Eczema in dogs: description, causes and characteristics of treatment at home

Our pets are prone to skin diseases no less than their owners. However, under thick hair it is sometimes difficult to notice the symptoms of an onset disease and start treatment on time. The most common ailment is eczema in dogs. Today we want to tell you in detail what this disease is, how to recognize it, and also describe the most effective methods of treatment.

eczema in dogs

General classification

So, how can you determine exactly what eczema in a dog is? Symptoms can be quite diverse, so it will be much better to show the animal to a professional than to self-medicate. By this disease is meant inflammation of the surface layers of the skin. And subsequently, a secondary bacterial infection can connect to it, and the symptoms will be lubricated even more.

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weeping eczema in dogs

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    dog eczema treatment

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wet eczema in dogs

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how to treat eczema in a dog

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First of all, you need to provide the dog with full walks and constant access to fresh water. Be sure to include raw beef and poultry liver, as well as butter. A complete diet with fat-soluble vitamins gives excellent results. Eczema is a disease that is easier to prevent than to cure.

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