Throughout the history of mankind, people were born to people who were different from the rest. To put it more clearly, these children had disabilities. Disability could be both physical and mental, but, one way or another, it prevented the normal integration of children into society. Accordingly, they were fenced off from normal development, which estranged them from human society even more. In most cases, these children grew up alone and lived their whole lives with their parents, who continued to look after them like babies.
Naturally, special institutions were created where such a child with a disability could be sent, but such institutions were more likely a sentence for the child as a potential full-fledged person, because they only created a huge gap between "normal" children and "special" children, even more complicating the integration of the latter into the society of the former. A similar situation was observed for a very long time, and only very recently has it begun to improve. And this happens due to the fact that a special inclusive education has appeared in the DOW. According to the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard), such education is now an obligatory part of the system in the Russian Federation. Accordingly, serious steps are now being taken to ensure that “special” children cease to be such and are able to receive a suitable education that allows them to integrate into society in the future and become its full part. However, what is an inclusive education in a preschool educational institution according to GEF? It's time to sort this out.
What is inclusive education?
First of all, it is necessary to deal with what exactly is inclusive education in a preschool educational institution according to GEF. The essence of this approach is to follow the path of unification. This means that “special” children are not separated from the rest of society, kept at home under the supervision of parents or sent to special institutions. Rather, such institutions are being created in which ordinary children and children with disabilities can be at the same time, so that they can all learn to live a full, full life.
Inclusive Education in Russia
Naturally, this is a very complex and time-consuming process, inclusive education in the GEF educational institutions will be implemented in Russia for a very long time, however, the fact that the implementation has begun, is already pleasing, and the corresponding institutions are gradually opening, where each child is trained in interaction and mutual assistance, where children with disabilities from an early age integrate into the real world and learn to overcome their shortcomings and live with them as a full-fledged part of society.
As for the education system itself, active work is underway to ensure that inclusive education is not concentrated only in the largest cities of the country, but is distributed throughout its territory, allowing to reach as many people as possible. Accordingly, now the Russian Federation is at the stage of creating a solid and reliable foundation throughout the country, which children with one or another disability can use as a support when entering a society that was previously prohibited for them.
Why is the GEF inclusive education program so important? It turns out that statistics are literally shouting in favor of creating more such inclusive educational institutions. The fact is that over the past thirty years the number of children born with disabilities in Russia has simply grown incredibly. And forecasts allow us to say that in the near future, growth will continue to be observed. Accordingly, such a situation cannot be left without full control, and inclusive education in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the most reasonable decision that can be made at this stage.
The benefits of inclusion
Now you know the basic concepts related to inclusive education in the GEF GES: what it is, how it is implemented, and so on. But the topic is far from being exhausted, so it is worth taking a closer look at some aspects. For example, on how such an inclusive education can be useful. As absolutely all experts note, there are a large number of diverse approaches to children with particular characteristics, but they all agree that the most important thing for such children is contact with people around them.
Accordingly, inclusive education is precisely the method that maximally concentrates on meeting this most important requirement. According to numerous studies, contacts between children with and without abnormalities benefit both. The level of empathy in those children who study in accordance with this program is much higher, and we are talking about both disabled children and completely ordinary children. The experience of working in inclusive education at the Federal State Educational Standards (FES) demonstrates that this is indeed so, and in the Russian Federation there is also a positive impact on the psyche and development of children following the rules of inclusiveness.
The Importance of Preschools
It's no secret that preschool education is a very useful aspect that allows a child to socialize from an early age and by the time the school period begins to be fully prepared for all the difficulties that he will face if he immediately passes from his home lifestyle to school. Studies show that children who were involved in pre-school education in the first grades of the school showed significantly more impressive results, and we are talking not only about academic performance, but also about socialization and adaptation to school conditions.
How is inclusive education organized in preschool institutions?
If it comes to children with disabilities, then for them, pre-school education plays an even more serious role. That is why inclusive education is recommended in the preschool educational institution on FSES from the birth of a child, since in this way he will be able to feel from a very early age as part of society, and not as an outcast, as happened earlier. If a disabled child goes to such a preschool institution, then it can be guaranteed that by school age he will be able to freely communicate with other children, interact with them, and also have all the necessary behavioral and communicative functions. How, then, is inclusive education organized in the pre-school educational institution on GEF from birth to school?
Work principles
Programs of inclusive education in the pre-school educational institution on GEF from birth to school may vary depending on the particular institution, but it is worth noting that they all follow several clear principles on which this whole system is built. Firstly, within the framework of inclusive education, each child is provided with an individual approach, which makes it possible to say with confidence that the needs of each student will be taken into account. Secondly, each child is primarily motivated by independent activity, while teachers only act as assistants who provide support in case of difficulties. Thirdly, one of the fundamental principles of inclusive education is the inclusion of absolutely all students in the educational process, without exception, based on the physical or mental state of the child.
It is also worth noting that in such education the interdisciplinary approach is most widely used, variable methods that change freely in the learning process to better suit a specific group of students, and the emphasis is on interacting with the family so that children with disabilities do not feel uncomfortable away from their relatives.
And, of course, the emphasis is on creating and developing an educational model. This means that such institutions are not considered as an entertainment place where young children can have a good time, it is a full-fledged educational institution that really benefits the community. Therefore, inclusive education programs at the pre-school educational institution for GEF hatching to school are developed with particular care.
Serious process
Naturally, everything began rather locally, inclusive education was introduced in individual educational institutions as an experiment to see how successful it would be. As it turned out, this approach helped to achieve incredible successes, and the results of the first experiments showed that children with disabilities received much more opportunities for development and integration into society than they did before, when only special institutions for the "special" were available to them.
Huge amounts of work
But it’s worthwhile to understand that this is only the beginning, and there is still a long way ahead that will not be easy to follow. Indeed, today inclusive education is only one of the most popular teaching methods, which is used in individual schools and educational institutions. The goal, of course, should be the universal dissemination of inclusive education, that is, it should become comprehensive and basic throughout the country so that children with disabilities do not look for where to find at least some institution offering an inclusive program, and that they can go to any institution, and they could be accepted there, since worthy specialists are able to organize the process of teaching children with any deviations everywhere.
Mental problems
But the most important thing is the need for changes in the mentality of people. It is regrettable that most people at the sight of a disabled person on the street will try to turn away as soon as possible and pass by quickly. People with disabilities are not perceived as full-fledged members of society, so even if inclusive education will be incredible success throughout the country, until people make their lives inclusive, including people with disabilities in their communication sphere, not paying attention to their problems and treating them like equal, success will not work.
The main problems of inclusive education
Summing up, it is worth identifying the main problems that hinder the success of inclusive education in Russia today. Firstly, there is no universal all-Russian system. Secondly, the necessary training for the necessary specialists is not provided. Thirdly, in the existing Kindergarten there are no conditions for the introduction of inclusive education. Well, do not forget that in most preschool educational institutions there is no appropriate medical support, work is not ongoing on the development of special methods, and there is no related legislation in matters of children with disabilities.