Paraumbilical hernia is the state of the human body, in which such internal organs as intestinal loops, fatty tissue, omentum, peritoneum go to the umbilical ring. This disease often occurs in childhood, or in the elderly. Paraumbilical hernia is rarely diagnosed.
There are a number of factors that cause it to appear. Here is some of them:
- Great physical stress on the human body.
- Pathological disorders such as constipation. Or other bowel diseases.
- Cough of a chronic nature.
- Overweight, obesity.
- Surgical intervention in the human body.
- Injuries to the umbilical area.
If we talk about children, then such an ailment as a paraumbilical hernia is an innate feature of the body. This is due to abnormal formation of aponeurosis. If the child constantly screams, then there is a risk of a paraumbic hernia. During the cry of the baby, the muscles of the peritoneum tighten. This contributes to the occurrence of a hernia. Internal organs protrude into the navel.
Features umbilical hernia
Despite the fact that this ailment is a well-known and studied medicine, no preventive measures have been identified, by implementing which, its occurrence can be prevented. The presence of a hernia in the human body brings him moral discontent, as well as physical suffering. If a hernia, then the person:
- experiencing physical limitations;
- there are risks of new complications in the body.
Nature of occurrence
There are several manifestations of hernia in the body:
- A hernia can be hostile. At birth, the baby has a protrusion of a spherical nature. It is localized at the site of the umbilical cord.
- Also, the hernia has an acquired character. It appears in the body under the influence of external factors that contribute to its occurrence.
It is also divided into straight and oblique.
If the paraumbical hernia is straight, then the patient has a fascia of a transverse nature. The reason for its appearance is thinning. With this course of the disease, hernial discharge extends into the umbilical ring. In the case when the hernia is oblique, the organs protrude above or below it. Thus, a hernial sac is formed in the area between the fascia and the white line of the abdomen. Then there is an exit to subcutaneous tissue directly through the umbilical ring.
In addition, hernias are divided into adjustable and non-adjustable. With correctable hernias, the course of the disease is not exposed to such a danger as pinching. And non-guided are characterized by the occurrence of dangerous complications.
What symptoms in the body indicate the presence of an ailment?
Paraumbic hernia in children is characterized by a defect, which is located in the anterior region of the peritoneum. This condition is diagnosed quite simply, without any difficulties. A hernia can be seen, she sticks out in the navel area, or in close proximity to him. A hernia is visualized when the child is standing, that is, in an upright position. When he lies, the protrusion is not visible.
Also, if a hernia is present in the human body, then the umbilical ring is palpated. Since it is the so-called gate for a hernia. When a protrusion occurs, the umbilical ring expands. There are cases when the hernia gate has a narrow condition. With this course of pathology, the child is constantly experiencing discomfort. Since he feels restless, he cries and is capricious. This condition of the baby can lead to major complications.
There is also statistics that a hernia appears in women at the age of thirty. The following characteristics are diagnosed:
- The size.
- How pronounced hernia.
- Whether adhesions are present or not.
- Possible complications.
In the case when complications arise, an inflammatory process appears, then the patient has an increase in body temperature and pain. Surgical intervention in the human body is used to treat hernias with complications.
Unless special measures are taken, necrosis may occur.
Sometimes if a person has a paraumbilical hernia, the operation is done. You should be aware that the surgical method is not applicable to patients under the age of 5 years. The reason for this is the fact that up to 5 years, a hernia can go away on its own, without surgical intervention. In order for this to happen, the child is prescribed a special massage. Its action is aimed at strengthening the anterior wall of the peritoneum. Also, the child is assigned special gymnastics with a therapeutic effect. The action of physical exercise is aimed at improving blood circulation in the internal organs. This eliminates the risk of stagnation.
In adulthood, treatment through massage and gymnastics will not have the desired effect on the body. Complications may begin. Then a person's body temperature rises, pain appears. Wearing a bandage will also not give the desired results. Muscle atrophy may also begin.
Inpatient hernia treatment
If we talk about the treatment of hernia in an adult, then, as a rule, he is prescribed surgery. Before conducting his patient is visited in a hospital where he undergoes a special examination.
- First of all, the patient is assigned a study through ultrasound. It allows you to determine the type of protrusion and the area of ββlocalization.
- Using an X-ray, it is determined which internal organ of a person is located in the hernial sac.
- Also, an examination of the state of internal organs such as gastroduodenoscopy is carried out. This method allows you to detect or exclude other pathological processes of the internal organs of a person.
In addition, without fail, a person donates blood and urine for research in the laboratory. This is necessary in order to exclude inflammatory processes in the body.
Hernia removal through surgery is called hernioplasty. The essence of the operation is that the hernia gate is sutured to the patient. This is done using natural body tissues or special nets that are made from synthetic materials.
In the case when an implant is used during surgical intervention in the body, the repeated occurrence of a hernia is excluded. In this regard, many doctors recommend an operation using synthetic material.
Gernioplasty has its drawbacks. They are due to the fact that there is a possibility of removing the navel. Also, this method of surgical intervention involves a long recovery process. The recovery time of the body is one year. During this period, the patient should not lift weights and perform any load.
Recommendations for the diagnosis of hernia
It should be said that if a person has suspicions that a hernia is present in his body, then he should contact a medical institution as soon as possible. The fact is that at an early stage of this disease, it is possible to avoid surgery and use conservative methods of treatment.
Contraindications for surgery
There may be contraindications for surgery. These include:
- The period of bearing a child in a woman.
- The condition of the patientβs body, namely the presence of diseases in which surgery cannot be done.
- Age restrictions.
- Exacerbations of any pathologies.
In this case, people are assigned to wear a bandage and a restriction on physical activity. Thus, measures are taken to avoid pinching.
What is the ICD-10 code for a paraumbilical hernia?
ICD-10 is a regulatory document for disease accounting in our country. Each pathology has its own code. What is the code for ICD-10 for a paraumbilical hernia? This information is publicly available. The code for ICD-10 in this ailment is K42.0.
What does Komarovsky say?
Paraumbilical hernia in children is often diagnosed. According to the famous doctor Komarovsky, when she is found in a child, she should be given time to leave. If this does not happen, then you will have to resort to surgical intervention.