Pugs are original dogs that have an unusual appearance and character. In childhood, they are very playful and restless, but after only a few years the animal turns into a calm household. Such dogs are used to being the center of attention; they are strongly attached to their owners. Unfortunately, the structure of the skull in this breed is such that it can lead to the fact that the pug's eye drops out. In this case, the owner is simply obliged to immediately help his pet.
Is it true that pugs drop their eyes?
In fact, this problem is common enough and not only for pugs. The special structure of the skull is observed among the Pekingese, Japanese chins, and Shih Tzu. All these breeds, especially pugs, also have problems with the respiratory system. Each owner of these dogs knows that they snore and grunt very often.
As for the eyes, by and large they are protected only for centuries, the skull practically does not hold them. Therefore, even a slight blow to the head can lead to the fact that the pug will lose his eye. Also, the owners themselves can provoke this problem when they carelessly take the dog by the skin on the shoulder blades. Moreover, such pets should generally be treated very carefully, otherwise the eye problem can become regular, which affects the overall health of the animal extremely badly.
Note! The older the pug, the greater the chance of eye loss, while there are often cases of loss of two eyeballs at once. This is all due to the fact that over time, the elasticity of tissues is significantly reduced.
How to determine?
Actually, you don’t need to be an expert: in this case, you can immediately see that trouble happened with the pet. But there is no need to panic and immediately try to take various chaotic actions. If this happened for the first time, you need to pack up and provide first aid to the dog.
What to do if a pug has an eye out?
Each owner of this breed of dog should get the most common saline solution: it will come in handy over time. It is also recommended that there is gauze at home. It must be folded several times and well impregnated with saline, then put on the eye. Gently bandage it with a bandage and immediately go to the veterinarian; the faster you do this, the less consequences there will be for a pet.
Of course, the necessary funds are not always at home. In this case, it is recommended to take a little clean water and slightly salt it. Then you need a clean handkerchief that needs to be soaked in this water. And then carry out the same procedure as in the case described above. And yet, if the pug's eye fell out (in the photo you can see how the dog will feel after a successful procedure to return the eyeball to its place), it is better to immediately take him to the veterinarian.
The specialist will put the eye in place, bandage and so the dog should walk until it is fully restored. In total, 3-7 days should pass. If this happens to the animal regularly, then it may be decided to sew up the eyelid, then again you will have to return to the veterinarian to remove the stitches.
For a speedy recovery of your pet, you should once a day treat your eyes with saline or hydrocortisone ointment, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. With this care, the pug recovery process will be much faster.
If there is no veterinarian nearby
Of course, it is not always possible to seek help from a veterinarian. Therefore, if this situation repeats quite often, it is recommended that you learn how to conduct first aid on your own. To do this, first of all, you should wash your hands thoroughly and dry them. Now you can gently push the eyeball so that it snaps into place.
Note! The eye back becomes quite easy, so you should not make much effort. The main problem is to push in the right place. From the second or third time this procedure will already be much easier. Experienced dog breeders cope with this problem within minutes.
When the eyeball fell into place, the eyelid should be closed at the pug, then apply a sterile bandage. However, after this procedure, you should still consult a doctor as soon as possible. If the correct and timely treatment is not carried out, then perhaps the eye will have to be removed.
Preventative methods
As already mentioned, the eyes are one of the weakest places of this breed of dogs. Therefore, they need to be regularly looked after. To do this, you will need the same saline solution, which should be applied to a cotton pad and wipe the eyes of the animal with it. This procedure is recommended to be done every evening. It is necessary to process not only the eye, but the entire circumference.
Also, it will not be superfluous to go to a veterinary pharmacy and purchase special drops for eye inflammation. The choice of such tools is quite large, so you should use them strictly according to the instructions.
Veterinarians recommend bringing the animal to the clinic every 6 months to monitor its condition. If necessary, specialists will prescribe various preventive drugs.