Angelfish. Compatibility with other types of fish

Aquarium fish angelfish are quite peaceful. To distinguish them among other residents of the home mini-pond is very simple. Due to the elongated fins (anal and dorsal) they have a flat body of a triangular shape. Light scales, decorated with transverse dark stripes - these are the main signs of scalaria. The compatibility of these fish with other species depends mainly on the volume of the aquarium and the number of plants contained in it. In order not to be constrained, they need a lot of space.

scalar compatibility

Angelfish. Compatible with various types of fish

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angelfish breeding

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angelfish species

This process can last up to three hours. After fertilization, it is recommended to carefully move the eggs to a previously prepared hider. The water in it should be changed daily and disinfected with special means. The best temperature is 27 degrees. A lamp with dim light should be placed near the aquarium. Dead white eggs should be periodically removed from the bottom with a syringe. It is very important to ensure that the fry do not stray in the corners of the aquarium. On the seventh day, the fishes begin to feed. From now on, the water level should be raised, and a small filter and a floating plant should be placed. After a couple of weeks, young animals can be released into a large aquarium.

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