"Akinator" - an exciting game where the genie guesses the characters

"Akinator" is an amazing game where the genie guesses the characters he has guessed. Probably, every person at least once found it on the Internet. Try to guess the genie of a character whom he cannot guess!

Game description

"Akinator" is a game where a genie guesses a mysterious character. She immediately became quite popular, even considering the fact that her advertising appeared in negligible amounts. But even so, there are still people who still don’t know the name of the game, where the genie guesses the character.

It should be noted that the site with Akinator reached its peak of popularity in 2014, as the community of bloggers began to actively upload videos with gin to the YouTube video portal.

Akinator's victory

Rules of the game

Despite the seemingly complete lack of a framework for questions, the game has certain rules that must be followed.

  1. True answers to gin questions should be given. Otherwise, he will show a completely different result. Accordingly, the whole essence of the game is simply violated.
  2. Do not guess the character that was just invented. It is important to remember that Akinator can only guess the one who has been mentioned on the Internet at least once. If a character is made up about which there is no information on the World Wide Web, then the genie will come to a standstill.

The device and principle of operation of "Akinator"

At the heart of the game, where the genie guesses the characters, is a fairly simple algorithm. Of course, there is no magic in it. All the “thoughts of Akinator” are reduced to the simplest algorithm, which, in turn, is based on the exclusion method.

Faced with each answer, the genie excludes options that are not suitable. The final question "Akinator" cuts off all the remaining options. Many still have doubts about how the game works, where the genie guesses the characters. Like many other topics mysterious for Web users, many mystical stories are written about Akinator, which ordinary people came up with.

Gene is trying to guess the character.

History of occurrence

Akinator was coined by two programmers from France in 2007, but a whole team worked on the project.

The team that created the game

The game was made on the basis of the complex programming language C ++, but it is encoded with a small number of algorithms. Since its inception, the application interface has not changed much. The developers tried several times to improve the design, but users practically did not pay attention to these innovations, since the game process itself attracted them more.

Similar program

Akinator is a unique program whose high-quality analogues do not yet exist. However, there is one project that is somewhat reminiscent of this genie. This is a 20Q site. This game contains an algorithm that recognizes a hidden plant or animal in 20 questions. The project has both its advantages and disadvantages. The most pronounced minus is that you can only guess animals and plants.

Fan versions

Since people really liked the theme of the project, versions of Akinator from fans began to appear. At the moment, there are so many that it's hard to count, but none of them works better than the original. As they say, it’s difficult to imitate, it’s impossible to repeat. At the same time on the Internet you can find a bunch of games where the genie guesses the characters.


At the end of the article, I would like to note that Akinator is a unique project that definitely deserves the attention of users. For its simple, but at the same time convenient interface, the game about gin has won the love of people. Despite her very small variety of actions, I want to return to her again and again. For a game of this format, Akinator has reached incredible heights, since the bulk of similar ones does not rise in the ranking so high.

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