What should be done if the computer starts to work slowly? First you need to find out the reason why he began to "slow down", and only then try to eliminate it. Most importantly, do not forget what configuration your computer. If he is from the last century, then for him slow work is a normal mode.
If the computer is slow, but it is quite productive and has not been seen before, then something has happened, and you need to find out what exactly. First, install the Everest program on your computer (the program was first called AIDA, then Everest, and now new versions are again released under the AIDA logo). This utility provides complete information about your computer. What details are installed, what programs, which drivers, and more. But we need other information.
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, . , , 30-40 . - Full HD , 40-50 . , . 50-60 .
50 , . , . , , , . , . . .
, . , , , , . , , , . . – ( - , ).
, , . Everest ( ctrl+alt+delete). . , .
, . , , . , .
“Windows”+R. “Windows” Alt Ctrl. msconfig . «» .
After you have successfully disconnected all unnecessary, restart the computer. Now everything should work much faster. But if the computer is slowly working again, then try reinstalling your Windows, because it has the ability to freeze and crash. That is why periodically operating systems have to be reinstalled.