Is construction in kindergarten necessary?

"Construction", translated from Latin means construction, i.e. different objects or their elements and parts are brought into a specific relationship.

The concept of "construction in kindergarten" refers to various buildings of a variety of materials, i.e. making crafts from wood, paper, natural materials, cardboard, etc. In nature, it is similar to a game or a pictorial activity, since in a game form it reflects the surrounding reality. Not infrequently, children's crafts serve for a certain practical use, i.e. are performed for a specific purpose: for decoration, for playing, as a gift to parents, etc.

Therefore, designing in kindergarten is the labor activity of children, aimed at obtaining a specific real product.

At the same time, construction in a kindergarten occupies a significant place, since it is carried out with children of all ages and has very broad opportunities for labor, moral, mental, aesthetic education, being a form of activity difficult for children.

What are the types of construction in kindergarten.

It can be technical and graphic, while each of them is endowed with its own characteristics and requires a certain approach.

Whatever types of construction are used in kindergarten, they should be of the nature of the game throughout the process of work of children and have their own characteristics.

Moreover, construction in kindergarten is made of various materials: from building materials; from cardboard, paper, boxes, etc .; from natural material. Designing from building play materials is the easiest and most affordable form for preschoolers. Each lesson develops its own design methodology in kindergarten, depending on the age category of children, their skills.

There are many different sets for different ages of children for all age groups of kindergarten. It can be table sets, sets for games in the yard or on the floor. Among them, there are thematic sets used as an independent type of material for construction.

Along with building kits, various designers are used.

A more complex form in kindergarten is the construction of cardboard, paper or boxes, and the children in the middle group are introduced to it for the first time.

Before you make a craft, you need to prepare a pattern, prepare and fix the details on it, make cuts and only then assemble and glue it. Here you need the skills of measuring and using scissors.

Natural material is used for games of children of the second younger group. To start such activities, snow, sand and water are suitable. From raw sand you can build a house, road, slide; using molds and sandboxes - bake pies, etc. older children can prepare colored ice floes by freezing colored water; make snowmen, slides, animals, etc. out of the snow.

In the middle group, children make crafts from natural material.

A certain design technique is selected in kindergarten, which allows to achieve the desired results.

During such games, children acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, develop the sensory and mental abilities of children, as well as mental activity.

Constructive activity gives practical knowledge of the properties of various bodies and their relationships in space, enriching speech with new concepts and teaching them to use them correctly: long - short, large - small, low - high, narrow - wide, and also to the right - to the left, above - under, back - front, down - up, closer, etc.

At the same time, independence, industriousness, initiative, organization, perseverance necessary to achieve the goal are formed.

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