The puppy does not eat dry food, what should I do? What food is best for puppies? The better to feed the puppy

A dog, like any living creature, has its own addictions in food. If some puppies immediately go to a special food and at the same time only lick their lips, then others categorically refuse it. Sometimes such a refusal can happen suddenly, which causes bewilderment of the owner. Why the puppy does not eat dry food, what to do if he previously used it, and which diet to prefer in order to raise a healthy pet, we will consider in this article.

puppy does not eat dry food what to do

Reasons for refusal

To understand why the puppy began to refuse dry food, it is necessary to monitor its condition. It is important to understand if he is sick, or there are other good reasons.

It is also important that the failure occurred abruptly, or the pet did not initially like dry food.

Maybe he got sick?

If the puppy does not eat dry food, what to do in this situation depends on the general condition of the animal. You should find out if the dog is suffering from constipation or maybe it has diarrhea. Is there a pet with unusual lethargy and apathy?

The reason for refusing the usual food may be parasites that live on the skin. It is necessary to check the puppy for ticks. Be sure to carefully inspect the pet. Ears and eyes are checked. The gums and tongue are examined. If the puppy does not want to eat dry food, ulcers in the mouth may be the cause.

If the condition of the pet during the examination caused anxiety and the appetite suffers, it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian. The specialist will give recommendations for treatment and with recovery, “drying” will again become a familiar diet.

how to feed a puppy for 2 months

Lifestyle change

Often the animal is healthy and fun, but suddenly it began to abandon their favorite treats. A change in lifestyle or brand of food can provoke this behavior.

  1. The puppy may stop chewing the proposed food if the owner has abruptly switched from one brand of food to another. Sometimes the owner wants to do the best and chooses more expensive packs. Failure in this case occurs because economical options often provide flavor enhancers and flavors. In a situation where, on the contrary, in an effort to save money, the owner offers the puppy cheaper food, the refusal is due to the large presence of soy and a small amount of meat. A person cannot determine this by smell, but his pet can do it easily.
  2. The puppy may refuse dry food if addicted to food from the table of people. Do not pamper the animal if you do not want to transfer it to such a diet.
  3. If the owner rarely takes the puppy out for a walk, does not play with him, then mobility is reduced. Accordingly, the animal may lose appetite.
  4. It happens that dry food is poured into a bowl uncontrollably. The dog does not eat the entire portion at the same time and gradually eats it throughout the day. As a result, the puppy simply does not feel hunger for the next feeding.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the time of year. In summer heat, dry food is required in smaller quantities.

The animal can be cheerful and cheerful, but at the same time refuse to “dry”. If this situation does not last more than one day, then you should not worry.

which food is best for puppies

Accustom to dry food

If the puppy is planned to be fed with ready-made dry food, then its training should be strictly and without concessions. It is necessary to make it clear to the pet that the owner in the house is a person, and his word is authority. It happens that a pet cleverly manipulates the feelings of the owner, and then food from the table becomes a familiar occurrence.

Do not worry and give in if the puppy looks intently into his eyes and begs for a tidbit. If he is hungry, he will go to the bowl and eat.

When a puppy does not eat dry food, what to do depends on the situation. If he is simply spoiled, then it is necessary to add pieces of dry to homemade food. Gradually, the food from the table is reduced to nothing, and the pet is completely transferred to "drying."

It is advisable not to let the animal into the kitchen during household training when household members eat there. If the pet continues to ignore the proposed food, you can hold it in the water for 2-3 days. But be sure to be affectionate with him at this time, play and take a walk. Then, after the time has passed, he will eagerly pounce on the food you offer.

However, this method is contraindicated for puppies who are not yet 3 months old, adults, but weakened individuals and pregnant.

Sometimes the refusal of dry food is due to its stiffness. In animals, gums may become inflamed or microcracks may form on the teeth. If you add a little water to the feed, then the problem can be solved.

the puppy does not want to eat dry food

Prevent failure

In order for the pet to consume the proposed food with pleasure, it is worth taking the choice of food responsibly. All manufacturers produce products for animals of different classes.

When deciding which food is best for puppies, you should choose packs of premium class. They contain only meat products and no artificial flavors.

You should also consider the calorie content of the product. If the puppy's breed is active, then he will spend more energy than small decorative dogs.

If you need to transfer a pet from one brand of feed to another, then it is worth doing it gradually. The necessary food is gradually added to the usual food.

Sometimes refusal of dry food occurs due to low activity. Some people think that walks are necessary for the puppy to learn how to relieve outside the home. However, movements are also beneficial to him so that his appetite does not suffer.

To avoid unmotivated failures, do not pour a large amount of food into a bowl. Sometimes the answer to the question of why the puppy does not eat dry food is in its excess. If after 10-15 minutes the bowl is not empty, then the food should be removed until the next feeding.

Chihuahua puppy does not eat dry food

Puppy Diet Basics

The puppy gets to the new owners at the age of 1-3 months. If a pet of a shepherd breed is already ready to eat on its own by one month, then decorative dogs are capable of this only by three.

Therefore, what to feed the puppy at 2 months old depends on its pedigree and previous diet. You should not increase the stress of moving with new food. It is advisable to offer the same dishes that the breeder had at the new place for the first week.

When the adaptation period has passed, you can accustom yourself to the necessary food. It is important to learn how to feed a puppy in 2 months. The pet is still very small, so you should clearly follow the recommendations of dog handlers and offer food 4-5 times a day. Disputes about which food is best for puppies are still ongoing. Feeding only dry requires certain knowledge and financial costs. But the option is preferred if:

  1. There is no way to diversify the dog’s menu and feed her with natural products.
  2. The puppy suffers from allergic reactions.
  3. Congenital disorders in the digestive system were found.

In this case, you can be sure that the pet receives everything you need, and prohibited products are excluded.

Feeding the puppy by the rules

The basis of the diet of a small pet should consist of lean meat. It is supplemented by cereal crops. From two months of age, dairy products should be offered to the pet. It is advisable to give cottage cheese and stewed vegetables.

About 3-5 months, the pet begins a natural change of teeth. Therefore, how to properly feed a puppy at 4 months old depends on their condition and quantity. In order for the jaws to develop and the bite to be correct, it is recommended to offer the animal soft bones. It is at this age that it is best to accustom to dry food.

If the puppy is not on the finished feed, then special vitamins and top dressing should not be neglected. The basis of the puppy's diet, which turned 3-4 months old, should be crushed meat, broths, cottage cheese. It is useful for the jaws to nibble cartilage.

At the age of 6 months, the pet urgently needs high-grade protein food. Fiber, vitamins and minerals are important. Therefore, the diet looks like this:

  1. Meat should be at least 50% of the total diet.
  2. Vegetables - 15-20%.
  3. Cereals - 30-35%.

Ready dry feeds are designed taking into account the age of the animal and its activity. Veterinarians recommend that by the age of six months the pet is gradually transferred to such a feed. It is important that the selected brand meets the needs of the animal and is a premium product.

why the puppy does not eat dry food

How much a puppy should eat per day

The dog’s feeding schedule is usually strict, but may vary depending on the breed and diet chosen. In any case, the younger the puppy, the more often it is fed.

  1. Pets from 1 to 2 months should receive food six times a day.
  2. Puppies from 2 to 3 months - five times a day.
  3. Animals that are already 4 months old can be fed four times a day.
  4. Pets from six months are gradually transferred to an adult diet. First, food is offered three times, after 8 months - already twice a day.

Overfeeding syndrome is tight, like a ball, belly. This situation should not be allowed.

Small breed diet

A big problem with small breed dogs is their predisposition to heart disease. For this reason, decorative dogs from a very early age should be offered vitamin and mineral supplements. The diet must be full and fully balanced. But it is absolutely impossible to compensate for poor food by increasing the number of feedings or in large portions.

Among the minerals in the first place are fluorine and calcium. This is due to the fragility of the spine. With good nutrition, the bone skeleton should form in a short time.

At times, breeders complain that a Chihuahua puppy does not eat dry food. This may be due to his wrong choice. The pet is too small to handle large chunks. He may not like the presence of soy additives, which animals easily detect. In order for the pet to eat “drying” with pleasure, it is necessary to select a pack that is designed specifically for dogs of small breeds.

how to feed a puppy in 4 months

Prohibited Products

There are not too many completely banned products. But they must be known in order to avoid misses in the diet. You should also learn how to properly care for your puppy so that he grows up healthy and active.

So, monthly puppies should not be offered cow's milk, cereals on it, pasta and potatoes. Moreover, regardless of age, the list of prohibited products includes:

  • raw river fish;
  • raw chicken and bone;
  • sausage and sausages;
  • various pickles;
  • fried foods;
  • sweet and rich products.

So that the dog does not experience health problems, do not give the animal these products.


For the convenience of breeders, ready-made, fully balanced feeds are now on sale for free. When developing them, the needs of the animal are taken into account. You can choose an option for a puppy, an adult large individual or a weakened pet.

If the puppy does not eat dry food, what to do depends on the conditions of its maintenance. The considered causes and methods for their elimination usually act on the animal. In any case, if you have problems with nutrition, you can consult a veterinarian.

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