Why do cats trample us paws? Back to the childhood

Why cats trample us paws

Owners of domestic cats are aware that sometimes their pets love to “mash” their paws. And most often this happens before the animal’s bedtime. Whether it is your knees or the blanket with which they are covered, the cat does not care - she tramples and tramples you. Have you ever thought about what caused this behavior of the animal? If so, then this article will be of interest to you. In it we will tell why cats trample us paws.

How is everything going?

You, probably, noticed that "stamping" can have different character. First, the cat, jumping on its owner, gently paw massage you, as if checking your reaction. If at this moment you don’t react at all, then soon the movements of the statutes will be more rhythmic and painful, since the animal will be able to release its claws, catching you at the same time.

Where does this habit come from?

If you have ever watched a nursing cat and its cubs, then the question "why do cats trample us paws" is unlikely to arise. So, in order. Kittens, when they drink milk from the nipples of matter, use their paws to stimulate its flow. Kids are still small, without claws, so their movements do no harm to the cat. But the kittens themselves remember this habit for life. After all, it is with the action that the warmest and most pleasant impressions are connected: when a warm mom is nearby, who will both feed and warm. But still, why do cats trample us with their paws? Domestic cats whose life is that they eat, sleep and

why cats trample paws

sometimes they play, remain kittens almost all the time. But since the owner replaces the mother, they begin to show their love for him. And how else to show your feelings, except for not the old method - trampling? Do not believe? Try to look into the eyes of your pet at a time when he is treading on you. In them you will see bliss, contentment and complete peace, as they are pleased to express their love, albeit in a way that is not very pleasant for people. Not all owners withstand claw massage and often drive cats off, wondering, “Why do cats trample on their paws”? Of course, you can understand such people, because few people are pleased when the claws walk back and forth on the skin. But if you want to see true resentment and anger, then look in the eye in the eyes of your favorite, whom you just drove away. The animal will be indignant and do not understand why it was treated like that.

How to be

why a cat tramples on human legs

Why cats trample us paws, now you know, it's time to learn how to behave in such a situation. After all, it is clear that I do not want to offend the animal, but to endure its scratches on myself is also not a pleasant thing. What can be done to make everyone happy?

  • Put a small pillow or coverlet on your lap so that the animal tramples it, but not you.
  • Get anti-scratches at the pet store - special clutch covers. With them, you will no longer feel pain when stamping your cat.

So, now you know why a cat tramples on a person’s paws. This is the main version of this behavior. There is also the possibility that the animal simply “kills” the surface so that it is more comfortable to sleep.

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