Nine months of waiting behind. Now there is a little man in the family who is growing older every day. Monthly development of children is rapid and
interesting process.
In the first month, the baby only sleeps and eats. By the end of the month, he begins to respond to sounds and distinguish between closely located faces of his relatives.
In the second month, the child begins to smile, "walk" and can briefly follow the toy.
The third month - the baby can hold his head, watches the toys and tries to grab them, reacts to different sounds.
A child in the fourth month recognizes relatives. Crying at the sight of strangers. Starts playing with toys. Trying to roll on his stomach on his own. Starts to babble.
Fifth month
- the first child takes the initiative in communication. He holds out his hands, "babbles" with might and main, turns on his stomach and tries to roll over.
The development of children by the months of the second half of the year is already significantly different. At the sixth month, the baby can sit and sit on its own. Starts to try to crawl. It reacts to its own name and can with the help of an adult get up.
A seven-month-old baby eats from a spoon and tries to drink from a cup. He understands the words "can", "not" and the names of objects. He knows the location of things in the house where the toys are.
At eight months, affection for mom is very active. The child likes to clap, dance. The kid can himself, relying on something, or with the help of adults to move around. Distinguishes the meaning of the words: "show," "bring," "give."
A nine-month-old baby crawls and walks, but still holds on to a support. Starts by screaming and crying
to achieve the desired. Makes the first attempts to dress and eat independently.
Ten months - the child tries to walk independently. It can climb and climb from low objects. Increasingly dancing to the music, pronouncing the first words.
At eleven months, the baby is increasingly showing independence. He waves his head, meaning "yes" or "no." He understands the difference between good and bad.
Twelve months - the child walks confidently, pronounces a few words.
The development of children from month to year is very dynamic. But do not forget that each child is individual.
After a year, the baby seeks to explore the world. Today, the early development of children is very popular. It is scientifically proven that children under three years of age remember a huge amount of information and are actively developing. Many early development techniques have been developed.
Your baby has grown up and will he go to school soon? It is also necessary to prepare the child. Preschool development of children is very helpful for the child in the future and facilitates learning.
Knowing how children develop by months is the responsibility of any parent who wants their child to grow up healthy, intelligent and developed in all areas of their future life. After all, this knowledge will help to make the right decision for the necessary course of the child’s development at a certain moment of his just beginning life path.