Mosaic for kids, or All about children's toys

It's no secret that children's games are an important development process for your baby. They need to be given due attention. But what can interest a child at any age for a long time, and even in the final result "save" the labors? Of course, a mosaic for kids.

mosaic for kids

Than good

But why are mosaics so good? The fact is that this is the category of games that helps the development of mental and logical thinking at any age. Many doctors say that if your child knows how to handle details in early childhood, then in adulthood this will turn out to be a huge plus for him - his abilities and mindset will distinguish him from other people. For the better, of course.

Mosaic for kids can also help parents determine whether their child will be right-handed or left-handed (many people know that the development of a particular hemisphere of the brain depends on this). Usually children who are able to collect puzzles upside down are natural left-handed people.

In memory of...

Each parent wants every child’s work, in particular, graphic, to remain unharmed for many years. Games for kids "Mosaic" will help preserve the creations of your little one.

mosaic for kids bustard

The puzzles collected by the kid can and even need to be glued to the Whatman paper and cardboard - you will get a great picture that can easily decorate the walls of your home. Or you can just keep them in memory. Especially when your child is already quite old and able to assemble complex puzzles. In truth, mosaics are a favorite hobby of many adults. Children will just be interested to play familiar or unfamiliar vivid pictures. But mosaic for kids is of several types. Let's see which ones.

The smallest

Now in modern children's toy stores you can find something suitable for any age and even gender (now there is a tendency to divide all products into “for boys” and “for girls”). Quercetti mosaic for kids has become quite popular. But what kind of toy is this?

mosaic quercetti for babies

Probably everyone imagines designers. Usually they are available to children from 3 years. Quercetti gave the opportunity to design and create wonderful pictures at the same time for even younger artists and designers, creating a whole line of developing children's mosaics for children from 1 year old. They are large color pictures of various subjects, which consist of colored circles and a special plate placed on top. Mug parts are inserted into it, which allow the child to repeat the image that is presented on the cardboard. Usually the details are quite large, which does not allow you to "taste them". In the process, children's imagination and fine motor skills of hands develop.

Young inventors

Another type of developmental puzzle is a mosaic for kids "Bustard". Unlike the previous one, this game is designed for older children. As a rule, from two years. There are no large round parts, plates, or other unusual things in the Drofa company products. But they are as close as possible to the real "adult" mosaic.

Children's developmental puzzles of “Bustard” are already a more familiar whole puzzle: they consist of several large parts that illustrate a particular picture. But the main advantage over other goods is, of course, an original approach to the development of logic in a child. Mosaic for kids "Bustard", in addition to details, contains additional features. So, in every detail there is a special hole in which the baby will have to insert the necessary object, recognizing it by its mark: a bear cub, a number, an airplane, a car, and so on. Original and interesting. Such a game will appeal to every kid, because there are a lot of topics. Here are the princesses, and the port, and the forest, and the plant, and much more.

Classics of the genre

Of course, do not forget about the usual puzzles for all children from 3 years old. This is the most common and affordable toy that helps develop a child’s logic and motor skills. In addition, thanks to such a picture, the guys will learn to apply imagination in practice.

There are just a lot of options for classic jigsaw puzzles for children - here is the theme, the number of details, and even the ability to create voluminous and flat pictures. Such toys can be easily stored as a picture on the wall. If you or your kid do not like the proposed topics, you can choose the picture you want yourself and make a puzzle to order. This is a great gift for a child.

games for kids mosaic


So, today we met with children's mosaics for kids and found out what they are. In truth, each variety has its pros and cons. Which product to choose is the individual decision of each parent. Nevertheless, if you want to please your baby, try to get different types of puzzles, and then look at which your preschooler will like more. It is advisable that you also assemble the mosaics with the child. This, like nothing else, will help him develop. Good luck!

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