The color of urine during pregnancy is an important indicator of a woman's health. Deviation from the norm always causes concern among expectant mothers. Find out why the color may change.
Changes in the urinary system
With the onset of pregnancy, the woman’s body changes dramatically. Including urinary organs. With the growth of the fetus, there is less and less space for them. The kidneys work with a vengeance. Now they have to answer not only for the hostess, but also for the baby. All the products of his life are brought out by the organism of the future mother. However, with such a load, they get not as good blood supply as before. The child in the womb presses on all internal organs. And from the 14th to the 15th week, she begins to actively move and push her mother from the inside.
In addition, in most cases, due to an increase in progesterone, the renal pelvis also increases. Normally, this is no more than two centimeters. If the indicator is higher, this suggests that a woman may develop pyelonephritis.
The bladder also has a hard time. The enlarged uterus presses him, forcing the woman to relieve herself several times even in the middle of the night.
Why has the color changed?
Expectant mothers often wonder if the color of urine changes during pregnancy. According to experts, urine changes its properties almost from the first days after fertilization. It is according to it that they determine in what condition the kidneys are, whether there is inflammation, or any diseases. Not without reason future mothers constantly run with jars to the clinic at the doctor’s insistence.
Normally, urine should be yellow. There is no single requirement for the shade, it can be different. Why is it sometimes "colorful"? The following factors influence this:
- Taking medications that change the color of both urine and feces.
- Staining due to eating foods such as beets, carrots, etc.
- The color of urine during pregnancy changes the intake of various vitamin complexes.
- The presence of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis.
As soon as you notice that the color has changed, inform your gynecologist about this. He will evaluate your performance according to the analysis and explain why it happened.
Dark urine during pregnancy
In the case when urine is noticeably darkened, you need to remember what foods you used could affect this. First of all, iron preparations change the color of urine. Many expectant mothers are diagnosed with anemia when hemoglobin drops sharply. An excellent tool for its normalization is iron. It is found in food, but, as a rule, an additional intake of this substance is necessary for a pregnant woman. However, its side effect is often the staining of excretion products (feces and urine) in a dark color. If you feel good taking iron, but notice that your urine has suddenly darkened, then you should not worry.
Taking activated charcoal can also temporarily cause a woman to panic. Its decay products stain urine, but, as a rule, this effect is short-lived.
Morning urine is always much darker. It contains the highest concentration of chemical elements. Therefore, doctors recommend taking tests from the very early morning.
Red tint
Yellow urine during pregnancy is the norm. And what about those who have discovered, for example, a pink shade of urine? As a rule, redness occurs when eating beets. She stains both feces and urine in various colors: from light pink to maroon. You should not be scared: in a couple of days everything will fall into place. Another thing is if you did not use this product the day before. Then the red color can indicate an impurity of blood. This indicator indicates cystitis. This disease is dangerous for women in position, and therefore you should immediately inform your gynecologist about this.
Green or brown tint
The color of urine during pregnancy can take on completely unexpected shades. You should be wary if you find yourself in the green urine. This usually happens in those who suffer from diseases of the gallbladder. With its inflammation, bile can enter the excretion products.
Urinary tract infections can cause urine to turn green. Perhaps its composition contains pus. Symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination and green urine indicate that a woman urgently needs to see a doctor.
The most harmless factor affecting this is eating foods with a dye of a given color. Remember, didn’t you eat something like that the day before?
Brown urine appears when a pregnant woman drinks a little liquid. The concentration of chemicals rises, which affects its color.
With pancreatitis or liver disease during an exacerbation, urine may turn brown.
There are many different shades in which urine is stained during pregnancy. First of all, remember what food you ate. If you are concerned about any other symptoms besides a color change, this is an occasion to see a doctor.
Muddy urine
During pregnancy, the color of urine changes, as well as its other properties. After all, she is the main indicator of the state of the organism of the future mother.
Turbid urine is a rather dangerous sign for pregnant women. Over a long period, this indicates the onset of gestosis. If at the same time there are swelling and increased pressure, then there is no doubt. A cloudy hue indicates an impurity in the protein urine. If you do not treat gestosis on time, the consequences can be very deplorable. In severe cases, doctors carry out emergency delivery.
Perhaps the analyzes were not collected correctly. In this case, turbidity sometimes appears. Experts recommend taking a shower before passing urine, and rinse the container thoroughly and rinse it with boiling water.
In addition, turbid urine may be a sign of fetal infection in the womb. If this is confirmed, then, probably, hospitalization will not do.
In all cases, turbidity of the urine is always an adverse sign.
The effect of color on the floor
The color of urine during pregnancy in the early stages may serve for some as an indicator of determining the sex of the unborn baby. It is widely believed that a mother wearing a son under the heart will have a bright yellow color of urine. But with the girl the opposite is true: the urine is light, straw-colored.
To believe or not to believe in this sign is up to you. However, no one canceled the change in shades depending on the food consumed. Usually, those women who crave a child of a certain gender, find all the signs indicating this.
However, there is a scientific justification that explains the color of urine during pregnancy and the gender of the unborn child. While waiting for the boy, the woman’s body is experiencing more serious changes. The male hormonal system is different from the female. Therefore, bearing a child of the opposite sex, the body of the expectant mother experiences stress. This can affect the color of urine, increasing the concentration of pigment.
Information about what color urine is during pregnancy and which one is not is very important. This indicator judges the health of mother and child. The fetus is not yet born, and therefore all the products of its selection are taken by the expectant mother. It is necessary to carefully monitor your health during this period.
If you notice that your urine has acquired an unusual shade, it is worth analyzing the situation. First, remember what foods were consumed the day before. In the event that nothing specific was eaten, consult a doctor. He will tell you why the color of urine has changed. Remember that normal urine should be yellow. This is an indicator that the expectant mother and baby are in perfect order.