Sterilization of cats (laparoscopy): method features and reviews

Cat puberty occurs around the age of 8–9 months. Of course, not all owners of such pets are ready to spend time caring for kittens. Therefore, many owners of cats today resort to the humane method of ending the reproductive function of their pet - sterilization. The most gentle method for carrying out such a procedure at the moment is laparoscopy. Sterilization of cats using this technique is virtually painless.

The need for surgery

Many owners of furry four-legged animals consider castration or sterilization to be unnatural. However, being unable to fulfill its needs for procreation, the cat becomes extremely restless and can cause its owners a lot of trouble - spoil the furniture, make endless attempts to escape to the street, scream loudly, etc. In addition, unsterilized animals kept in the apartment , various kinds of inflammation of the reproductive organs often develop, and even serious health problems arise.

Restless cat

To prevent such troubles and sterilization will help. After such an operation, the cat feels calm, does not get nervous and does not break into the street. It can not occur in a sterilized animal and no diseases associated with reproductive function.

How to choose a clinic

Pet owners who decide to undergo laparoscopy should first of all take care of where this procedure will actually take place. Doing this type of surgery is allowed only in the veterinarian. Any procedure aimed at removing the reproductive organs, even the most sparing, requires first of all the complete sterility of the room.

Some veterinarians suggest sterilizing a cat with laparoscopy at home. To agree to this, even if the specialist promises to lower the price, is by no means impossible. After the operation at home, the cat may develop all sorts of complications due to infection in the wound.

Also, before carrying an animal for laparoscopy, of course, you should definitely make sure that the clinic and the veterinarians working here have a good reputation. High-level specialists always carry out such procedures exclusively in the operating room and at a fairly high cost. Among other things, the owners of the animal should definitely read, of course, and reviews about the selected clinic.

Craving for procreation


When can a cat undergo laparoscopy? Operations using this technique have the peculiarity that animals usually tolerate them quite easily. The optimal age for sterilization using this technology is considered to be 8-9 months. However, if necessary, this procedure can be done for older cats, including those who have already brought litters. Often laparoscopy is prescribed even to animals of advanced age. In the overwhelming majority of cases, no complications in pets, even old ones, who underwent this operation.


Despite the fact that sterilization of cats by laparoscopy is not too complicated, the animal for such an operation, as for any other, of course, must be carefully prepared. Before carrying a pet to the clinic, you must:

  • remove all fleas from the cat and remove ticks, if any;

  • trim your pet's claws.

If during the operation blood-sucking insects are present on the cat’s body, it will transfer the procedure much more complicated. The claws of the animal are cut off before laparoscopy so that it can not do damage to itself by combing the seam.

Having paid for the operation in the clinic, you should definitely ask the veterinarian when exactly it will be performed. Such information is actually very important. 12 hours before surgery, you should stop giving the cat food. After anesthesia, pets can be nauseous in some cases. If the cat is left without food for several hours before the procedure, it will not tear it in the postoperative period.

Cats before sterilization

What is laparoscopy?

With conventional sterilization of cats, veterinarians perform traditional abdominal surgery. After such an intervention, animals most often feel unwell and come to their senses for a long time. Laparoscopy is a sterilization of a cat, in which it is not long, as during abdominal surgery, but very short - only 1 cm - an incision.

Previously, the animal, of course, euthanized. A laparoscopy is performed, like a normal abdominal surgery, under general anesthesia. The doctor injects carbon dioxide into a small incision made on the cat’s body. Next, a small camera pops into the wound.

Thanks to this technique, the veterinarian is able to see the internal organs of the cat. At the next stage, using a special tool, the doctor removes the reproductive organs through the incision.

How do laparoscopy

The final stage of the procedure

During sterilization by laparoscopy, a cat can be excised:

  • ovaries only;

  • ovaries and uterus.

In the latter case, the operation will cost, of course, more expensive. However, it is precisely such laparoscopy that experts recommend to do with a pet. If the cat has only ovaries removed, the risk of developing inflammatory diseases will still remain after sterilization. If the animal will be missing, including the uterus, its owners will be able to avoid such problems by 100%.

At the final stage, the doctor can:

  • stick the wound with medical glue;

  • Sew it subcutaneously with self-absorbable threads.

Cat sterilization: laparoscopy or abdominal surgery?

Thus, the reproductive organs are removed from the cat's body using this modern technology through a very small incision. Compared with conventional abdominal surgery, laparoscopy therefore has the following advantages:

  1. Sterilization by this technique, as we have found, is suitable for cats of all ages. Laparoscopy can be prescribed to almost any animal. The answer to the question of at what age cats are sterilized by this species can be both 6 months and 15 years old.

  2. No risk of developing infectious diseases. Such problems in cats after laparoscopy almost never develop.

  3. No need for long-term care for the surgical suture. To treat a wound on the body of a pet, the owners will most likely have to no more than 2 times.

  4. Short postoperative period.

After normal cavity sterilization from a veterinary clinic, a cat is allowed to be taken no earlier than one day later. All this time, doctors have been monitoring the condition of the animal in order to prevent the development of any complications. After laparoscopy, the animal can be taken home within a few hours after the intervention.

Postoperative care

In the first hours after such an operation, the owners, of course, will need to monitor the condition of their pet. Since laparoscopy is usually very fast, anesthesia is most often used for the animal using light drugs. However, anesthesia has, of course, a certain negative effect on the body of pets, of course.

After sterilization with laparoscopy, the cat will look lethargic and chained for some time. Some animals in the postoperative period may even periodically fall asleep and wake up. Upon arrival home from the clinic, therefore, the cat should be put to rest in her favorite place. In this case, a couple of hours is to ensure that the pet does not throw its head back. If a cat in this position suddenly vomits, it can be choked with vomit. All the consequences of anesthesia in an animal sterilized by laparoscopy usually go away on the same day in the evening.

The bandage to cats undergoing such an operation is in most cases not to be worn. It will be possible to feed a pet 10-12 hours after laparoscopy. The same goes for drinking.

Why cats are sterilized

Care in the following days

Thus, the answer to the question of how much the cat moves away from sterilization by laparoscopy is only a few hours. Animals recover from this procedure, as a rule, very quickly. If the pet remains sluggish during the day, its owners should still consult a veterinarian. Laparoscopy is a gentle operation. However, even such a technique for removing reproductive organs is considered much more complicated than, for example, the same castration of cats.

In any case, so that the postoperative wound of a pet is healed as soon as possible, its owners should:

  • avoid active games with animals for several days after laparoscopy;

  • Do not let the cat lick the seam or scratch it.

Of course, a pet will most likely try to “heal” the wound remaining on her body on her own. If persuasion does not help, and the cat still licks the seam, she should wear a protective belt.

Sterilized in any way, including laparoscopy, animals subsequently, unfortunately, begin to show a tendency to gain weight. Therefore, the owners of such a pet will most likely have to revise its diet. The cat will need to buy food intended specifically for sterilized tetrapods.

Cat on the street

If the fluffy pet is kept on natural food, the owners will need to reduce the portion offered to her. Also in the diet of the cat will have to introduce more low-calorie foods.

Cons of the procedure

Laparoscopy, therefore, has many advantages. The downside of such an operation, most owners of furry pets considers only its rather high cost. The cost of sterilizing a cat by laparoscopy in most clinics is 4-7 thousand. In the regions, this procedure is cheaper. In Moscow, for the operation using this technique, of course, more money will have to be paid.

The need for anesthesia, of course, is also considered to be some disadvantage of the procedure. Unfortunately, not all cats tolerate anesthesia. However, laparoscopy is still more gentle than even the use of hormones, for example. After all, the intervention in the animal’s body in this case has to be done only once. Hormones should be given to a cat periodically.

What you should know about

Laparoscopy for cats is, of course, allowed at all times. In no case, for example, you can not do such an operation during estrus in an animal. At this time, surgery may result in severe bleeding.

Sometimes cats do laparoscopy after childbirth. To carry out such an operation in this case is allowed only about 3 weeks after the animal stops feeding the kittens. The mammary glands of a pet should fully recover before laparoscopy.

Sometimes it happens that after 3 weeks of waiting the cat becomes pregnant again. Laparoscopy of animals in the early stages of gestation according to the rules can be carried out. However, only a specialist is able to decide on the possibility of such surgical intervention in this case.

Positive feedback on cat sterilization by laparoscopy

The opinion of laparoscopy among the owners of fluffy pets has developed very well. As most owners of cats who have undergone such an operation noted, the recovery of their pets after it really goes very quickly. The cat practically does not suffer and quickly begins to lead a familiar lifestyle. It’s not a big deal, as Internet users say in specialized forums, and caring for a furry darling after laparoscopy.

Are there any negative reviews?

The price of cat sterilization is practically the only one, according to the pet owners, minus laparoscopy. Regular abdominal surgery to remove the reproductive organs is cheaper.

Cat after sterilization

In addition, many owners of furry pets consider their own emotional stress to be a certain drawback of this procedure. After all, laparoscopy is still an operative measure. And while the cat is lying on the table under anesthesia, and the doctor is performing certain manipulations on it, many owners experience fear associated with the possibility of losing their pet.

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