Dog lifespan. The average life expectancy of dogs by breed

A dog almost always becomes an almost full member of the family. And the owners in this case are always interested in the life expectancy of dogs. After all, to lose a pet for whom you become the center of the universe is very painful. Today we’ll talk about how many animals live and what the duration of their life depends on.

dog life span

Choose a puppy

If you decide to get a dog in the house, then choose not a puppy, but a breeder. Remember that the kids are funny and affectionate, but not everyone is able to boast of good health. But it depends on this factor how much time the dog will be your most loyal friend.

The average life expectancy of dogs is formed in the womb. It is possible to extend the genetically laid age only for a short while, but to reduce it is as easy as shelling pears. And if the breeder does not follow the basic rules of keeping animals, then no tricks of the owners of future puppies will help them live a long life.

Factors That Can Affect Canine Years

The average life expectancy of dogs is determined not only by the breed. Currently, home Shariki and Bobiki live an average of 12.8 years. Dogs began to live much longer, and this is due to an improvement in the quality of medical care, as well as the nutrition of animals.

So, what affects the life expectancy of dogs?

Miniature dogs live 1.5 times longer than large individuals. The explanation for this is quite simple: a large dog spends much more energy to maintain the physiological functions of the body. For example, a dog’s heart rate is more intense than that of a small chihuahua.

The sex of the animal also affects the longevity. Bitches live longer than males for a couple of years.

Castration or sterilization deprives the dog of certain joys, but significantly prolongs her life. Untreated animals often develop cancer and other diseases of the reproductive system.

A properly selected diet also plays a big role. High-quality feeds with a balanced composition will add a couple of years of a happy life to your pet.

average life expectancy of dogs

A healthy lifestyle should not only be a person. Dog in this regard is no exception. Long walks, good nutrition increase the life of your pet. Veterinary examinations will help prevent the development of many fatal diseases for the animal.

What is the life span of a homeless cur?

Street dogs, unfortunately, die before they reach old age. Many factors contribute to this. And this is, first of all, poor nutrition, because animals get food by rummaging in garbage containers.

A stray dog ​​is in the open air all year round, regardless of the time of year, and this also does not add to the dog’s health.

Outdoor dogs often get sick. Especially many animals die due to infection with the plague. This is a dangerous disease that causes the death of many homeless animals. Domestic dogs are vaccinated.

A stray dog, as a rule, is a purebred animal, or it would be more correct to say, a mestizo obtained from crossing different breeds. And the average number of years lived by a mestizo depends on the breed of his parents.

thoroughbred dogs

Life expectancy of dogs of different breeds

When choosing a future furry family member, you need to remember that appearance is not the most important thing. The thoroughbred dogs, having the appearance closest to the natural anatomy, live longer than their apparently non-standard relatives.

But there are exceptions to all the rules. So, chuhuahua babies are real centenarians. Their life expectancy reaches 15 years. Of course, it all depends on the owner and the conditions that he will create the dog.

A dog of the Akina Inu breed (the dog of this breed played the role of Hachiko) will please the owner from 10 to 14 years.

The miniature toy terriers that girls so love to dress and carry around everywhere, like a beautiful handbag, can live up to 15 years. But with proper care and good heredity, sometimes they set records, living up to 25 years.

Thoroughbred husky dogs even in 14 years remain in good physical shape, and can live a whole quarter of a century. But boxers have a fairly short life - only 10 years.

homeless dog

Future owners note

When choosing a dog, you should pay attention to the breeds closest to the natural look. So, a flat muzzle, huge eyes or crooked paws will add unusualness to the animal, but shorten its life.

Life expectancy can also depend on such trifles as eye color. Dogs with beautiful blue eyes can be completely deaf, and during the walk the dog will not be able to hear a car approaching him. The result is death.

How to extend the life of your pet

The life expectancy of dogs depends primarily on the diet of the animal. It is necessary to feed the dog correctly, and for this it is necessary to take into account the weight, age, as well as the rhythm of his life.

As for the feed itself (natural food and dry feed), then you need to get advice from a veterinarian. If this is not possible, then we must remember that a sharp transition from one type of feed to another is unacceptable.

Sweets, fatty and fried foods for dogs are completely prohibited.

Long walks will help extend the life of dogs. After all, movement is life. In addition, the animal will always be in good shape.

dog life

For a dog, the family in which she lives automatically becomes her pack. It is important that the animal does not feel like an outcast. Let the pet take part in your life: play with it, take it with you for a morning run, to rest. The psychological state of the animal also plays no less important role than good nutrition.

And, of course, a loving owner needs to monitor the health of his pet. The dog needs to be taken for preventive examinations to the veterinary clinic, vaccinated, etc.

Remember that representatives of large breeds become real old people by the age of 7–8 years. But even at this age they love you no less than when they were puppies. Therefore, be attentive to them as well.

In general, the animal just needs to be loved - and then it will live a long and happy life.

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