How to make the VKontakte application yourself: a free constructor

Looking at the popularity of applications on the VKontakte social network, many also want to repeat their success and begin to look for ways to realize their desires. But what can be seen at a glance is just the tip of the iceberg. And in this article you can get acquainted with everything that is hidden from you, but, nevertheless, is important for further successful activities. So, how to make the VKontakte application yourself? What does that require? And what are the options?

VK applications

how to make VK application yourself

First of all, what is the goal? The application on VKontakte is software, the development of which requires knowledge of at least 4 programming languages. You also need to understand the API that is provided by the social network itself. The final result should be (for a successful existence) presented not only by the program itself, but also by the database, as well as files and scripts that will exchange information between them.

Possible types

VKontakte application for android

Before starting, it will not be out of place to know that VK offers two types of applications. More detailed information can be found in the accompanying documentation, and only brief reviews will be posted in the article:

  1. Flash-. , .swf. Adobe Flash, , . ActionScript 3.0.
  2. Iframe-. , . , . JavaScript.


vkontakte application for computer

Perhaps your desire to engage in such activities has already fallen slightly after a brief introduction to what needs to be done? And do you rely on designers who will turn software development into a fun walk? But, alas, not everything is so easy. The fact is that programs that perform such a wide functionality cannot be created using such constructors. The maximum that they are capable of is the creation of stand-alone applications that will have the simplest functionality. But how then to make your own application? There are four main options:

  1. Using the constructor.
  2. In the home.
  3. Create and lead a development team.
  4. Order paid creation.

We use the constructor

, – "" "". -. , "" "", PlayMarket, . , . , , :

1. BuildFire.

2. Appmakr.

3. Mobile Roadie.

4. AppsBuilder.

5. Viziapps.

6. iBuildApp.


8. Biznessapps.

9. Appsmakerstore.

10. TheAppBuilder.

11. AppsGeyser.

Any of the above services positions itself as a free constructor, but for a full-blown operation, in most cases, a paid subscription will be very useful.

Create your own program

application for downloading vkontakte

How to make the VKontakte application yourself, relying only on yourself or a team of like-minded people? Consider the second and third option. It should be understood that the creation of applications for VKontakte is not an easy task, which will require certain skills and knowledge. Also on hand will be the desire to constantly learn and the desire to improve, both personally and as a developer. Therefore, the VKontakte application for the computer will not be an easy walk. You need to be prepared that on your way you will have to face a number of difficulties.

, "" . , . "". , . .

, ? . . , :

  1. ActionScript. , .
  2. 3D. , , 1- .
  3. PHP. , .
  4. MySQL. , .
  5. HTML. .
  6. Java. , .
  7. JavaScript. , .
  8. JSON. , ActionScript .

, 4-5 + . . "" , .

free constructor

The success and speed of advancement will directly depend on the number of hours per day that you will spend on studying. If the application will be given days and nights, then this will be a matter of one month. As an introduction, a video is suitable, where everything will be described in general terms. Then you will need to read a couple of books that will explain the nuances of programming - and you can begin to practice. Feel free to use the search on the world wide web: most of what you want to implement has already been done before, why reinvent the wheel if you can just copy it? And why invent from scratch how to make the VKontakte application yourself if you already have some level of experience?

Source documents

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application where you can do

And the simplest, albeit costly, option is to order development from a team of specialists. Depending on the complexity of the functional, it will be necessary to wait weeks or even months and lay out a large amount, but everything will be done more or less, moreover, relatively quickly. Since it’s not a fact that you can spend all day on the computer, developing the desired program, this is the simplest and at the same time difficult to implement answer to the question β€œHow to make the VKontakte application yourself so that it is of high quality?”.

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