Different companies have fun in different ways. Someone likes outdoor activities and camping trips for one reason or another, and some just gather at the table and celebrate another event. And if it is much easier to entertain guests in nature than just in the apartment, it is also possible to spend an interesting evening sitting on the couch.
Great game for a company where most guests are unfamiliar with each other. To do this, in a circle it is necessary to put a roll of toilet paper, from which all guests will have to tear a certain number of pieces. Further, all the scraps are recounted and depending on how many pieces of paper a particular person typed, he must tell so many facts from his own biography to others.
For any team, competitions at the anniversary table will be interesting, because just eating and chatting can be boring. Therefore, a competition called “Activity under the table” will help to dilute the evening. To do this, you need to choose the smallest person and just run him under the table, where he will take off shoes from each guest in turn. Whoever laughs or gives himself away is out of the game. And so on until the last person who becomes the winner.
Also interesting are such contests at the anniversary table as games in associations. So, the host needs to give each guest a piece of paper and a pencil, where everyone will write four answers to the next question “What do you associate with a forest, sea, cats and horses?” So, ideally, the forest is life, the sea is love, cats are women, horses are men. Reading the answers will be interesting. Whoever comes closest to the truth is the winner.
You can use culinary contests at the anniversary table. So, it is necessary to give the task to women first - to guess from which products a particular dish is created, and to choose the winner based on the results. But the most fun this contest can be held with men who are quite far from the kitchen. Their answers will be very funny.
Competitions at the anniversary table can also be literary. For example, you can give a task to all guests to recall the works of one or another author. Whoever lists more is the winner.
Contests for the anniversary at the table may also relate to music. For a given letter, all guests should remember as many singers, singers, musical groups, songs as possible. Whoever gives the most correct answers to all questions is the winner.
Cool contests for a birthday at the table, which relate to eating a particular product. So, participants can be invited to eat ice cream, for example, with a banana or peel this fruit without the help of hands. There are many options and ideas on how to engage in food contests.
If you need to entertain guests, you can recall children's games, which also perfectly entertain the company. Youthful fortune-telling on the book will be fun. To do this, choose the publication of jokes or funny stories and predict the future from this book. So, a certain person should name two numbers that will mean the page of the book and the line that the leader should read. This line will be a prediction. This is a very fun game that perfectly entertains a slightly bored audience.