to them the most original, cute, resourceful. If the numbers match, the pair is considered formed and receives a prize.
The scenario for Valentine's Day for youth is unimaginable without a dance program. Various activities are held to help teens cope with shyness. For example, such:
- "Dance dating." Two circles are formed with an equal number of participants: the inner of the girls and the outer of the boys. To music, they move in different directions. When a song stops, teens facing each other create a pair. Sounds slow composition. Then the game resumes.
- "The sprawling dance." A couple comes out into the center of the circle and starts dancing. When the music falls silent, everyone is looking for a new partner and the dancing continues. During the next stop, 4 people already find a couple for themselves, and soon everyone is dancing.
- "Dancing with a mop." The game involves several pairs and one "extra" young man. Instead of a partner, they give him a mop. Everyone dances to the music, after it stops, you need to quickly change your partner. He who does not have time takes a mop for himself.
When compiling a script for the holiday "Valentine's Day" for students, be sure to consider their age characteristics, likes and dislikes. A fun party can become a reason for further discussion on the relationship between boys and girls, studying the ethical aspect of this issue.