A miracle happened - the long-awaited first-born appeared in your family. He brought many wonderful unforgettable moments, gave joy and happiness. But time passed, and you had the thought of a second child. Many do not attach serious importance to their second pregnancy, believing that they have already seen everything and everyone knows. This is wrong, because there are important features of the second pregnancy and childbirth, which should consider future mothers.
Why you can’t give birth one by one
Pregnancy is hard work. The body has been working in an enhanced mode for nine months, losing vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and iron, giving them to the fetus, and during childbirth gets intense stress. Of course, after all this, he must recover. Otherwise, bearing a second child will be difficult. Even if a woman does not feel this, her fragile body is not able to create ideal conditions for the unborn baby, as a result of which the fetus often has hypoxia (pathology due to lack of oxygen) or hypotrophy (insufficient weight).
Incomplete restoration of the uterus is fraught with miscarriages, as there are problems with the strength of attachment of the placenta to its walls. Inadequate vascular repair leads to varicose veins. Therefore, the optimal period between pregnancies is at least 2 years. It is believed that at this time the body “remembers” everything, and therefore after a couple of years the second birth is much easier. Reviews of many mothers confirm this point of view. After 5 years, the body gradually “forgets” what happened to it. Yes, and a woman gets older, and pregnancy after 35 in itself is fraught with many dangers.
Causes of complications
There is hardly a single rule regarding whether the second birth will be heavier or lighter than the first. For each woman it is individual. Some really do it like clockwork. Others have a lot of problems, even with the right period between pregnancies.
If the first birth passed without complications, the expectant mother eats well, leads a measured lifestyle and is absolutely healthy, most likely, her second pregnancy will bring only joy. If, after the first-born, the woman had an abortion or she had a miscarriage, most likely the second pregnancy will be difficult.
The features of the second pregnancy and childbirth, in addition, consist in the fact that a woman has little free time that she can devote only to herself, because her first child requires her worries. In some cases, this is lack of sleep, feelings, increased physical exertion. Close people are obliged to provide the expectant mother with a good rest, walks in the fresh air, a relaxed home environment. If a woman after the first birth has suffered a number of serious illnesses, abortions or miscarriages, she should consult a doctor before deciding on a second pregnancy, undergo examination and, if necessary, the necessary course of therapy.
Cesarean section
Women who have passed the first birth in an operable way, may have a Caesarean section for the second time. This is not a sentence. Now doctors insist on repeated births only naturally, and caesarean is used only for special medical conditions. However, women who failed to give birth for the first time on their own must take into account all the features of the second pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, the recovery time of the body increases to 5 years. Failure to comply with the established dates between pregnancies is deadly, since a suture on the uterus can spread. Having decided to give birth to a second child, a woman is required to undergo hysterography, hysteroscopy, ultrasound. There are times when doctors question the possibility of bearing a second child.
What is her second pregnancy?
It is impossible to accurately predict this process. Some women are more likely to suffer from toxicosis, while others practically do not experience it. In some, the uterus is constantly in good shape, and the expectant mother needs special conditions for bearing the baby. Others live as usual, without any pathologies. However, there are common features of the second pregnancy and childbirth observed in most women. These include:
- The psychological factor in the experience. The second time a woman already knows what needs to be done and what is not necessary, because she tries not to make mistakes.
- The condition of the abdominal muscles. As a rule, they are more extended, which means that pregnancy is noticeable at an earlier date. Doctors recommend wearing a special bandage, although it is not superfluous during the first pregnancy.
- Stirring of the fetus. It is believed that with repeated pregnancy this occurs 2-4 weeks earlier. However, doctors assure that the fetus always begins to move at the right time, just re-pregnant more accurately determines the movements of its future crumbs.
The first and second birth, what are the differences
And the first, second, and tenth births are unforgettable. Each time they go differently.
But there are features of the second and subsequent births that are observed in most women. It:
- Duration The second time, childbirth really goes faster, since the birth canal is already prepared, the pelvic muscles are stretched, which provides accelerated advancement of the fetus to the exit, and the cervix opens faster. If the first birth went quickly, the second can turn out to be swift, therefore, at the first signs of contractions, the woman should immediately proceed to the hospital.
- Soreness . In the second case, as a rule, the stretched muscles contract more painfully. Unpleasant sensations intensify during breastfeeding. In some women, the pain is so severe that medical pain relief is required.
- Breaks . It is believed that in the place of gaps and sutures remaining after the first birth, damage should occur during the second process. However, this is optional. A second-time delivery is most often performed correctly by a doctor’s team, and childbirth ends without injury.
Rhesus factor
In a future mother with a negative Rhesus factor (with a positive one in dad and in a conceived baby), a second pregnancy can end in a Rhesus conflict, that is, blood incompatibility. This leads to the death of the fetus or to the appearance of a hemolytic disease in him . To prevent this from happening, after the first birth, the mother needs to administer the anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin serum on time .
If everything is done correctly, the second birth does not bring anything bad. Feedback from those who have passed through this confirms the possibility of having a healthy second child. In order to avoid problems, a woman with a negative Rhesus infection (especially blood group I with a blood group of husband II or III) should be regularly tested for the presence of antibodies, and in case of deviations, undergo a course of treatment.